Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Who is complaining to Turkey, they are in the same munafiq basket as the Arabs. We wouldn't ask for Turkey's help if they were the last nation on earth lol
ok shut up then.

Go help gaza yourself if you care so much
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Nope, most arab tribes betrayed the empire, 16 vs 3 something like that. If it wasn't the case we wouldn't have lost those areas. We defeated the British at Kut Al Amara. We took General Townsend and his army prisoner.

It's the arabs betrayal that shaped the region and they have been reaping what they've sown ever since.

Ok, just don't come crying to us :ROFLMAO: let the TRUE MUSLIMS in Saudi Arabia help their brothers in Gaza.

Why are you complaining to munafiq Turkey? 😃

It's the historic truth, go cry about it

Why are you in denial?

The fact is that the Ottoman Empire was a paper tiger. 30 percent of the Ottoman army were Arabs. Do you deny this? Young Turk coup of 1908, you abandoned pan Islamic policies and became Turkish nationalist. Ottoman Empire was on life support from Mismanagement and failure to modernize with the world. You can blame Arabs all you want because some of the blame lies on them. You cannot say all Arabs when 1/3 of your army was Arab.

Why did Ottoman Empire fail to industrialize the country?

Why did the Ottoman Empire choose to make a pact with a losing country?

Why did the Ottoman Empire fail its people by failing to invest in education? Less than 10% of the people were literate.

Once again, my great grandfather fought for the Ottomans in Yemen. What have your grandfathers done? Where are your Turks now? They talk big game like they are leaders of the Islamic world yet are as corrupt as the Saudi government you like to trash. You both fit together real nicely.

Your inept leaders even banned the hijab till 2014. How long did Turkey wage war on Islam?
Why are you in denial?

The fact is that the Ottoman Empire was a paper tiger. 30 percent of the Ottoman army were Arabs. Do you deny this? Young Turk coup of 1908, you abandoned pan Islamic policies and became Turkish nationalist. Ottoman Empire was on life support from Mismanagement and failure to modernize with the world. You can blame Arabs all you want because some of the blame lies on them. You cannot say all Arabs when 1/3 of your army was Arab.

Why did Ottoman Empire fail to industrialize the country?

Why did the Ottoman Empire choose to make a pact with a losing country?

Why did the Ottoman Empire fail its people by failing to invest in education? Less than 10% of the people were literate.

Once again, my great grandfather fought for the Ottomans in Yemen. What have your grandfathers done? Where are your Turks now? They talk big game like they are leaders of the Islamic world yet are as corrupt as the Saudi government you like to trash. You both fit together real nicely.

Your inept leaders even banned the hijab till 2014. How long did Turkey wage war on Islam?

Can you tell us in which period of the Ottoman Empire and in which military unit 30% were Arabs? And, I would appreciate it if you could share with us the source you rely on when you say that 10% of the population in the Ottoman Empire was literate. You keep talking about your grandfather. My grandfather was also on duty in the Ottoman army on the Yemen front. He was beheaded by an Arab guide while he was sleeping, and the purpose of the Arab guide was to steal my grandfather's gold, which he took with him as life insurance. If you are assertive and serious enough to contact me; I can share the evidence of this incident with you. I never like the Young Turks or other so-called nationalists. Another issue; The Ottomans made the right move by agreeing with Germany. We can discuss this in detail. You definitely lack knowledge about the industry as well. Both education and literacy in the Ottoman Empire were much better than countries like Yemen (which did not exist at that time). There is no person in the world who does not know the Ottoman Empire. But before recent events, who knew Yemen and other Middle Eastern countries?
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I read Hamas and Israel had agreed a deal (via Qatar, as usual) to deliver more aid to north Gaza, any truth to that?
Don't believe so. Israel is supposed to allow aid into that area irregardless. It's currently choosing to engage in genocide by weaponizing starvation and preventing crucial medical aid from getting into Gaza.

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