Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Great if true. The world can't allow this Holocaust to go on. And Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan need to pay for doing nothing and even privately hoping this Holocaust and genocide gets rid of Hamas, despite it not targeting Hamas only but mostly the civilian population of Gaza. They don't care anybody not even their own Arab people. The people and the leaders are shameless.


These are Hamas’ conditions for releasing Israeli prisoners, as reported by Maariv newspaper, quoting War Council member Gideon Sa’ar:

First: Stopping the war.
Second: Withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip, including the security belt in the east and north.
Third: International guarantees that it will not be renewed.
Fourth: Liberating all Palestinian prisoners.
#غزة_100يوم #فلسطين
Those are moderate conditions and not solving any Gaza chronicle issue.
Enough time has been given. Countering Iran does not require you to side with this Jewish worship nonsense going on the region. These Jewish fanatical savage terrorists need to go or all be killed. They are destroying the whole region by summoning the US and NATO to their service and every country and people in the region now have a duty and obligation to be a part of the war against Jewish Nazi entity. There is no more excuses for anybody.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan have essentially chosen to be on the side of Israel and they will pay for it.

You can die in millions in civil wars and more but it's not okay to do a few skirmishes with Israel.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, everyone needs to go out openly and take a real action against Israel. I don't care if the Israeli government and the Jewish occupation of the USA government is putting out false reports about normalization. Go out openly and say you are done and won't normalize with Israel at all after this Holocaust and genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.

Jordan has to stop exporting produce to them. Egypt needs to go out and say it won't tolerate a reoccupation of Gaza or the continuation of the war on Gaza past February. Turkey must cut off oil exports to Israel if that's true.

Americans refuse to join the army and be sent to Israel. All our bases in the region have to leave. Until they stop protecting this terrorist facist state known as Israel.
Clowns. No. We don't need a 'process'. We need a timed implementation of a independent Palestinian state and a real roadmap for Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza. We know what 'process' means. It's telling Arafat surrender your weapons and recognize Israel to get your state. We saw how that went when he did that. No more talks of process , framework, negotiating table, anything. Get the **** out of the West Bank and Gaza.

Netanyahu said openly he'll prevent a Palestinian state and won't allow it. Biden tried to cover up by saying he supports different 'types' of two state solution. Whatever that means. They are buying time to murder and Holocaust Palestinians and Palestinian culture and it's the plan since the 40's.

This Jewish extremist terrorist entity needs to be obliterated and every Jewish terrorist facist in it. And the Jewish facists anywhere in the world that try to start world war 3 to advance and maintain Jewish supremacy in the region.

Every death of innocent Palestinians is documented - every house taken is documented - the collective punishment is too.
The ethnic cleansing taking place right now isn’t the same as the holocaust - it’s worse.
The world this time will know the figures and who to charge - figures won’t be estimated - they will be accurate.
The chosen ones will be brought to justice.

Bro I want their punishment to be both in the Duniya as well as Akirah.


This has gone on beyond all limits.

Of course, Allah knows best.

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