Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

There is no evidence that Israel has done "apartheid" in the sense of apartheid of South Africa in the past.
You know and South Africa doesn't!

...I explained many times this has been done with all countries in the world.
Yes go on, describe those countries...

Palestine claims often involve so many false rhetoric and distorted terminology.
Palestine is the ONLY true term here the rest is just theft!

This is according to you, not according to the world and fact.
How big is that world of yours... you keeping harping to that imaginary "world"¿

You judge Israel is not a sovereign country because they are hated by arab and moslem countries already signify that your rejection on Israel is due to hatred and supremacism.
Israel is a usurper settler colonial settlement... created for an ethinc group... dreamt up in the collective west and implemented on Palestine!

It has nothing to do with christianity. Just because most christian doesn't buy Palestine propaganda
You know PLO included Palestinian christians?

or Islamic ideology doesn't mean it is because christianity, in fact there are many non christian such as those from Atheism, Hinduism, Free thinker, budhism also acknowledge and support existence of Israel; what they don't support is waging war that will bring so many tolls on civilian and hurt humanity.
Hurt humanity? Hmm...

You know what anton... I just had an epiphany...
Who over steers his master? A loyal slave...
You had me fooled for a bit... A Hindu! Afterall...

Get Lost with your perennial butt hurt!
Way too much fun for you engaging those who actually have real sentiment...
Read their 'Holy Books'. While there are elements in other Holy Books of the world, the Old Testament is the most vulgar, violent, genocidal 'Holy Book' in the world. Netanyahu even referred to the Alamek history.
With such 'peaceful' Holy Books, with racial sense of superiority, with the backing of the sole Superpower, and with the fear of fighting for their very existence, Israelis are capable of doing ANYTHING!!

I don't know the extent of corruption went into the Torah from what was actually revealed to them, from Islamic point of view. Nonetheless, we see evidence from the Quran that these were people who would question Allah's existence even after receiving sustenance directly from heaven. With that level of arrogance, no wonder they have such mentality.

When one rejects the notion of the Almighty and the consequences of their actions in the afterlife - there is effectively nothing stopping a human being from inhumane and animalistic.
Read their 'Holy Books'. While there are elements in other Holy Books of the world, the Old Testament is the most vulgar, violent, genocidal 'Holy Book' in the world. Netanyahu even referred to the Alamek history.
With such 'peaceful' Holy Books, with racial sense of superiority, with the backing of the sole Superpower, and with the fear of fighting for their very existence, Israelis are capable of doing ANYTHING!!
What is more ironic is the zionists over the years have amplified how bad Islamic terrorism is and been using the so-called sword verses to say how violent it is. Yet it is the zionists who implement from the river to the sea, its the zionists that back wars and conduct wars at such a large scale outfits like alqueda look like kids in a nursery. Their Holy Books they love quoting (only for political reasons as majority of them are not even religious and are atheists or agnostic) are full of so much violence which even ask to kill suckling babies but let's not go there. Its islamic terrorism which is the problem ofcourse, not this superior race ideology which is beginning to sound more and more like another race superior ideology from Europe.
Israel has been a literal cancer for the middle east, a absolute tumor of a people and country

If you deep dive into the subject, you realize in order to keep this monstrous state afloat the U.S, west has trampled on the rights, dreams and futures of the entire middle east
Supporting the most horrendous dictators to suppress the state and people, initiating wars that killed millions to take out threats to Israel.

Israel is a evil that the Germans understood better then anyone

Even today you can see the lackeys in the GCC who have become intertwined with the west to such a extent that they would stand by and watch the massacre of their own

Israel needs to be expelled from the middle east, until that state is gone the middle east will never be at peace
there has been a massive ramming attack in Israel

I guess Israelis are too stupid to think that it has nothing to do with 24,000 children they have killed in Gaza
Nice deflection: You were implying that whatever Israel is doing is its internal matter, to which I gave you a rebuttal. Now you are saying Apartheid doesn't even exist. And top it off, you are here saying 'done with all countries in the world'. What's that supposed to mean?!!
You are obviously digging yourself deeper into the hole that you are so desperately trying to get out of.

No. I am saying that treating foreign citizens differently with own citizens is done by all nations. So the accusation from Palestine side that Israel is doing apartheid because she doesnt treat Palestinian equally with Israel citizen is ridiculous.

Yes. It is different kind of apartheid, not the same apartheid done by South Africa in the past.
No. I am saying that treating foreign citizens differently with own citizens is done by all nations. So the accusation from Palestine side that Israel is doing apartheid because she doesnt treat Palestinian equally with Israel citizen is ridiculous.

Israel is the occupational power, it has total control over the Palestinians, borders, air space and sea space, the Palestinians even have check points to move through their own land and areas

So whilst Israel has total control of everything, the Palestinians are subjugated

It's why multiple international agencies including amnesty declare Israel as a apartheid state
Yes. It is different kind of apartheid, not the same apartheid done by South Africa in the past.

South Africa themselves have declared Israel as a apartheid state and occupation, they should know better then anyone
South Africa themselves have declared Israel as a apartheid state and occupation, they should know better then anyone

It is new regime supplanting the past one who did true apartheid (inequality among their own citizen)

Israel is the occupational power, it has total control over the Palestinians, borders, air space and sea space, the Palestinians even have check points to move through their own land and areas

So whilst Israel has total control of everything, the Palestinians are subjugated

It's why multiple international agencies including amnesty declare Israel as a apartheid state

Because of the war with Israel that you are obsessed with.
It is new regime supplanting the past one who did true apartheid.

Because of the war with Israel that you are obsessed with.

They all lived through apartheid, the south Africans know exactly what apartheid is and how they were treated, that's why they know what a horrendous apartheid state Israel is

Everyone is obsessed with freedom and independence away from a occupier, Israel is a evil that has caused to much death and destruction and for the safety and well being of the entire region it needs to be removed from the middle east to Europe or the USA
They all lived through apartheid, the south Africans know exactly what apartheid is and how they were treated, that's why they know what a horrendous apartheid state Israel is

Everyone is obsessed with freedom and independence away from a occupier, Israel is a evil that has caused to much death and destruction and for the safety and well being of the entire region it needs to be removed from the middle east to Europe or the USA

LOL. We dont need SA to teach, coz It is very obvious that apartheid done by SA in the past is inequality treatment toward their citizen, not the same inequality treatment Israel done between Israel citizen and Palestine citizen. Even blind man know the difference.

What SA is doing is merely politics because Israel government had good cooperation with old regime that the new regime supplanting. So it is kind of revenge by the new regime of SA towards Israel.

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