Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

my sources are not neutral or credible ? I gave you an Israeli source from your own human rights organization. It’s not my fault you choose to be blind or lie to defend a racist colonizer. Your lies have been exposed time and time again. All your lying and playing victim as you commit a genocide will not change that.

It is 3 different case. Like I said I dont deny many palestinian hostage kept by Israel for various reasons.

But there is no verdict on Israel for being apartheid.
Bro he’s trying to justify it.
He hasn’t read George Orwell - his mindset is he is part of a superior race - his philosophy is - “all animals are equal BUT some (the chosen ones) are MOR equal than others.
Yes, that’s what I’m saying. Either he is in denial or he thinks that it’s justifiable for them because they are “chosen” superior beings. Either way, he is drowning in his own nonsense. These fascists always expose themselves and now they have been exposed in front of the world.
It is 3 different case. Like I said I dont deny many palestinian hostage kept by Israel for various reasons.

But there is no verdict on Israel for being apartheid.
No verdict? Many organizations including amnesty and your own Israeli human rights organizations Btselem have said the same thing. Why do I keep having to repeat myself? And why do you choose to not admit the truth? People like you are the reason there is no peace. All you do is blame Hamas but never can see why groups like Hamas have needed to exist. It is your oppression that is to blame for the past 75 years.
No verdict? Many organizations including amnesty and your own Israeli human rights organizations Btselem have said the same thing. Why do I keep having to repeat myself? And why do you choose to not admit the truth? People like you are the reason there is no peace. All you do is blame Hamas but never can see why groups like Hamas have needed to exist. It is your oppression that is to blame for the past 75 years.

As explained to you many times, the so called "apartheid" can't be considered crime because it is a sovereign state right to treat foreign citizen differently with their own citizen including passing their border.

Besides such verdict must be issued by ICJ, not any NGO especially the one questioned for the credibility and neutrality.
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As explained to you many times, the so called "apartheid" can't be considered crime because it is a sovereign state right to treat foreign citizen differently with their own citizen including passing their border.

Besides such verdict must be issued by ICJ, not any NGO especially the one questioned for the credibility and neutrality.
So Btselem an Israeli human rights organization is not credible because you say so? There is no sense in continuing this conversation because every source including from your own people is “not credible “.
As explained to you many times, the so called "apartheid" can't be considered crime because it is a sovereign state right to treat foreign citizen differently with their own citizen including passing their border.

Besides such verdict must be issued by ICJ, not any NGO especially the one questioned for the credibility and neutrality.

What are you even talking about? Apartheid has nothing to do with foreigners.

Apartheid refers to the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. Apartheid is a crime against humanity punishable under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Israel discriminates againt its black jewish citizens by sterilizing the women.
Israel does not build schools or hospitals for its own arab citizens.
Israel prevents its own citizens from buying houses in certain places due to race and religion.

The accusation of apartheid has nothing to do with foreigners.
Israel discriminates againt its black jewish citizens by sterilizing the women.
Israel does not build schools or hospitals for its own arab citizens.
Israel prevents its own citizens from buying houses in certain places due to race and religion

I understand your concerns about the treatment of certain groups within Israel. However, the statements you shared require careful examination and nuanced exploration due to their sensitive nature and the potential for misinformation. Here's how we can approach this:

1. Fact-checking and verification:
  • Discrimination and sterilization: Allegations of forced sterilization against any group are serious and require substantial evidence. There have been documented cases of historical ethnic discrimination in Israel, including towards Ethiopian Jews, but claims of widespread forced sterilization lack definitive proof and are contested by various sources.
  • Access to education and healthcare: While disparities in resource allocation and development between Jewish and Arab communities in Israel exist, claiming a complete absence of schools and hospitals for Arab citizens is inaccurate. Numerous Arab-majority towns have educational and healthcare facilities. However, addressing concerns about equitable access and resource distribution remains crucial.
  • Housing restrictions: There are instances of policies and practices within Israel that limit housing options for certain groups based on factors like ethnicity and religion. These practices raise concerns about discrimination and have been criticized by human rights organizations. However, focusing solely on individual cases without acknowledging the multifaceted context can lead to misleading interpretations.
2. Recognizing complexities and diverse perspectives:
  • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and internal societal dynamics within Israel are complex and involve diverse perspectives. Simplifying the situation with broad generalizations can be harmful and inaccurate.
  • Understanding the historical context, legal frameworks, and social realities is crucial for forming informed opinions about these sensitive issues.
3. Seeking reliable sources and respectful dialogue:
  • Instead of relying on singular statements, explore reports and analyses from reputable human rights organizations, scholarly publications, and official government data to gain a wider and more nuanced understanding of the situation.
  • Engage in respectful dialogue with individuals holding different viewpoints, focusing on mutual understanding and learning from each other's perspectives.
By following these approaches, we can avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and misinformation while fostering informed discussions about issues related to social justice and equality in Israel. Remember, critical thinking and open-mindedness are crucial when navigating sensitive topics like these.

The different treatment that Israel is doing and recognized is for foreign citizen, like Palestinian who demand free access and equal treatment with Israel citizen, and they use this demand to justify their fight for Freedom/Liberty.
So Btselem an Israeli human rights organization is not credible because you say so? There is no sense in continuing this conversation because every source including from your own people is “not credible “.

No, I said they use general context for apartheid terminology, which actually can't be categorized as crime.
No, I said they use general context for apartheid terminology, which actually can't be categorized as crime.
These are some cute chatGPT responses. It is 100% fact Israel sterilized black jews. Israel also kidnapped Yemeni jewish children because the white jews wanted them to act less arab. Is IDF paying you well to post propaganda for them?
These are some cute chatGPT responses. It is 100% fact Israel sterilized black jews. Israel also kidnapped Yemeni jewish children because the white jews wanted them to act less arab. Is IDF paying you well to post propaganda for them?

You will need solid evidence to support that; can't be just based on hearsay/ accusation/ belief/suspicion/ allegation / sort of.

So far your accusation is simply an allegation rather than 100% fact as per your claim.

Also it has nothing to do with Palestine.

Birth control​

According to a TV program in 2012, female Ethiopian immigrants may have been given the Depo-Provera birth control drug without full explanation of its effects,[81] although the Israeli health ministry has instructed all health maintenance organizations not to use the treatment unless patients understand the ramifications. Ethiopian Jewish women awaiting aliyah were given birth control while in transit camps. The drug has existed for around thirty years and about forty percent of women use this method of birth control in Ethiopia.[82]

The practice was first reported in 2010 by Isha le'Isha (Hebrew: Woman to Woman)
The practice was first reported in 2010 by Isha le'Isha (Hebrew: Woman to Woman), an Israeli women's rights organization. Hedva Eyal, the report's author, stated: "We believe it is a method of reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor."[83] Haaretz criticized international coverage of the issue, alleging that many Ethiopian women's procreational rights had been violated through poor medical practice on immigrant communities, but dismissed ideas of state-sponsored sterilization as false as the effects of Depo-Provera last only for three months.[84]

According to Haaretz, the government investigation in 2016 found no evidence that forced birth control injections for Ethiopian-Israelis took place.[85] In a subsequently published independent study, the rapid decline in fertility rate was shown to be "the product of urbanization, improved educational opportunities, a later age of marriage and commencement of childbirth and an earlier age of cessation of childbearing."[86]
I understand your concerns about the treatment of certain groups within Israel. However, the statements you shared require careful examination and nuanced exploration due to their sensitive nature and the potential for misinformation. Here's how we can approach this:

1. Fact-checking and verification:
  • Discrimination and sterilization: Allegations of forced sterilization against any group are serious and require substantial evidence. There have been documented cases of historical ethnic discrimination in Israel, including towards Ethiopian Jews, but claims of widespread forced sterilization lack definitive proof and are contested by various sources.
  • Access to education and healthcare: While disparities in resource allocation and development between Jewish and Arab communities in Israel exist, claiming a complete absence of schools and hospitals for Arab citizens is inaccurate. Numerous Arab-majority towns have educational and healthcare facilities. However, addressing concerns about equitable access and resource distribution remains crucial.
  • Housing restrictions: There are instances of policies and practices within Israel that limit housing options for certain groups based on factors like ethnicity and religion. These practices raise concerns about discrimination and have been criticized by human rights organizations. However, focusing solely on individual cases without acknowledging the multifaceted context can lead to misleading interpretations.
2. Recognizing complexities and diverse perspectives:
  • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and internal societal dynamics within Israel are complex and involve diverse perspectives. Simplifying the situation with broad generalizations can be harmful and inaccurate.
  • Understanding the historical context, legal frameworks, and social realities is crucial for forming informed opinions about these sensitive issues.
3. Seeking reliable sources and respectful dialogue:
  • Instead of relying on singular statements, explore reports and analyses from reputable human rights organizations, scholarly publications, and official government data to gain a wider and more nuanced understanding of the situation.
  • Engage in respectful dialogue with individuals holding different viewpoints, focusing on mutual understanding and learning from each other's perspectives.
By following these approaches, we can avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and misinformation while fostering informed discussions about issues related to social justice and equality in Israel. Remember, critical thinking and open-mindedness are crucial when navigating sensitive topics like these.

The different treatment that Israel is doing and recognized is for foreign citizen, like Palestinian who demand free access and equal treatment with Israel citizen, and they use this demand to justify their fight for Freedom/Liberty.
You’re starting to do your normal trek - come back to topic ………

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