Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

All Praise belongs to Allah and his Messenger

the combined forces of the Western hemisphere couldn't defeat Orphans who make weapons in their basement

Israel laid out two objectives at the start of the war

finish Hamas and second was find and recuse the hostages

100 days and they have achieved ZERO

this is only possible due to the divine intervention of Allah Swt

one person was quoted as saying that they didnt fire and the tanks were just blowing up

and kids seen Angels flying down and taking the souls

I dont know if its true or or but at The Battle of Badr some people said they didnt move the swords and the non-believers heads were flying off and they heard a noise of a very loud whip non-believers were just getting killed

after BADR the Sahaba came to the Prophet and told them the story and Allahs Messenger say you are correct that was help from the 7th Heaven

when the Great Sahaba Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas was on his death bed and his eye sight was failing he said to his son if you take me to the site of BADR I can point out the location between the two mountains where Jibraeel AS came down on his horse marching through the dust he was accompanied by 1,000 Angels from the 7th Heaven

Muslims dont win by Numbers they won by the permission of Allah Swt

313 at BADR defeated the non-muslims and islam spread out to us

I pray that these Palestinian warriors of God are resurrected along with the Sahaba of BADR AMEEN

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