Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We don't need history lessons or Hasbara in this thread. Kindly stay on topic.
Thank you.

For three months I have come here looking for news most Americans are not being told and reposting to another forum visited by tens of thousands of Americans. It's the one positive thing I can do; change minds one at a time.

Lately, not much news here to repost.

Gentlemen, please stay focused. Public perception plays a big part in modern warfare. This forum is at it's best when everyone is busy countering the latest Zionist lie.
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As explained to you many times, the so called "apartheid" can't be considered crime because it is a sovereign state right to treat foreign citizen differently with their own citizen including passing their border.

Then you have never known about the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights and many notable and noble aspirations and organizations enshrined in the UN to make the world a better place.
Following your 'logic', it is perfectly okay to have slavery. It is perfectly okay to abuse minors within the walls of a house.
I agree for Lybia.
In Irak don't forget we refused to go for Bush'son 2nd war. The first one was justified.
Afganistan : we only killed islamists. They are all but not innocents.

Nothing wrong with being Islamic. I don't get your bloody crusader attitude.
Then you have never known about the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights and many notable and noble aspirations and organizations enshrined in the UN to make the world a better place.
Following your 'logic', it is perfectly okay to have slavery. It is perfectly okay to abuse minors within the walls of a house.

There is no evidence that Israel has done "apartheid" in the sense of apartheid of South Africa in the past. The apartheid accused on Israel is distorted version which mean treating foreign citizen unequally with her own citizen, and this doesn't violate Human Right and as I explained many times this has been done with all countries in the world.

Palestine claims often involve so many false rhetoric and distorted terminology.

But they are not a sovereign country, they are a occupier

All free people have a right to resist against occupation

Since they forcefully created Israel it's been nothing but a cancer, a tumor in the middle east

Israel can't exist in the middle east, it is THAT hated as a entity

The wellness of the entire region cannot be put at risk just because of the jews

This is according to you, not according to the world and fact.

You judge Israel is not a sovereign country because they are hated by arab and moslem countries already signify that your rejection on Israel is due to hatred and supremacism.

Everyone does, Israel is a extension of the western order and colonial mindset at the cost of people of color

Your a Christian, so even though Indonesia overwhelmingly supports Palestine,, you support a horrendous apartheid's one of the reasons why so many don't trust Christians in our lands because their loyalty is not with our people

We cant put the lives of hundreds of millions in the middle east at risk because of a few million cancerous jews

It has nothing to do with christianity. Just because most christian doesn't buy Palestine propaganda or Islamic ideology doesn't mean it is because christianity, in fact there are many non christian such as those from Atheism, Hinduism, Free thinker, budhism also acknowledge and support existence of Israel; what they don't support is waging war that will bring so many tolls on civilian and hurt humanity.


Aid is not the problem, millions pouring in from around the world. The problem is getting access and when the Zionists give access for the brief periods, they cause disruption and fear. One has to be inhumane to be a Zionist.
There is no evidence that Israel has done "apartheid" in the sense of apartheid of South Africa in the past. The apartheid accused on Israel is distorted version which mean treating foreign citizen unequally with her own citizen, and this doesn't violate Human Right and as I explained many times this has been done with all countries in the world.

Palestine claims often involve so many false rhetoric and distorted terminology.

This is according to you, not according to the world and fact.

You judge Israel is not a sovereign country because they are hated by arab and moslem countries already signify that your rejection on Israel is due to hatred and supremacism.

It has nothing to do with christianity. Just because most christian doesn't buy Palestine propaganda or Islamic ideology doesn't mean it is because christianity, in fact there are many non christian such as those from Atheism, Hinduism, Free thinker, budhism also acknowledge and support existence of Israel; what they don't support is waging war that will bring so many tolls on civilian and hurt humanity.

google the definition of apartheid then look in the mirror. An Israeli talking about stuff being made up is hilarious.
Israel has in the last 3 months taken 30,000 innocent lives - committed genocide -
Crimes - collective punishment. I suggest you stick to the topic and remember the world and history will judge Israel by the way they have treated those that they have stolen land from.
The operations carried out by the Al Qassam Brigades on Sunday, January 14, are as follows:

  • Targeted a Merkava tank with an ‘Al-Yassin 105’ shell and engaged in clashes with a special Israeli regime force using machine guns in the city of Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip.
  • Targeted concentrations of Israeli forces infiltrating the Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip with mortar shells.
  • Targeted a gathering of Israeli military vehicles as well as regime soldiers in the city of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza with mortar shells.
  • Bombed the Israeli-occupied city of Ashdod with M75 rockets.
  • Targeted an Israeli military infantry force with an anti-personnel shell, killing and wounding several of its members, south of Khan Yunis city.
There is no evidence that Israel has done "apartheid" in the sense of apartheid of South Africa in the past. The apartheid accused on Israel is distorted version which mean treating foreign citizen unequally with her own citizen, and this doesn't violate Human Right and as I explained many times this has been done with all countries in the world.

Nice deflection: You were implying that whatever Israel is doing is its internal matter, to which I gave you a rebuttal. Now you are saying Apartheid doesn't even exist. And top it off, you are here saying 'done with all countries in the world'. What's that supposed to mean?!!
You are obviously digging yourself deeper into the hole that you are so desperately trying to get out of.
There is no evidence that Israel has done "apartheid" in the sense of apartheid of South Africa in the past. The apartheid accused on Israel is distorted version which mean treating foreign citizen unequally with her own citizen, and this doesn't violate Human Right and as I explained many times this has been done with all countries in the world.

Palestine claims often involve so many false rhetoric and distorted terminology.

This is according to you, not according to the world and fact.

You judge Israel is not a sovereign country because they are hated by arab and moslem countries already signify that your rejection on Israel is due to hatred and supremacism.

It has nothing to do with christianity. Just because most christian doesn't buy Palestine propaganda or Islamic ideology doesn't mean it is because christianity, in fact there are many non christian such as those from Atheism, Hinduism, Free thinker, budhism also acknowledge and support existence of Israel; what they don't support is waging war that will bring so many tolls on civilian and hurt humanity.


Another great video featuring the great Alastaire Crooke.
A few notable points: Hillary, as Sec. of State under Obama, tried to make Netanyahu to stop expanding the Settlements within 24 hours or big consequences for the Israel-USA relations but Netanyahu used VP Biden--the lifelong self-proclaimed Zionist--to make Obama put 'Hillary under the bus'.
Another point: Iran has so much destructive power, focused against Israel, then in case of the chain of command destroyed, the leadership/Tehran destroyed, there are instructions to launch massive missiles on Israel to destroy Israel.

PS. I believe this war can be ended very quickly if two warmongering leaders are removed from power asap: Netanyahu and Biden!! What a curse to humanity to have them as leaders!!!

Oh, the video now:


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