Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

LOL. We dont need SA to teach, coz It is very obvious that apartheid done by SA in the past is inequality treatment toward their citizen, not the same inequality treatment Israel done between Israel citizen and Palestine citizen. Even blind man know the difference.

What SA is doing is merely politics because Israel government had good cooperation with old regime that the new regime supplanting. So it is kind of revenge by the new regime of SA towards Israel.

So you, who has never known apartheid in Indonesia know better then South Africans who lived through apartheid and multiple international organizations like amnesty who declare Israel as a apartheid state?

So you, who has never known apartheid in Indonesia know better then South Africans who lived through apartheid and multiple international organizations like amnesty who declare Israel as a apartheid state?

Inequality treatment that Palestinian receive from Israel government is not apartheid as SA did in the past, because Palestine citizen is not Israel citizen.
Have to disagree here, Israel has just as much right to exist as does Palestine. It's how Israel chooses to co-exist with its neighbors, particularly the oppressed people of Palestine - that is the more valid question.

Israel can exist, just not in the middle east

It's been a horrendous state, right from its inception and is becoming worse and worse
Inequality treatment that Palestinian receive from Israel government is not apartheid as SA did in the past, because Palestine citizen is not Israel citizen.

Israel is the occupational power,, that's why the Palestinians are so determined to rid themselves and the region of this evil state and people

Your just dealing with semantics and doing mental gymnastics, by saying Israel can treat Palestinians so badly because they are not citizens when Israel is OCCUPYING them and their land and a foreign Jew can turn up and automatically have more rights then Palestinians who have been on the land for generations
Israel has been a literal cancer for the middle east, a absolute tumor of a people and country

If you deep dive into the subject, you realize in order to keep this monstrous state afloat the U.S, west has trampled on the rights, dreams and futures of the entire middle east
Supporting the most horrendous dictators to suppress the state and people, initiating wars that killed millions to take out threats to Israel.

Israel is a evil that the Germans understood better then anyone

Even today you can see the lackeys in the GCC who have become intertwined with the west to such a extent that they would stand by and watch the massacre of their own

Israel needs to be expelled from the middle east, until that state is gone the middle east will never be at peace

Could not have said it better.

The ME was destroyed partly to secure the Zionist entity.

It never had any right to exist in Palestine in the first place, needs to be dismantled as soon as possible and war crime trials for thousands of Zionist criminals held starting off with Netanyahu, Gantz and Yoav Gallant.
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Israel is the occupational power,, that's why the Palestinians are so determined to rid themselves and the region of this evil state and people

Your just dealing with semantics and doing mental gymnastics, by saying Israel can treat Palestinians so badly because they are not citizens when Israel is OCCUPYING them and their land and a foreign Jew can turn up and automatically have more rights then Palestinians who have been on the land for generations

Thats why you can't be treated equally with Israel citizen... because you want to destroy Israel government.
Inequality treatment that Palestinian receive from Israel government is not apartheid as SA did in the past, because Palestine citizen is not Israel citizen.

I would rather take the words of Israelis acknowledging Israeli apartheid and genocide than some false flagging "Indonesian".

LOL. We dont need SA to teach, coz It is very obvious that apartheid done by SA in the past is inequality treatment toward their citizen, not the same inequality treatment Israel done between Israel citizen and Palestine citizen. Even blind man know the difference.
So those who lived and suffered apartheid are wrong... what a hindu must do to please his master?

What SA is doing is merely politics because Israel government had good cooperation with old regime that the new regime supplanting. So it is kind of revenge by the new regime of SA towards Israel.
Again, sour South Africans vengeful so many years after the end of apartheid in their state ... who apparently forgave their own tormentors but kept the fire burning against zionists... apparent friends of the former regime?
Who else do the South Africans hold that grudge against...
Rest of humanity apparently longs to call this a former zionist apartheid entity!
I would rather take the words of Israelis acknowledging Israeli apartheid and genocide than some false flagging "Indonesian".

LOL. You just take a random super minority of Israelis.

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