Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Can you tell us in which period of the Ottoman Empire and in which military unit 30% were Arabs? And I would appreciate it if you could share with us the source you rely on when you say that 10% of the population in the Ottoman Empire was literate. You keep talking about your grandfather. My grandfather was also on duty in the Ottoman army on the Yemen front. He was beheaded by an Arab guide while he was sleeping, and the purpose of the Arab guide was to steal my grandfather's gold, which he took with him as life insurance. If you are assertive and serious enough to contact me; I can share the evidence of this incident with you. I never like the Young Turks or other so-called nationalists. Another issue; The Ottomans made the right move by agreeing with Germany. We can discuss this in detail. You definitely lack knowledge about the industry as well. Both education and literacy in the Ottoman Empire were much better than countries like Yemen (which did not exist at that time). There is no person in the world who does not know the Ottoman Empire. But before recent events, who knew Yemen and other Middle Eastern countries?
Some 30 percent or more of the wartime Ottoman military of 3 million was been made up of Arab conscripts. Arab units served with distinction on all fronts, including Gallipoli and Russia. 30 percent or more,fronts, including Gallipoli and Russia.

What are you talking about?

Why was aligning with Germany the right move? You literally put yourself in a losing war which led to your collapse.

Why do you constantly spew that all Arabs were traitors? Some Arabs were traitors but many also fought with the ottomans including my great grandfather as I previously mentioned multiple times.

You grandfather was supposedly beheaded by an Arab guide in Yemen ?
What does that have to do with anything . I am Palestinian and my great grandfather fought in Yemen and he didn’t betray anyone.

You can blame Arabs as much as you want but your fellow Turks had as much of a role in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Except you ruled over the Arabs and failed to modernize with the world.

Your nationalist views and nepotism destroyed the Ottoman Empire.

Corruption and nepotism​

Because the sultans no longer could control the devşirme by setting it against the Turkish notables, the devşirme gained control of the sultans and used the government for its own benefit rather than for the benefit of a sultan or his empire. In consequence, corruption and nepotism took hold at all levels of administration. In addition, with the challenge of the notables gone, the devşirme class itself broke into countless factions and parties, each working for its own advantage by supporting the candidacy of a particular imperial prince and forming close alliances with corresponding palace factions led by the mothers, sisters, and wives of each prince.
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Some 30 percent or more of the wartime Ottoman military of 3 million was been made up of Arab conscripts. Arab units served with distinction on all fronts, including Gallipoli and Russia. 30 percent or more,fronts, including Gallipoli and Russia.

What are you talking about?

Why was aligning with Germany the right move? You literally put yourself in a losing war which led to your collapse.

Why do you constantly spew that all Arabs were traitors? Some Arabs were traitors but many also fought with the ottomans including my great grandfather as I previously mentioned multiple times.

You grandfather was supposedly beheaded by an Arab guide in Yemen ?
What does that have to do with anything . I am Palestinian and my great grandfather fought in Yemen and he didn’t betray anyone.

You can blame Arabs as much as you want but your fellow Turks had as much of a role in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Except you ruled over the Arabs and failed to modernize with the world.

Your nationalist views and nepotism destroyed the Ottoman Empire.

Corruption and nepotism​

Because the sultans no longer could control the devşirme by setting it against the Turkish notables, the devşirme gained control of the sultans and used the government for its own benefit rather than for the benefit of a sultan or his empire. In consequence, corruption and nepotism took hold at all levels of administration. In addition, with the challenge of the notables gone, the devşirme class itself broke into countless factions and parties, each working for its own advantage by supporting the candidacy of a particular imperial prince and forming close alliances with corresponding palace factions led by the mothers, sisters, and wives of each prince.
Dude, are you okay?

The fronts you mentioned were in the last days of the Ottoman Empire. The prime version of the Ottoman Empire is the period of the first 10 sultans. And the Ottomans did not rule the Arabs until the reign of Yavuz Selim. The Ottoman Empire achieved almost all its military and diplomatic achievements and technological inventions during the period of these first 10 sultans. And without Arabs. So, to give an example, when the Ottomans destroyed Byzantium, there were no Arabs in their army. I exclude exceptions. In fact, the initial form of the Ottoman army was formed by the gathering of Turkmens who gathered around a "Bey" and adopted the concept of jihad. And when ı say, you lack knowledge about the industry; I did not say "The Ottoman Empire was a successfully industrialized country." The Ottoman Empire made many attempts to industrialize, but could not realize this wish due to many visible and invisible reasons. Today, due to these visible and invisible reasons, Middle Eastern countries; They fight for the interests of others, not their own. In a way, I even include my own country, Turkey, in this. I guess we agree on this. I would never make a ridiculous, sentence saying Arabs are traitors. I never installed it. The Turks did and are doing the same things that some Arabs did, sometimes even worse. You mentioned your grandfather a few times and I used mine as an example to broaden your perspective. The end of his message is just as ridiculous. The nonsense you tell; I'm sure you learned this from the TV series called Neo Ottoman, which actually criticizes the Ottoman Empire. What does nepotism and corruption have to do with our topic? Were these crimes only in the Ottoman Empire? To what extent is it related to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire? And coming to the subject of Germany again; I will ask you two questions?
Didn't the great European powers want to disintegrate and swallow the Ottoman Empire and Germany even if they did not agree? Which power did the Ottomans have to cooperate with in this situation? They had no other choice. One last thing; I recommend you to research the issue of devsirme and even the Ottoman Empire in detail. If possible; Read authors such as İlber Ortaylı and Halil İnalcık.
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Dude, are you okay?

The fronts you mentioned were in the last days of the Ottoman Empire. The prime version of the Ottoman Empire is the period of the first 10 sultans. And the Ottomans did not rule the Arabs until the reign of Yavuz Selim. The Ottoman Empire achieved almost all its military and diplomatic achievements and technological inventions during the period of these first 10 sultans. And without Arabs. So, to give an example, when the Ottomans destroyed Byzantium, there were no Arabs in their army. I exclude exceptions. In fact, the initial form of the Ottoman army was formed by the gathering of Turkmens who gathered around a "Bey" and adopted the concept of jihad. And when you say you lack knowledge about the industry; I did not say "The Ottoman Empire was a successfully industrialized country." The Ottoman Empire made many attempts to industrialize, but could not realize this wish due to many visible and invisible reasons. Today, due to these visible and invisible reasons, Middle Eastern countries; They fight for the interests of others, not their own. In a way, I even include my own country, Turkey, in this. I guess we agree on this. I would never make a ridiculous, sentence saying Arabs are traitors. I never installed it. The Turks did and are doing the same things that some Arabs did, sometimes even worse. You mentioned your grandfather a few times and I used mine as an example to broaden your perspective. The end of his message is just as ridiculous. The nonsense you tell; I'm sure you learned this from the TV series called Neo Ottoman, which actually criticizes the Ottoman Empire. What does nepotism and corruption have to do with our topic? Were these crimes only in the Ottoman Empire? To what extent is it related to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire? And coming to the subject of Germany again; I will ask you two questions?
Didn't the great European powers want to disintegrate and swallow the Ottoman Empire and Germany even if they did not agree? Which power did the Ottomans have to cooperate with in this situation? They had no other choice. One last thing; I recommend you to research the issue of devsirme and even the Ottoman Empire in detail. If possible; Read authors such as İlber Ortaylı and Halil İnalcık.
I am not here to argue about the Ottoman Empire. I was merely replying to someone talking smack taking joy in the deaths of Palestinians because we “betrayed the ottomans”. I am not and was never against the Ottoman Empire. I was just merely pointing out that Ottoman empires had many issues that led to its collapse. Blaming Arabs for the collapse is not just correct. You would be ignoring many other reasons that finally broke the camels back.

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