Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

While Alastair Crooke is well worth watching every second, beginning this part of the video he is saying Israel has no choice but to accept the Gazans' demand; he is also saying the recent attack on the American base has caused casualties and America is now going to get deeper involved and the war to Israel's north becoming bigger war.

I think a regional war is coming, guys and gals! Hold onto your hats!!

Unrelated to this video but related to the overall conflict, saw a video on the 'Syriana' channel of Kevork Almassian from a few days ago; he goes into details as to why Syria can't act against Israel right now: American forces in Syria, using even Al Qaida and ISIS, can cut off the Iraq-Syria border connections which still exist and then go for Damascus itself. It was SO wonderful for the Arabs, the Pakistanis, the Turks PDF Members to support the war against Bashar al Assad!! But in case of Pakistan, the govt of Pakistan never supported the war against Assad and in fact continued to recognize his government--which now the other govts doing the same, eating humble pies. But the damage is already done, to Israel's advantage!!

Here is the Crooke video:

Not I believe Israelis will give justice to the Palestinians unless and until Israel is humbled enough but who says violence doesn't pay off? Already October 7 resistance has greatly damaged Israel's deterrence, if not destroyed it, tarnished Israel's image, exposed the Israeli lobby in America like never before, caused huge losses to the Israeli economy, paused, if not halted the Abrahamic Accords, and the list goes on and on.

A slight majority of Israelis would back a US plan for ending the war that would see the release of all remaining hostages, Saudi Arabia agree to normalize relations with Israel, and Jerusalem agree to the eventual establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state, a new poll indicates.

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