Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Biden administration says they don't want this conflict to spread. While they literally assist in speeding the conflict by bombing Yemen and Iraq, and most important funneling massive funds and weapons supplies to Israel to execute it's final solution in Gaza and the West Bank. Not only that, it's now busy arming Israel for a war on Lebanon in the coming weeks. While assuring the general public they don't want war to spread. The Jewish supremacist facist American terrorist community is going full force ahead with their final solution of Palestine scheme and taking us all into dangerous territory. If you want to avert a World War and a economic global depression, then start speaking up against these Jewish facists and kick them out of areas of influence.

People are starving and freezing to death in northern Gaza. If it wasn't for this sole journalist with a e-sims (who's father and family were killed by Israel targeting their home), we would not know anything. Zero aid is entering northern Gaza. No media is allowed. UNRWA and UN missions aren't allowed into northern Gaza. This is genocide by all means and we are heading towards a explosion of the region and the world if this Jewish supremacy isn't dealt with.

A tragic humanitarian situation that threatens famine and a real disaster in the northern Gaza Strip amid a siege imposed by the Israeli occupation forces.

We have had many genocides in the Muslim world such as Gaza, Kashmir, Rohingya, Khojali, Somalia, etc

Never ever Muslims migrated to fight there except in Syria and to some extent Afghanistan-Soviet war.

This means mass migration of jihadis and ISIS was truely guided by powers.
US is not going to be top boss for too much longer, especially in Asia.

The Zionists are eating the USA from the inside out like a parasite does to its host.

Within as little as 10-15 years it will have next to little power to save the Zionist entity from its inevitable demise.

I certainly don't mean any ill-will toward the West or America, which is my adopted home. I am of people like Prof. Jeffrey Sachs who, since at the least around the fall of the Soviet Union, has been advocating global economic integration and cooperation. He was thwarted in early 1990s by the then US administration in his suggestion to accommodate the just fallen Soviet Union and these days he's saying that America's hostile posture toward China is counter productive--he says the global pie is large enough for all and America certainly has many advantages to compete against China in peaceful ways.

BUT... the enemy --the global enemy is the US Deep State and that won't allow a peaceful world. The Deep State is an oligarchy which robs Americans of their hard-earned money despite Americans working hard --Americans are worked to death and still lose sleep over health insurance or getting seriously sick, as just one example!! The Deep State is a nasty, heartless true Axis of Evil comprised of the Zionists along with their utterly stupid Evangelical 'Christian' allies and they work together with the Military Industrial Complex to not only cause global misery but also rob ordinary Americans.

Also, there is no 'West' as such. Basically, it is the Axis of Evil in the Caliphate America which is the root cause of many global wars. The Axis of Evil is the true enemy of ordinary Americans and of humanity and must be destroyed and for that destruction to happen, political change must happen in America. America is a democracy, despite its warts. To beat the Axis of Evil, start off by demolishing the political chokehold of AIPAC, especially the AIPAC political engineering during the American Primaries elections. It is a very hard battle against a powerful group but not impossible to win. In that regard, protecting the Democratic Party's Progressive Squad should be a top priority: AIPAC is funneling $100 million to unseat even those few pro Palestinian voices in the US Congress.
Anyone know about this? Comment below true?

An explosion of unknown origin occurred at the military factories of the Rafael company in the north of Haifa. Israel refuses to make a statement. It is reported that the Iraqi Islamic Resistance may have struck the plant with a cruise missile.

Rafael is the most important company producing Israel's advanced missile systems, and the potential damage could seriously harm its current military supplies.
Anyone know about this? Comment below true?

An explosion of unknown origin occurred at the military factories of the Rafael company in the north of Haifa. Israel refuses to make a statement. It is reported that the Iraqi Islamic Resistance may have struck the plant with a cruise missile.

Rafael is the most important company producing Israel's advanced missile systems, and the potential damage could seriously harm its current military supplies.
They claimed to have shot down a drone over Haifa port yesterday. And the alert did happen.

It appears they have tens of thousands of Iron Dome interceptors. US funded them with unofficial funding that is budgeted for the CIA and other US special operations. Much more than the publicly announced aid for Iron Dome systems.
Anyone know about this? Comment below true?

An explosion of unknown origin occurred at the military factories of the Rafael company in the north of Haifa. Israel refuses to make a statement. It is reported that the Iraqi Islamic Resistance may have struck the plant with a cruise missile.

Rafael is the most important company producing Israel's advanced missile systems, and the potential damage could seriously harm its current military supplies.
Yesterday was big intrusion of drones from Libanon but no information about impact.
Bro I want their punishment to be both in the Duniya as well as Akirah.


This has gone on beyond all limits.

Of course, Allah knows best.
With respect brother - when all our Muslim brothers surrounding Gaza are sitting and watching from a distant and not doing anything it’s saddens me. Those superstar leaders that attempt to be a light in the Islamic world like Erdogan. They go on marches and make big speeches - then still provide those they want to oust with oil? This is what’s an embarrassment to the Muslim world..
Their is the problem that we struggle to comprehend

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