Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Well this certainly disproves the theory that limiting a country to only fighter jets (ie refusing medium/heavy bomber sale requests) so they won't cause widespread destruction...doesn't work.
B-17s would definitely accomplish this for much cheaper and faster.

Artillery would too... but for some reason Israel wants to prolong this. This seems more punitive than strategic. They want to prolong the suffering.

They didn't want a quick victory.
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B-17s would definitely accomplish this for much cheaper and faster.

Artillery would too... but for some reason Israel wants to prolong this. This seems more punitive than strategic. They want to prolong the suffering.

They didn't want a quick victory.

Until israel is satisfied with the amount of people they killed.
What is your point? Are you enjoying the genocide that Israel is committing? You take great pride in seeing people suffer at the hands of a colonizer?

They didn’t want a quick victory yet they have achieved no objective but a genocide of civilians.

What’s happening in Gaza is not just a matter of having sympathy for the suffering of other people. It’s the suffering of our people, our relatives.”

A mural of Batgirl and the bat signal painted as the Palestinian flag over al-Aqsa Mosque

Graffitti related to Palestine has cropped up across Amman.

Jaclynn Ashly
In November, Abu Obeida, the spokesperson of the Qassem Brigades, specifically addressed the Jordanian people in a speech.

“We call on our brothers in Jordan, in particular, to escalate all forms of popular and mass resistance,” he said. “You, our people in Jordan, are the nightmare of the occupation that fears your movement and strives tirelessly to neutralize and isolate you from your cause.”

Abu Obeida’s speech imbued the protests with new ferocity, with thousands taking to the streets and chanting: “All the people of Jordan are with you! Abu Obeida, we answer your call! We’re coming for you, our enemy, we’re coming!”

Jordan’s late King Hussein signed the Wadi Araba peace treaty with Israel in 1994, following the Palestine Liberation Organization’s official recognition of Israel in 1993.

According to Anis Kassim, an international lawyer based in Amman, the Wadi Araba agreement – which ostensibly settled land and water disputes, created cooperation in tourism and trade, and obligated both countries to prevent military strikes on the other from their territories – was a “very bad treaty and disadvantageous to the Jordanians.”

“The agreement did not establish the basis for a friendly relationship between equal countries,” Kassim says. But King Hussein “did not have much of a choice but to sign it.”

King Hussein had supported Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, pitting him against the US, his once longtime ally.

When Saddam was defeated and Iraqi forces retreated back to Iraq, “the King wanted to go back to his original [political] track and tried to reconcile with the United States,” Kassim told The Electronic Intifada. “But the Americans were very tough and angry at the king.”

Signing the Wadi Araba treaty was an avenue for King Hussein to appease the Americans, according to Kassim, and restore their diplomatic relationship.

No trust in Israel​

Jordan has recently gone on to forge a gas deal with Israel and was close to signing a water-for-energy deal, in which Jordan would be expected to supply solar energy to Israel from a United Arab Emirates-funded plant and receive desalinated water from Israel in return. In response to Israel’s latest aggression in Gaza, however, the Jordanian government announced in November it would not go ahead with the deal.

“The people of Jordan do not trust the Israelis’ intentions towards Jordan,” said Labor’s Rula AlFarra Alhroob. “Especially after we have seen how they have dealt with the people in Gaza, preventing water, food and energy from entering. They can do exactly the same to Jordan at any time when we make a decision of which they don’t approve. They will use this water and energy as economic weapons against the safety of the Jordanian people.”

The Wadi Araba agreement, along with consequent deals between Israel and Jordan – all of which were signed with American support – is “America’s way of shoving Israel down our throats,” said Kassim. Jordan is a key recipient of American financial aid, including $425 million in military assistance annually.

Jordanian authorities, meanwhile, have strongly condemned Israel’s war on Gaza.

Jordan has airdropped medical supplies onto its field hospitals in the besieged enclave. Israel bombed the vicinity of one, injuring several people, including Jordanian medics.

At the same time, however, the Jordanian government has allowed the US to station additional military forces on its soil as part of a military buildup ordered by President Joe Biden to defend Israel in case the conflict escalates.

According to Kassim, this is a direct result of a defense agreement signed between Jordan and the United States by royal decree – and only made public in 2021 – that allows free entry of US forces, aircraft and vehicles onto the kingdom’s territory.

A placard with Abu Obeida's face at a demonstration

Abu Obeida has become a hugely popular figure with Jordan’s youth.

Jaclynn Ashly
“The people of Jordan feel like the government’s policies do not represent them and the government doesn’t listen to the people’s voice,” Labor’s Alhroob told The Electronic Intifada. “They do not act upon the people’s wishes; rather they act upon America’s wishes.”

It is not surprising then that, along with canceling all agreements with Israel, the protesters are demanding the abrogation of the defense agreement with the United States and a prohibition on American forces establishing military bases on Jordanian soil.

They are also calling for the reactivation of a “popular army,” which would entail providing civilians with opportunities to be trained in using weapons in coordination with the Jordanian armed forces. To enable this, protesters are also demanding that the country’s anti-terrorism law be modified to legalize armed resistance.

Echoing the sentiments of the protesters, Alhroob said it is time for Jordan to change its political trajectory by breaking ties with Israel and becoming economically self-reliant, while strengthening its economic partnerships with other Arab countries.

“We can depend on ourselves, our economy and our own wealth to build a healthier economy,” Alhroob said. “But the Americans and Israelis do not want us to have economic independence because that means we will have political independence and they won’t be able to control our decisions.”

The Electronic Intifada reached out to the Jordanian foreign ministry for comment, but no one responded.

“My only representative”​

The anguish felt by Jordanian people is palpable on the streets of Amman. Greetings are offered through yawns as many stay up through the night, glued to their phones or televisions.

When Abu Obeida releases his weekly speeches, which consist of military updates and the progress made by the Qassem Brigades against the Israeli army’s ground invasion, the city goes silent, with everyone circling around phones to listen.

Despite the heartache, there is also a feeling of hope.

“Hamas and the Palestinian resistance has given the young generation the hope that Israel is not unconquerable,” Alhroob said. “For many years, Arab media have spread the belief that Israel cannot be defeated – it is too powerful.”

“But now we see people who have been besieged for 17 years with minimal food and water and energy and they were able to achieve a historic military victory with minimum equipment.”

This, she continued, “flies in the face of what has been implanted in people’s minds, which is you have to accept the fact that Israel exists and it took the Palestinians’ lands. Right now, that thinking has changed completely.”

Abu Obeida, whose real identity is unknown, has become an icon for what some observe is a new awakening across the Arab world following 7 October. Abu Obeida’s image – his face always hidden behind a red and white checkered kuffiyeh (scarf) – is plastered on protest placards around the world.

During demonstrations in Jordan, protesters will sometimes hold up the index fingers of their right hands, shaking them while chanting – mimicking a hand gesture used by Abu Obeida during his speeches which symbolizes him pointing towards God. Placards exhibiting Abu Obeida’s image are also commonly supplemented with the Quranic verse: “the victory of God is near.”

“Abu Obeida is my only representative,” said Ibrahim, a 27-year-old protester who asked that his last name not be published.

“I’m someone who believes in actions and not words. I’m very sick of people who talk and then do nothing. Abu Obeida always tells us what [Hamas] has already done; not what they are planning to do in a few days. I really admire this about him, because I don’t see this quality in many other people or leaders, especially in Jordan.”

Protesters also express admiration for the determination of the Qassam Brigade fighters, the majority of whom are young men raised as orphans after losing their families in previous episodes of Israeli violence.

“Hamas is facing the strongest and richest countries in the world, which have access to the most advanced military technology and equipment,” Ibrahim told The Electronic Intifada. “Yet the [Palestinian fighters] are not afraid. They still have faith and exhibit strength because they know they are fighting on the side of truth.”

“To be faced with death and the most destructive weapons known to mankind, and then still be able to stand confidently in the face of your enemy without a hint of fear… That is a really big thing for us.”

Jaclynn Ashly is a freelance journalist.

Once again, why do you think I care about what a racist colonizer state thinks? The colonizers own human rights says Israel is an apartheid, NOT ME. Instead of speaking for human rights and being against apartheid all you do is try to make excuses. You think a racist apartheid state is going to admit it? No, but your human rights organization did so that’s enough.

You ask for sources, I give you sources. You deny the sources (even from your own human rights organizations) and then make excuses for Israeli government. It is clear what your agenda is.

Because you are the one who claim so but you have no power and need UN help, but unfortunately UN disagree with your claims.

None of your source is crebile and neutral enough, though I dont deny the Palestinian hostage in Israel.

At least you should have dropped a tear to reflect your emotion... but you got thick skin... gulped it right up...

You have the audacity to demand proof while your squatters have tied up and usurped a state for themselves...

How telling then it is that it is South Africa, the state and people who faced apartheid... lived in bantustans. Can reflect and recognize and call the colonizer for what it is...

Too bad anton... too bad!

Work harder as ICJ / UN never agree with apartheid accusation on Israel, because nobody can refute Israel right to limit foreigner to access their border.

Naziness has got to your head. Do wake up in the morning and polish your Swastika? The world has seen you for what you are , sick Nazis hiding behind the cloak of judaism. How you can justify butchery of children is beyond humanity, may you be shown the same mercy you are showing the Palestinians.

You have no ground to accuse someone else as Nazi just because he/she have different opinion with you, especially as you support 7th Oct attack which considered by international community as terrorism attack.

Hamas isn't facing Hague... F!...
Zionist terrorists are...
About time as well.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) doesn't handle terrorism or quasi-government like Hamas.

ICJ primarily deals with legal disputes between states and provides advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by the United Nations General Assembly, the Security Council, or other specialized UN agencies and bodies. The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations and operates to settle legal disputes and provide legal advice on matters of international law.

Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by several countries, including the United States, the European Union, Canada, Israel, and others.
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Because you are the one who claim so but you have no power and need UN help, but unfortunately UN disagree with your claims.

None of your source is crebile and neutral enough, though I dont deny the Palestinian hostage in Israel.
my sources are not neutral or credible ? I gave you an Israeli source from your own human rights organization. It’s not my fault you choose to be blind or lie to defend a racist colonizer. Your lies have been exposed time and time again. All your lying and playing victim as you commit a genocide will not change that.
Israel is a democratic country, whoever can have different opinion there.

IMHO actually it is not wrong to say that what Israel is doing on Palestinian meet the apartheid critearia, however the context is different with South Africa in the past; the so called "apartheid" Israel is doing is on their non Citizen which still can be justifiable, while what SA did is on their own citizen which is not justifiable.

What B'Tselem conclude was based on general meaning of apartheid; what Israel refute is based on contextual matter.
Retard statement of the day.
Apartheid is apartheid - stop trying to sugar coat it or justify it.
At least you have accepted to some extent what Israel is doing…….
Retard statement of the day.
Apartheid is apartheid - stop trying to sugar coat it or justify it.
At least you have accepted to some extent what Israel is doing…….
He knows the truth, he is just in denial. Either that or he thinks apartheid is justifiable for them.
He knows the truth, he is just in denial. Either that or he thinks apartheid is justifiable for them.
Bro he’s trying to justify it.
He hasn’t read George Orwell - his mindset is he is part of a superior race - his philosophy is - “all animals are equal BUT some (the chosen ones) are MOR equal than others.
Retard statement of the day.
Apartheid is apartheid - stop trying to sugar coat it or justify it.
At least you have accepted to some extent what Israel is doing…….

That means every country is doing apartheid, because they dont treat foreign citizen equally with their citizen, including passing border.

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