Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

24,000 civilian deaths in 3 months v 17,000 in two years with a population as small as Gaza. Yeah it is much much worse.

Ukraine doesn't use human shield, while Ukraine has better defense system against Russian air strike.
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Someone please explain this nonsense.

So politicians who are in your government and have power within your government do not stand for your country?
There you go on mentioning Hamas to justify the killing of civilians but ignore your government leaders genocidal statements.

Hamas ok is not elected let’s give you that. Your leaders are and many of them have made genocidal statements. You seem to like to dismiss them at your convenience.

It seems you dont understand how democratic country works.
Ukraine doesn't use human shield, while Ukraine has better defense system against Russian air strike.
No Russia didn’t gather up all the civilians and bomb them to maximize casualties. Russia didn’t destroy 70 percent of Ukraine and shut down every hospital in Ukraine either.

They also didn’t call over 100 journalists in 3 months like Israel.

You like to bring Russia into this to try and justify the mass killings but it only exposes the scale of your genocide.
It seems you dont understand how democratic country works.
It seems you do not understand how they work. You elect leaders to act on your behalf. Those genocidal leaders are acting on your behalf.
No Russia didn’t gather up all the civilians and bomb them to maximize casualties. Russia didn’t destroy 70 percent of Ukraine and shut down every hospital in Ukraine either.

They also didn’t call over 100 journalists in 3 months like Israel.

You like to bring Russia into this to try and justify the mass killings but it only exposes the scale of your genocide.

So did Israel dont gather civilian then bomb them.

Like I said: because Ukraine has better defense system, thats why Russia still hasn't win the war till now.

Hamas has no defense system against air strike, their best defense system is human shield, thats why the casualties are so abundant.

It seems you do not understand how they work. You elect leaders to act on your behalf. Those genocidal leaders are acting on your behalf.

Since when the opposition party/person is leader of government? LOL.
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Mark twain

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Going to have to take his advice.

It is more suitable for a person who doesn't understand how democratic system works and claim that opposition is leader in the government.
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And what is that? Make hijra? Palestinians dont want to make hijra, Arabs dont want them to make hijra. The Prophet's teaching is you stop an injustice with your hands, and if you can't do that you speak out against it, and failing that you hate the evil in your heart as that is the lowest form of eeman. Which one are you and which one is Iran?
If you don't take care of Palestinians than stop your terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah they are hurting innocent Palestinian and if you so much pain for Palestinian cause why don't attack Tel Aviv by your so called MIGHTY BMs you're giving empty warnings to Israel and USA lol
Mark twain

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

You need to be sad when you end up with ad-hominem against arguments from whom you call as idiot - due to your inability to counter anymore with rationale arguments.
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Sounds like you writing crap on pdf and running away or an Indian soldier fighting Pakistan. But what can be more cowardly than dropping 1 ton bombs on unarmed civilians and slaughtering civilians to grab land?
Ask from your Iranian friends why they are not attacking Israel with their BMs if they are trying to help Palestinian cause, why they're giving only empty warnings to Israel with no avail
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You need to be sad when you end up with ad-hominem against arguments from idiot.
It’s not my fault, you lack any knowledge.

I’ve already explained it to you, those people you elect are members of your parliament. They are elected on your behalf to act on your behalf. They are your leaders.

If you can’t grasp that, I can’t make you.
It’s not my fault, you lack any knowledge.

I’ve already explained it to you, those people you elect are members of your parliament. They are elected on your behalf to act on your behalf. They are your leaders.

If you can’t grasp that, I can’t make you.

Bezalel Smotrich is only leader of Religious Zionist party, not leader of Israel.

It is your fault when you don't know how democracy works and think you know better then claim that opposition party/person is a leader of government or shouldn't exist like in authoritarian style - government in Gaza.
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Where are those brave souls dropping bombs on civilians from the sky and hiding in their tanks?
I don't know probably you know because of Hamas innocent Palestinians are dying and Israel have free hand to genocide Palestinian
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