Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

personally I dont think the Mujahideen should accept the offer of aid which has been "checked" by the Israelis

Tracking devices using small DNA makers can be used in liquid samples to locate where the Mujahideen are compromising their positions

Western nations have a history of using deception and deceiving their foes towards the end of conflicts when they are losing

Israeli are getting desperate and as a excuse want to send aid to the hostages the Palestinian are holding due to medical conditions of some of them

Israel has no regard for human life not even their own and this is just a excuse to get the upper hand

why would Israel want to "check and inspect" aid which is coming from international aid agencies

they have insisted the aid has to go through Israel and this raises a big red flag
Far more Arabs fought with the Ottoman Empire than against.

Nope, most arab tribes betrayed the empire, 16 vs 3 something like that. If it wasn't the case we wouldn't have lost those areas. We defeated the British at Kut Al Amara. We took General Townsend and his army prisoner.

It's the arabs betrayal that shaped the region and they have been reaping what they've sown ever since.

The ottomans betrayed the Muslims when their empire became a liberal westernised land of bid'ah. But this is history and off topic I suppose. Turkey can do something about it NOW but is flip flopping like a munafiq.

Ok, just don't come crying to us :ROFLMAO: let the TRUE MUSLIMS in Saudi Arabia help their brothers in Gaza.

Why are you complaining to munafiq Turkey? 😃

In some other thread, your post should be pinned!! Absolutely correct. And I so sick of Turks and Pakistanis and whoever who bring this so-called Betrayal of the Ottomans by 'the Arabs'! I don't take sides between the two--both regions are friendly to Pakistan and long time allies. But the BS about the betrayal of the Ottomans is sickening!!

It's the historic truth, go cry about it
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Nope, most arab tribes betrayed the empire, 16 vs 3 something like that

Ok, just don't come crying to us :ROFLMAO: let the TRUE MUSLIMS in Saudi Arabia help their brothers in Gaza.

Why are you complaining to munafiq Turkey? 😃

Who is complaining to Turkey, they are in the same munafiq basket as the Arabs. We wouldn't ask for Turkey's help if they were the last nation on earth lol

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