Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel shifting focus on west bank .
Forces are being redeployed from gaza to west bank. Aljajeera report.
Seems like work is near completion in gaza for israeli forces and war is going in next phase where west bank will be sanitised from terrorist.
Lord have mercy on IDF soldiers.
Israel shifting focus on west bank .
Forces are being redeployed from gaza to west bank. Aljajeera report.
Seems like work is near completion in gaza for israeli forces and war is going in next phase where west bank will be sanitised from terrorist.
Lord have mercy on IDF soldiers.
What is completed?

Israel’s main objective was to “eradicate” Hamas.

Hamas is still fighting, shooting rockets, and posts daily videos of them targeting IDF troops and their tanks. They never even had the north under their control. Even parts they supposedly had control of Hamas was still active in destroying their vehicles.

The only thing that was achieved is killing civilians. I’ve seen countless videos of Hamas targeting Israeli troops. I rarely see any videos of Israel killing Hamas members. They even had to fake some crap like kidnapping civilians saying their hamas just to boost morale. Turns out it was just civilians, injured people from hospitals, kids etc they kidnapped. Shame
What is completed?

Israel’s main objective was to “eradicate” Hamas.

Hamas is still fighting, shooting rockets, and posts daily videos of them targeting IDF troops and their tanks. They never even had the north under their control. Even parts they supposedly had control of Hamas was still active in destroying their vehicles.

The only thing that was achieved is killing civilians. I’ve seen countless videos of Hamas targeting Israeli troops. I rarely see any videos of Israel killing Hamas members. They even had to fake some crap like kidnapping civilians saying their hamas just to boost morale. Turns out it was just civilians, injured people from hospitals, kids etc they kidnapped. Shame
My friend please post source of your videos so i can watch and confirm.
Or you can post the videos directly.
So you admit Israel wants a genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and that’s what they are doing?
when did I say otherwise?

I said it on the 7. of october in the old website. This is what Israel will do. Idiots were still cheering :D

I guess the silence of the nations in the region is deafening. Even supplyi
G the Israeli with oil. I guess self
Preservation beats any love for Palestine blood.

What you gonna do? Americans parked 3 aircraft carriers in the nearby waters. Like Clint eastwood in that film "go ahead make my day"

What the fck are you gonna do? Turkey is the strongest country in the region and we can't do shit, if Arabs want to try, they can be my guest :ROFLMAO:

Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians etc.
Go ahead guys
Sounds like they are achieving what they want.

What did I say in the old forum?
I see you fly the flags of Turkey

What is your opinion of your leader flying Palestinian flags and doing speeches to enhance the Palestinian cause - yet at the same time continue to allow the flow of oil into Israel?
Why show the love yet fuel those creating genocide and war crimes?
I see you fly the flags of Turkey

What is your opinion of your leader flying Palestinian flags and doing speeches to enhance the Palestinian cause - yet at the same time continue to allow the flow of oil into Israel?
Why show the love yet fuel those creating genocide and war crimes?

I said it a million times. If they wanted Turkish protection. They shouldn't have betrayed the Ottoman Empire.

After that, there's nothing we can do.

They wanted independence.
This is independence.

They trusted the British,
This is what it gets you.

Better luck cutting open Turkish soldiers' stomachs looking for gold next time you piece of sh.ts
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"A massacre of enemy soldiers in Al-Maghazi camp will cause the army leadership to lose its mind.

*Urgent| Al-Qassam Brigades: After our mujahideen returned from the clash areas in the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, they confirmed the destruction of 6 Zionist Merkva tanks and a troop carrier, in addition to carrying out a joint mission with the Al-Quds Brigades, during which they destroyed a Zionist bulldozer with an anti-armor device.

Our mujahideen also sniped 4 Zionist soldiers. They barricaded themselves inside a house and targeted a special force of 7 soldiers with a TBG shell and finished them off from a zero distance.

They detonated an anti-personnel device called “Radiya” with another group that had barricaded themselves inside a mosque and then finished them off.

They destroyed enemy concentrations in the areas of the incursion with a large number of heavy-caliber mortar shells.*"

الله اكبر ولله الحمد
*Urgent| Al-Qassam Brigades: After our mujahideen returned from the clash areas in the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, they confirmed the destruction of 6 Zionist Merkva tanks and a troop carrier, in addition to carrying out a joint mission with the Al-Quds Brigades, during which they destroyed a Zionist bulldozer with an anti-armor device.
Our mujahideen also sniped 4 Zionist soldiers. They barricaded themselves inside a house and targeted a special force of 7 soldiers with a TBG shell and finished them off from a zero distance.

A few minutes ago, Haaretz had a front page/top story about two soldiers dead and several injured, including 7 'seriously' injured, in Gaza in last 24-36 hours but that story has been removed.
IDF is still getting too many casualties in Gaza. This is not over in Gaza by a long shot. As long as they can fire even a few rockets into Israel, there is no peace and prosperity in much of Israel. It is a war of attrition.
Op-ed by an influential (and pro-Israel) American diplomat. If Israel was winning against the Gazans, this wouldn't be written!
Such Op-ed columns in NY Times, especially by Israel Firsters in America, are quite significant and often reflect the White House's non-public stance. But you'd notice even this guy is short of giving Palestinian a sovereign State of their own and I believe he is giving whatever 'concessions' to Palestinians because Israeli policies are damaging to America's own interests!

Back in 2001, in a visit to the illegal West Bank settlement of Ofra, an out-of-office Benjamin Netanyahu, apparently unaware he was being recorded, boasted to his hosts that “America is a thing you can move very easily — move it in the right direction.”

At the time, Mr. Netanyahu was talking about his experience with the Clinton White House; he had undermined Washington-led peace efforts during his first stint as Israel’s prime minister. But more than 20 years later, Mr. Netanyahu’s assessment feels uncomfortably familiar.
As a result, as the war has enteed its fourth month, the Biden administration has achieved almost none of its goals regarding Israeli policies and actions. More than 23,000 Palestinian civilians, including over 10,000 children, have been killed so far, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry, and the threat of mass starvation and disease looms. Israel’s government has rejected any horizon for peace, and, after an initial pause in fighting and a hostage/prisoner exchange, such talks seem now to be at an impasse. The only “success” the United States can claim is in its steadfast support for Israel. And yet the unconditional nature of that backing stands in the way of any prospect of achieving its other policy goals and finding a path out of this horror.

Rather than slowly amplifying expressions of disquiet, Team Biden should make a course correction — starting with exercising the very real diplomatic and military leverage at its disposal to move Israel in the direction of U.S. interests, rather than vice versa.

The first and most critical shift required is for the administration to embrace the need for a full cease-fire now. That demand cannot be one of rhetoric alone. The administration should condition the transfer of further military supplies on Israel ending the war and stopping the collective punishment of the Palestinian civilian population, and should create oversight mechanisms for the use of American weaponry that is already at Israel’s disposal. Ending Israel’s Gaza operation is also the surest way to avoid a regional war and the key to concluding negotiations for the release of hostages.

Washington can also leverage the deliberations underway at the International Court of Justice, where South Africa has accused Israel of being in violation of its obligations as a signatory to the 1948 international genocide convention. Israel is demonstrably nervous about the proceedings and understands that an International Court of Justice ruling has heft; indeed, South Africa may have already done more to change the course of events than three months of American hand-wringing. The Biden administration does not need to support the South African claims, but it can and should commit to being guided by any findings of the court.

Finally, the United States should desist from making endless ritual incantations about a future two-state outcome, which are all too easily brushed off by Mr. Netanyahu. It should take at face value his government’s categorical rejection of Palestinian statehood and its written coalition guidelines that assert “the Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel.” Washington should instead challenge Israel to set out a proposal for how all those living under its control will be guaranteed equality, enfranchisement and other civil rights.

There are long-term security implications, too. The callous Israeli military campaign and its profound impact on civilians will almost certainly provide recruitment material for armed resistance for years to come. Arab countries will find cooperation and normalizing relations with Israel more burdensome, and Israel’s opponents are gaining greater resonance: Hamas displaying resilience, the Houthis an impressive disruptive capacity and Hezbollah disciplined restraint.
I said it a million times. If they wanted Turkish protection. They shouldn't have betrayed the Ottoman Empire.

After that, there's nothing we can do.

They wanted independence.
This is independence.

They trusted the British,
This is what it gets you.

Better luck cutting open Turkish soldiers' stomachs looking for gold next time you piece of sh.ts
I see what you are doing, you are just here to cause infighting. Why are you masquerading as being Turkish? Reveal your true identity.

My great grandpa died fighting for the Ottoman Empire, he was sent to Yemen. So you are going to paint all Arabs with a broad brush? Far more Arabs fought with the Ottoman Empire than against.

Why did the Ottoman Empire fall? Traitors surely added to it. Ottomans have to blame themselves also.

1. Choosing the wrong side and making a secret pact with Germany.
2. Failure to modernize, it failed to modernize its industrial complex. It lacked the industrial might to produce heavy weapons weapons, iron, munitions, etc. It was still heavy reliant on farming while other countries for like over 100 years already had an Industrial Revolution.
3. Failure to educate the population, extremely low literacy rates. Huge failure on that part.

There were many failures of the Ottoman Empire. It severely lacked foresight and have no one to blame but their selves. Traitor Arabs did contribute too but not like the Ottoman Empire needed any more help to destroy itself.

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