Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

All this tunnels under the rubbles are nonsense and used to deflect from the real agenda of genocide and crime against humanity. The real cause is the Nazis escaped to the US , UK and Western Europe where they started evil schemes for world domination using the new host nations. DeNazifcation is the need of the day. Russia saw the need and started the DeNazification but is too weak to carry it through.

It does not establish without a doubt that there is a command center under Gaza’s largest hospital, but it is clear that there is a tunnel down below.

According to this:

I don’t know about that, haven’t watched the video yet. Mubarak looked the other way to the tunnels. Morsi opened the borders and brought in everything freely which got him killed. Sisi though has flooded tunnels and is against Hamas.

I don't know much about Morsi or Sisi vs Gazans. But sometimes circumstances force leadership to take advantages they arise. I think all the American vassal states in the Middle East have their rulers doing a balancing act: How to not be on the wrong side of the Americans while also not to annoy their respective citizenry too much to cause a revolt.
The guy in the video that I referred to is saying Egypt's military planning has been against Israel and that Egypt sees Gaza as a 'buffer' between Egypt and Israel and that Egypt is aware of the Greater Israel from the 'Euphrates to the Nile'.
The video is a short one but an interesting look at the Egyptian angle. I already see Israelis, in carefully worded statements, wanting to control the Philadelphia Corridor and I think that is something paying close attention to.
For what Israel target them? the fatalities is 70 died and don't know whether the 70 people died is purely civilian or including Hamas persons.

The nonsense one is the one who claim every single hospital/school/un shelters were bombed by IDF. IDF only attacked several hospital/school/church where they found out there was Hamas / Hamas facility, and with pre warning to civilian.
You have destroyed over 70 percent of Gaza infrastructure, what does this tell you? You killed 3 of your own who had no weapons , shirts, and were waving a white flag. You had an Israeli father saying you are responsible for his son’s death because you were gassing the tunnel he was in. You do not care about the hostages, you only care about killing as many civilians as you can and forcing the rest out.

You have hampered aid to get in Gaza and your leaders have been proudly calling for genocide and forced expulsions of Gazans. You not only called for it but have done it on the ground.

70 died what? You don’t make any sense. Please explain and bring sources of “70”.
I don't know much about Morsi or Sisi vs Gazans. But sometimes circumstances force leadership to take advantages they arise. I think all the American vassal states in the Middle East have their rulers doing a balancing act: How to not be on the wrong side of the Americans while also not to annoy their respective citizenry too much to cause a revolt.
The guy in the video that I referred to is saying Egypt's military planning has been against Israel and that Egypt sees Gaza as a 'buffer' between Egypt and Israel and that Egypt is aware of the Greater Israel from the 'Euphrates to the Nile'.
The video is a short one but an interesting look at the Egyptian angle. I already see Israelis, in carefully worded statements, wanting to control the Philadelphia Corridor and I think that is something paying close attention to.
It is not so much as they are working against Israel. It’s that Hamas even under intense blockade has still managed to circumvent somewhat the blockade imposed by Egypt and managed to get some stuff in. It’s not major things they have coming in as evident by most of the weapons being locally made. If they had free rein like Hezbollah and were allowed weapons in no Israeli tank would dare step foot in Gaza. Even with homemade rpgs they manage to destroy many merkava tanks. Imagine if they had the twin kornet system at their display like Hezbollah. Too bad Egypt hampers weapons like these from getting in.
You have destroyed over 70 percent of Gaza infrastructure, what does this tell you? You killed 3 of your own who had no weapons , shirts, and were waving a white flag. You had an Israeli father saying you are responsible for his son’s death because you were gassing the tunnel he was in. You do not care about the hostages, you only care about killing as many civilians as you can and forcing the rest out.

You have hampered aid to get in Gaza and your leaders have been proudly calling for genocide and forced expulsions of Gazans. You not only called for it but have done it on the ground.

You haven't answered yet for what Israel target them - the fleeing civilian while the fatalities still limited to 70 persons that we don't know whether they were purely civilians or some Hamas within them.

The destruction of 70% Gaza infrastructure is unavoidable fatalities in war, especially due to Hamas way of war hiding behind civilians.

For comparision: UK bombed dresden during 3 days attack on Feb 13-15 1945
The attack involved over 1,200 bombers dropping thousands of tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiaries on the city. This resulted in a devastating firestorm that destroyed much of the city center and killed an estimated 25,000 to 35,000 civilians.

It was considered necessary, they couldn't win the war against terrorist NAZI by sending troops to Germany in the first place.

70 died what? You don’t make any sense. Please explain and bring sources of “70”.

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It does not establish without a doubt that there is a command center under Gaza’s largest hospital, but it is clear that there is a tunnel down below.

According to this:

Elevator shafts have been twisted into Militant tunnels, israeli built underground rooms are command centers blah blah blah, one lie after another with the consequence of dead civilians and destroyed infrastructure which is the Israeli primary goal for free land and expansion all paid for by gullible US tax payers.
Elevator shafts have been twisted into Militant tunnels, israeli built underground rooms are command centers blah blah blah, one lie after another with the consequence of dead civilians and destroyed infrastructure which is the Israeli primary goal for free land and expansion all paid for by gullible US tax payers.

Well it is according to Hamas supporters; according to IDF it is and Hamas is using it and make it a reason for them to destruct the tunnels and facilities, and IDF has invited CNN to see the evidence, and so far I know Israel lawyer has brought this to ICJ.

Funny because Ehud Barak former Israeli prime minister admitted that Israel built underground bunkers in Al Shifa.

Maybe thats why IDF so convinced there was tunnel under the hospital that justify them to ambush the hospital.
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You haven't answered yet for what Israel target them - the fleeing civilian while the fatalities still limited to 70 persons that we don't know whether they were purely civilians or some Hamas within them.

The destruction of 70% Gaza infrastructure is unavoidable fatalities in war, especially due to Hamas way of war hiding behind civilians.

For comparision: UK bombed dresden during 2 days attack on Feb 13-15 1945
The attack involved over 1,200 bombers dropping thousands of tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiaries on the city. This resulted in a devastating firestorm that destroyed much of the city center and killed an estimated 25,000 to 35,000 civilians.

It was necessary, they couldn't win the war against terrorist NAZI by sending troops to Germany in the first place.

Where do you get this 70 number from? The article does not even work because it’s behind a paywall so I don’t know what it reads.

So explain to me how destroying over 70 percent of civilian infrastructure is acceptable? This by itself shows they are targeting civilians. No hospital in Gaza is running now due to your bombardment.

You still haven’t answered why bomb the same corridor you deemed as a safe zone?

Why do you bomb the same safe zones you place in the south? You crowd people and then bomb them to instill maximum casualties.

The scale of the destruction you have brought on Gaza including bombing of hospitals, schools, un shelteres, residential towers, etc is unacceptable. You even destroy communication towers so people cannot show what you have done. You’ve destroyed power plants and water desalination plants.

You leaders call for forced expulsions of Palestinians and genocide. Leaders such as Givr, smotrich, etc. You not only call for it but the shear destruction and deaths of over 12,000 children shows your genocidal intent.
Maybe thats why IDF so convinced there was tunnel under the hospital that justify them to ambush the hospital.

You’ve finally said one correct thing, Israel uses fake stuff like this to justify the slaughter of civilians. You even right now admit it as a plausible yet you think it’s perfectly acceptable. This is why there is no reasoning with people like you.

You’ve finally said one correct thing, Israel uses fake stuff like this to justify the slaughter of civilians. You even right now admit it as a plausible yet you think it’s perfectly acceptable. This is why there is no reasoning with people like you.

Dont say nonsense saying it is fake stuff and I admit it.

I said "maybe".
And even if Israel built it, it is then used by Hamas, that could be the reason why IDF think they need to ambush Hospital.
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Dont say nonsense saying it is fake stuff and I admit it.

I said "maybe".
And even if Israel built it, it is then used by Hamas, that could be the reason why IDF think they need to ambush Hospital.
You said maybe because you know good and well that Israel always fabricates stuff so they can kill civilians.

You still have no evidence there was even a command center because you just wanted to destroy any infrastructure that can make life in Gaza livable. You know like destroying all their hospitals for one.
Where do you get this 70 number from? The article does not even work because it’s behind a paywall so I don’t know what it reads.

It is not behind a paywall.
I can access and read it fully.
I quote it for you:

Hamas pinned blame on Israel for striking a civilian convoy, claiming the attack killed more than 70 people and injured 200. Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces, denied the allegations, telling the Financial Times the IDF didn’t “strike any location”. “Hamas is behind this, is using the death of Palestinian civilians for its vile political purposes.”

So this 70 people and 200 injured was Hamas' claim, but IDF deny it saying Hamas is behind this using the death of Palestinian civilians for its vile political purposes.

So explain to me how destroying over 70 percent of civilian infrastructure is acceptable? This by itself shows they are targeting civilians. No hospital in Gaza is running now due to your bombardment.

You still haven’t answered why bomb the same corridor you deemed as a safe zone?

Why do you bomb the same safe zones you place in the south? You crowd people and then bomb them to instill maximum casualties.

The scale of the destruction you have brought on Gaza including bombing of hospitals, schools, un shelteres, residential towers, etc is unacceptable. You even destroy communication towers so people cannot show what you have done. You’ve destroyed power plants and water desalination plants.

You leaders call for forced expulsions of Palestinians and genocide. Leaders such as Givr, smotrich, etc. You not only call for it but the shear destruction and deaths of over 12,000 children shows your genocidal intent.

I did.
I repeat again for you:

The destruction of 70% Gaza infrastructure is unavoidable fatalities in war, especially due to Hamas way of war hiding behind civilians.

For comparision: UK bombed dresden during 3 days attack on Feb 13-15 1945
The attack involved over 1,200 bombers dropping thousands of tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiaries on the city. This resulted in a devastating firestorm that destroyed much of the city center and killed an estimated 25,000 to 35,000 civilians.

It was considered necessary, they couldn't win the war against terrorist NAZI by sending troops to Germany in the first place.
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You said maybe because you know good and well that Israel always fabricates stuff so they can kill civilians.

You still have no evidence there was even a command center because you just wanted to destroy any infrastructure that can make life in Gaza livable. You know like destroying all their hospitals for one.

Nope. Because I could NOT ensure.

Unlike you I avoid claiming unclear thing as certainty.

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