Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

As of now, the following targets have been reported hit by missiles:
- American base at Erbil Airport.
- U.S. Consulate in Erbil.
- Local headquarters of the Kurdish Security Service.
- Private residence of a local businessman associated with Mossad.
There is high ambulance activity in Erbil. The extent of casualties is unclear, but it is evident that there will be casualties with such attacks.


No US facilities impacted by Erbil missile strikes, two US officials tell Reuters.


Iran’s Revolutionary Guards say attack on Erbil destroyed ‘Mossad headquarters’​

Fars News Agency, quoted by Reuters, says that Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards have claimed responsibility for the attack in northern Iraq’s Erbil, which it says destroyed with ballistic missiles “the espionage headquarters of Israel’s Mossad in Iraq’s Kurdistan”.
Erbil Airport stopped air traffic after the explosions were heard above the city, three Iraqi security sources told Reuters.
We’ll have more on this breaking news story as soon as we get it.
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Sending nuclear-powered submarine to the Red Sea to fight the Ansarullah in Yemen? Does that mean naval ships on the surface and the aerial attacks on the Ansarullah are unable to deter them? Or does it mean surface naval ships are at risk? Something is odd here when America sends nuclear-powered submarines to the Red Sea. 👇


I don't think a nuclear powered submarine is going to make enough difference. Multiple Western analysts are saying that the only possible way to stop the Houthis will be to put ground troops in Yemen--hundreds of thousands of men. That scenario is almost impossible even in case of a major False Flag attack because the resources are not present AND Western population has been much more informed since the lies about the 2003 Iraq war.

Analysts are saying that all the warships targeting the Houthis will be running out of the missiles quickly and would have to go to some military base to replenish. An impossible scenario to sustain a war against an entrenched, battle hardened force in Yemen.

After the debacle in Ukraine, the Israelis are working hard to demolish whatever NATO credibility left. What a leech, manipulative nation!!
Yes, it long due and its heating up. Because Egyptian taking the dead bodies and injured Palestinian very seriously. And they will armed Hamas in coming days, Gaza will be active warzone and start creeping inside safe zone in Israel. Egypt is very much concern, because Gaza is buffer zone and they want to keep as is and plus no Palestinians migration will be accepted by Egyptians. Have doubt Egyptian and Iran up to something.......
Yes, it long due and its heating up. Because Egyptian taking the dead bodies and injured Palestinian very seriously. And they will armed Hamas in coming days, Gaza will be active warzone and start creeping inside safe zone in Israel. Egypt is very much concern, because Gaza is buffer zone and they want to keep as is and plus no Palestinians migration will be accepted by Egyptians. Have doubt Egyptian and Iran up to something.......

The so-called Philadelphia Corridor is the major bone of contention between Egypt and Israel. Israelis know that, unless they totally control access from Egypt into Gaza, the Gazans will manage to get supplies and so Israelis want to control PC and all border regions. But that would be a little too insulting to Egypt despite some American help to rescue Egypt's economy recently.

Missing US SEALs were chasing Iranian weapons – media​

Pentagon officials have reportedly revealed that the two sailors were trying to intercept a shipment to Yemen’s Houthi rebels

The so-called Philadelphia Corridor is the major bone of contention between Egypt and Israel. Israelis know that, unless they totally control access from Egypt into Gaza, the Gazans will manage to get supplies and so Israelis want to control PC and all border regions. But that would be a little too insulting to Egypt despite some American help to rescue Egypt's economy recently.
Egyptian ruling junta and public right now on same page on this issue. Because this war prolong beyond Israeli calculation and regional arab population getting heat up of watching daily Israeli atrocities on satellite tv channels. Plus KHamas is constantly resisting . On top west support pass the deadline for Gaza operation and its slowly spreading and EU talks failed. Seems no country in ME willing to talk to any EU state, because social media in those countries has totally changed the ground reality. Arab youth and country taking Gaza massacre as humiliation of Arabs.
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A stain on humanity’s collective conscience:

This article is well worth a read. The human stories of endurance and suffering and make do, how one father does his best to reassure his children in uncertainty and despair. The queuing for the toilet and struggling for the basic of necessities, a return to a “primitive life”.

Among all this a Palestinian boy tells his father “Baba this isn’t camping”.

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