Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

But Israel reject the accusation for carpet bombing.

Till now there is no verdict from UN/ICJ whether Israel really used carpet bombing or not.
So my argument about one sided characterization is still valid for this one.
Of course Israel will reject it. The problem is they are hardly going to put their hand up and say - yes we are carpet bombing Gaza.
More bombs have been dropped on Gaza than the Americans dropped on Afghanistan in a whole year - look at the difference in land mass....Look at Gaza pre Oct 7th and after - its obvious what has happened.
This isnt WW2 - technology has taken over and drones and satellite imagery proof clearly shows the world the Israeli are lying about the carpet bombing. So your argument about 1 sided characterization is actually selective and only applies when the commentary is pro israeli.
It is subjective.

For some people, they see Palestine/Hamas as rouge nations - they dont believe news from Hamas and the supporters, while some people (esp Hamas supporters and moslems) they don't believe western news.

Regarding carpet bomb, there is only accusation based on perceptions vs denial from Israel. Thats it.
Lol tell me who was living before the illegal creation of Israel by west in 48? Rouge nation is Israel not palestine, and mostly Muslims don't lie but non Muslims always lies to become innocent, and whole world sees the carpet bombing of Gaza from various twitter videos from day one Lol you're in a delusional mode can't change the facts that Israel is doing genocide in Gaza
The statement you provided appears to be a strongly biased and one-sided characterization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

While there have been instances of violence, displacement, and human rights abuses on both sides, it is crucial to approach the topic with a nuanced understanding and consider the broader historical context. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict involves a long history of territorial disputes, wars, negotiations, and attempts at peace.
Not both sides.... It was always one sided.
Only Isra-hell is culprit... As they were the ones who came and settled on other's lands.
They did massacres, forced displacement, and all sorts of crimes I already mentioned above.
Don't pretend as ignorant. White skinned tourists from all the Europe canes here with the help of especially UK and did all sorts of crimes and stayed here with the help of USA.
Munafiq is the one who praises the kuffar and mocks the Muslims fighting against them.

You want the destruction of Palestine and any Islamic resistance. You want secularism to flourish and Israel and the kuffar to win. You have no eeman and this is why Allah has set some people against another, He will never allow people like you to succeed and remain dominant.
Lol Islam preaches logic and common sense you don't have both
And what islamic resistance is doing? Taking back the land of illegal occupied territory or hurting Israel on a large scale? Only Hamas and Hezbollah are doing minor damage to to Israel military and in return giving Israel freedom to genocide innocent Palestinians

Allah also said to protect women/children and elderly people during jihad, is Hamas and Hezbollah doing this to protect its own people (unarmed Palestinians) during this jihad?
When did I say Pak should nuke Israel? I said Pakistan can attack conventionally to Israel or at least give arms to Iran to give to resistance instead of burying their head in the sand. So you don't care about Muslims getting killed and injustice, all you care about is wealth and pleasing the kuffar, your master. This is why you suffer from al wahn, a love for the dunya. Lots of countries are under western sanctions but are flourishing, you just dont want to diversify away from the west.
Lol you said in your previous post that we should nuke Israel and and how can we conventionally attack Israel please explain we have no capability to reach Israel other than a BMs , only our shaheen 3 can reach Israel and we have few of them reserve for India, if we fire our shaheen 3 on Israel with conventional warhead Israel consider it as nuke attack from Pakistan and then game over for Pakistan, so sorry Pakistan isn't give to damn to Arab world we have our problem we are economically weak have corrupt political system our politicians sell themselves to west and India, why we give a damn to you if GCC countries fall in love with our enemy why we give you damn our military resources to you if you're not supporting us on kashmir cause?

And last why you don't use your conventional BMs against Israel why you asking us to attack Israel you have also have a capability to hurt Israel, do it first yourself than preach your nonsense to us there is no no ummah chumma in muslim word right now

And rest of your post is nonsense

I am not hear to be your Google - check it out yourself and see some of your countrymen - volunteering to join the IDF - actually losing their lives and of course wanting to work in Israel - the obsession with Israel with some of them is deep. Together with the hatred of Muslims - there is a recipe for deep deep infatuation
Btw don’t bring Pakistan into the topic as I will delete your post again
Lol Islam preaches logic and common sense you don't have both
And what islamic resistance is doing? Taking back the land of illegal occupied territory or hurting Israel on a large scale? Only Hamas and Hezbollah are doing minor damage to to Israel military and in return giving Israel freedom to genocide innocent Palestinians

Allah also said to protect women/children and elderly people during jihad, is Hamas and Hezbollah doing this to protect its own people (unarmed Palestinians) during this jihad?
Lol you said in your previous post that we should nuke Israel and and how can we conventionally attack Israel please explain we have no capability to reach Israel other than a BMs , only our shaheen 3 can reach Israel and we have few of them reserve for India, if we fire our shaheen 3 on Israel with conventional warhead Israel consider it as nuke attack from Pakistan and then game over for Pakistan, so sorry Pakistan isn't give to damn to Arab world we have our problem we are economically weak have corrupt political system our politicians sell themselves to west and India, why we give a damn to you if GCC countries fall in love with our enemy why we give you damn our military resources to you if you're not supporting us on kashmir cause?

And last why you don't use your conventional BMs against Israel why you asking us to attack Israel you have also have a capability to hurt Israel, do it first yourself than preach your nonsense to us there is no no ummah chumma in muslim word right now

And rest of your post is nonsense

Your entire post is nonsense!

Yes Muslims in general should be doing a lot more and uniting against Israel, but that doesn't negate the efforts of Iran and her proxy groups. Its not Iran's fault that the fat Arab leaders and useless Turks allowed Israel to get so powerful. Islam is also about fighting injustice which I have already shown you enough hadeeth on the matter.

Show me where I said Pakistan should nuke Israel? Quote it please otherwise you're a liar.

Hamas and Hezbollah arent targetting the Palestinian women and children! It is Israel who are doing it, yet you ignore this. Low level troll!

Iran is doing a lot more than every other Muslim nation, and is waiting until the ummah unites and gets stronger to strike directly. Which is what the Prophet did, not get fat and call Palestinians mushrik like your ilk do! Why should Iran do everything while hypocrites like you throw stones from nations who aren't doing anything? Munafiq comes to mind yet again!
The operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on Sunday, January 21, are as follows:

Qassam Brigades' operations:

  • Targeted a Merkava tank with an ‘Al-Yassin 105’ shell east of the Jabalia Al-Balad area, north of the Gaza Strip.
  • Targeted Israeli military concentrations east of the Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj neighborhoods with mortar shells, causing direct casualties.
  • Targeted Israeli military vehicles, soldiers and buildings in which these soldiers were holed up, in the outskirts of Gaza City.
Al-Quds Brigades’ operations:

  • Seized an Israeli military reconnaissance quadcopter drone "EVO Max 4T" while it was performing its spying tasks in the skies over central Gaza.
  • Shelled Israeli regime soldiers and vehicles with 107mm rockets and mortars in the axes north and east of the Al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza.
  • Shelled the Israeli military site and headquarters of "Sufa" with several mortars in a joint operation with Al-Qassam Brigades, using a barrage of mortars.
  • Sniped two Israeli regime soldiers in the Al-Ajla area, northeast of Al-Bureij camp, resulting in their immediate death.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank with Tandem rockets, east of Khan Yunis.
  • Shelled military concentrations, east and central Khan Yunis with regular 60mm mortars.
Mujahideen Brigades’ operations:

  • Shelled Israeli military vehicles and soldiers east of Gaza City with heavy-caliber mortars.
Al-Aqsa Brigades' operations:

  • In a joint operation with the Mujahideen Brigades, targeted the Nahal Oz military site with a rocket barrage in central Khan Yunis, and destroyed a military vehicle with a Tandem rocket.
Of course Israel will reject it. The problem is they are hardly going to put their hand up and say - yes we are carpet bombing Gaza.
More bombs have been dropped on Gaza than the Americans dropped on Afghanistan in a whole year - look at the difference in land mass....Look at Gaza pre Oct 7th and after - its obvious what has happened.
This isnt WW2 - technology has taken over and drones and satellite imagery proof clearly shows the world the Israeli are lying about the carpet bombing. So your argument about 1 sided characterization is actually selective and only applies when the commentary is pro israeli.

Ask him some real questions...
How does he want the Palestinians to get their land back?
Purchase it back?
Or in the same coin?
Win it back?
Should they be allowed parity in violence and equal access to technology and weapons?
Because I'm sure with precision or guided munitions we could subject them to the same and ask why the dumb bomb... why level the whole city block ...
And of course throw the customary knock bomb to allow them to vacate the designated premise, the humane way of destruction, as they call it!

Once able, Should they hold these same zionists in similar conditions, hostage and confined and subject to calorie intake or consumption limits?

Because apparently to him these are perfectly acceptable... in might makes right doctrine.
Why do you call him a clown!?

He is stating the Official Saudi Arabia's position on the issue.. it means a signed and implemented deal by both sides..

Good if this has changed as they were about to sell the Palestinians out before October the 7th like UAE and Bahrain did.
Al-Quds Brigades show scenes from the artillery entrenchment operation on enemy concentrations, soldiers and vehicles in Khan Yunis - based on “important information” obtained from a controlled drone that was captured by them. At the end of the video, you can see helicopter picking up the dead and the wounded of the child killing IsraHelli forces.


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