Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

So I have something of a philosophical question here. Quite a few members of this forum are American, British, etc. of Pakistani origin. They're proud of their adoptive countries, think they're the bees-knees, "America #1!"

Power to them. Who am I to judge? But then they'll come in this thread and condemn Israel for the monstrous crimes it's committing in Gaza. Don't they know that their countries support Israel? Not just verbal or diplomatic support, they're emptying out their arsenals to send weapons and other military aid to Israel.

How do these members feel about their tax money funding Israel's atrocities?

What is behind the allegations against Israel? | DW News​

The European Union's foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell has accused Israel of financing the creation of the Palestinian militant group Hamas. He alleged that Israel supported the militant group to weaken the more moderate Palestinian Authority.
In the past, Israel's prime minister has denied similar allegations of supporting the militant group responsible for the terror attacks in Israel on October 7.
Borrell made these allegations during a speech at a university in Spain without elaborating.


What is behind the allegations against Israel? | DW News​

The European Union's foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell has accused Israel of financing the creation of the Palestinian militant group Hamas. He alleged that Israel supported the militant group to weaken the more moderate Palestinian Authority.
In the past, Israel's prime minister has denied similar allegations of supporting the militant group responsible for the terror attacks in Israel on October 7.
Borrell made these allegations during a speech at a university in Spain without elaborating.

Oh so now they dig this out 😂
As long as the Zionists exist there will be continuous wars and all the bodies will be adding up in Phases. Also, this wont guarantee the future survival of the Palestinians and on a broader perspective the triumph of the true ideology of the middle east and the Arabic population.

By true ideology of the middle east I am referring to of course to the ideology that has been established by the one true leader of the middle east and the Arabic and eastern population, The Prophet (PBUH). There can be no other dogma that can be followed or that can dictate the lives of the people of the region other than that which was established by the Prophet (PBUH).

The alternative route, the route I believe we must take, is to carry on ceaseless fighting, endless armed resistance against the Zionist and the American, Pan European hegemony. It requires us to make sure that Hamas and Hezbollah are able to carry on their resistance not just in order the defend the aggression against them but rather to turn the tables and be the aggressors. To accomplish this, Iran must be on passive war footing. They have to solidify the ideology of Islamic resistance in Iran itself and continue to strengthen so much as so the coming generations all willfully dedicate themselves in mind and spirit to the Islamic cause.

Externally, Iran must ensure that more ideologically motivated resistance forces are mobilized, which would be well armed and share equivalent military capability such as the Hezbollah. The ranks of Hezbollah and these additional resistance forces forces must be swelled up in different theatres across the Israelis border, tightening the noose around these Zionists. There has to be efforts to arm these forces with short range Ballistic missiles, state of the art drones and most importantly Air Defense systems. In fact, its of utmost importance that state of the art air defense equipment are manufactured immediately for the exclusive use of Hezbollah.

We can not stop if the Israelis decide to stop the war. Our objective cant simply be satisfied by the cessation of hostility against us but rather the conquest of the entirety of the occupied land. Hence we must increase the pressure, the volume of attacks and form additional corps and attack non stop and ceaselessly but for this to be attained rationally, Iran has to possess nukes.

They already are capable of making a number of bombs with current enrichment levels according to credible reports. They must soon announce nuclear capability and test a bomb. The redline would be that, if at anytime during our conventional armed reclamation of the holy land, Israel decide to use nuke, then we would retaliate with nuclear attacks On Britain, France and Germany as well as the United States. This will ensure that the conflict would remain within the bounds of conventional warfare.

This can be achieved, but i doubt the Iranian leadership are as bold and dedicated as some of us are. Testing of a nuclear bomb is vital in this regard. After which point, we will be pointing a gun to heads of those who control ISRAEL. And we would be able to mobilize the additional men, train and arm them to the highest capacity and they will encircle the Zionists from all side and attack in order to conquer the whole of it. This can be done. With strong will, this can be done.

This task will be made more convenient with the RUTHLESS and unrelenting implementation and nurturing of the Islamic revolutionary principles at home in Iran, to such an extent that the population itself demand and cry out for war and conquests. So that they are raised from their adolescence with one objective and life goal, the conquest and triumph of the Islamic revolution over all other ideology, dogma and principle all across the region.
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Either from numbers of tolls, intentions to kill, way of doing war..... what Israel is doing is still not in comparison with Nazi, even by far.

I still don't know what parameter you use to put Israel at the same level with NAZI?
Sorry to have different point of view with you.
That's what every Nazi says, we aren't that bad; yes you are a complete Nazi when you can't see your own crimes.

News / IN-DEPTH / Palestine / Pakistan / Editor's Choice

Pakistanis hold rallies in several cities in solidarity with Gaza​

Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:14 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:14 AM ]

Thousands protest in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Islamabad, Pakistan, on October 29, 2023. (Photo by EPA)
In a powerful display of solidarity with Palestine, thousands of Pakistanis took to the streets in the old city of Karachi to protest against Israeli atrocities in Gaza.
The protest, dubbed 'The Million Man March for Gaza', saw demonstrators from various walks of life across Pakistan voicing their anger at the Israeli regime and demanding an end to the violence that has engulfed the region for months.
Our demands, first of all, ceasefire immediately; we demand the freedom of Palestine from the river to the sea.
And we demand Israel to be taken into accountability [sic] for all the crimes they have committed against the Palestinian nation.

Protestor 01
The March had a massive turnout, with protesters chanting slogans to condemn the Israeli massacre in Gaza.
Meanwhile, civil society activists and Palestinian students studying at Pakistani universities also held demonstrations in solidarity with the people of Gaza, praising South Africa for taking a bold step by filing a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.
I think we can all learn from South Africa; the way they have stood up for Palestine when no other country stood by them.
We are so proud of South Africa and I feel that our government can learn from them.
If we want to we can really make a difference.
We can join the petition.

Protestor 02
The protesters called on other nations to support South Africa's initiative and urged the International Court of Justice to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged atrocities committed by Israeli forces in Gaza.
South Africa, could not even think would come into and having this whole thing taken up by them.
It should have been Saudi Arabia, it should have been (the) UAE, it should have been Jordan, it would have been other Muslim countries, but the leaders are just watching. They're just watching, you know, and they're not doing anything.

Protestor 03
The demonstrations for Gaza highlight a widespread sentiment among Pakistanis against the unwavering support of the US, and its Western allies, for Israel's actions in the region.
These marches provide a platform for Pakistanis to vocally condemn Israeli forces for their atrocities against the Palestinian population.

Gaza war Ceasefire #Palestine Free Palestine Pro Palestinian protests Pakistan rallies Israeli genocide in Gaza
‘Stop the Genocide of Palestinians’ demonstration in Rome

‘Stop the Genocide of Palestinians’ demonstration in Rome​


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