Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You are a joke man, this is one of the most documented massacre in history. We are literally watching it live. Many videos of the atrocities committed have been shared here.

Many evidence of Israeli soldiers endorsing genocide and expulsion of the people of Gaza. Many evidence of Israeli parliament members doing the same.

Atrocities from killing over 12,000 children and over 26,000 people of which more than 2/3 is women and children. This is not including the thousands more under the rubble. From flattening whole neighborhoods to destroying everything that makes Gaza habitable like schools, hospitals, UN shelters, power plants, communication towers, water desalination plants , residential towers, etc

You are demolishing all the schools and hospitals in Gaza. Who does that? You destroy everything so they have nothing to go back to, this is so the people of Gaza will be forced to leave. With no schools, hospitals, mosques, homes to live in, etc you know that they will have nothing to go back too.

You are hampering aid to the people of Gaza to prolong the suffering. There is literally thousands of aid trucks not being allowed to deliver aid to the starving people. People are dying from starvation and disease .

What more do you want? Is that not enough?

If this is acceptable by you from Israel, I hope you and your family experience this “justice” and “humanity”.
That dudes a zionist nazi apologist. He would justify the Palestinian holocaust just like the SS justified gassing people. These deranged individuals can't be reasoned with unfortunately, maybe Allah one day opens their eyes before it's too late.

"At a time when Gaza is starving...
The Zionist Minister of Transportation, who prides herself on being a right-wing extremist, brings to the Zionist people the good news of circumventing the sea routes that the Yemeni army blocked in order to support #Gaza ...

And she says; The goods will arrive by land from India to Abu Dhabi and then by land to the Zionist enemy entity!!!

No comment frankly, tongue tied..
اللهم أنت حسبنا ونعم الوكيل
Another low for Israel …….

At least 16 cemeteries in Gaza have been desecrated by Israeli forces, satellite imagery and videos reveal​

So even graves aren’t safe? This has to be the lowest of the low. Even the dead aren’t safe…….

Israel has done this always, they destroy graveyards and build carparks and shopping centres, so many videos were on YouTube a decade back but all disappeared.

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Lol you're supporting justice and humanity tell us how you're supporting justice and humanity? Does Israel doing justice and humanity to Palestinians? They're genocidal toward Palestinians, did common and unarmed civilians of Gaza attacked Israel, is your justice and humanity to kill thousands of civilians of Gaza with no reasons, did your justice and humanity to make thousands of Palestinian children do die and make them orphan, did your justice and humanity to make Palestinian women widows and suffer , did your justice and humanity is make old Palestinian to die and suffer?

By not supporting injustice.

Again, these accusations are according to Palestine supporters (you), not according to the rest of the world.

Just bring these accusations to ICJ and lets wait the verdict.

How many Israeli citizens were killed in Oct 7 attacks by Hamas? 1500 or so but by the end of November Israeli killed more than 9000 Palestinians plus 3000 Palestinian children that was on the record by various international media and news channels

I'm sorry to say dude your mental disability has no cure

This war is not about getting the same tolls for Israel, but to exterminate Hamas.
Fatalities always happen in wars; it is acceptable according to Geneve Convention as long as the attacker has done their best effort to minimize the fatalities.
The high number of fatalities could portray the severity of the attack and human shield as well.

Because western world supports Israel and Jewish lobbies are very strong in western countries

Lobbies will means nothing if the policy is not in line with national interest.

And national interest can be justified if not against humanity.
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I don't know if the Saudi FM really meant that or not but I think he is trying to say that phrases like 'pathway to a Palestinian State' as repeated by American officials/Biden are too vague. What he probably meant was a UNSC Resolution declaring a Palestinian State along the 1967 borders AND declaring the Israeli Settlements in West Bank illegal, along with international guarantees for the State of Palestine.

Israelis will never accept that. Not even a 'demilitarized' one. Not even one where Israel would control the borders. The Israeli stance is unacceptably maximalist.

They had the Saudi Peace offer in 2002 but Israel never ever meant to accept anything but a Bantustan at most. Israeli planners always had the whole area between the Jordan River and the Med. Sea to be part of Israel. And if/when their immigration becomes so large that they need more land then the Nile to Euphrates plan will be implemented; I have seen some Israeli analysts recently daydreaming about getting the Jewish population to 50 million and get more land.
We should not make any mistake and trust them: They will do all that if they can! Absolutely.
The best speech, in 2050 we all be debating we want Palestinian state on pre 2023 borders.

Iran Urges UNSC to End Passivity, Act Decidedly to End Gaza War
Iran Urges UNSC to End Passivity, Act Decidedly to End Gaza War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – It is imperative for the UN Security Council to end its passive stance on the Israeli war on Gaza, honor its commitments under the UN Charter, and adopt a decisive resolution to establish a ceasefire in the besieged enclave, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said.​

The top Iranian diplomat delivered a speech to the UN Security Council’s debate on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestine Question, held in New York on Tuesday night.
Following is the text of his statements:
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Mr. President,
I thank you for organizing this timely meeting.
Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, your Excellencies,
We have all gathered today in the Security Council in a situation where the occupying and apartheid regime of Israel does not observe any red line in the genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
Although under Article 24 of the United Nations Charter, the members of this organization have conferred the "primary responsibility" of "prompt and effective action" for the "maintenance of international peace and security" to the Security Council, the inability of this body to address the crimes of the Israeli regime and to hold it accountable is unacceptable.
The United States, as the practical supporter and main accomplice of the Israeli regime in its crimes, has prevented this body from effectively fulfilling its inherent duties in stopping the overt genocide of a nation and establishing a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
On the other hand, the US repeatedly expressed its grave concern about the spillover of tension in the region, and yet continues its full support to the Israeli regime's war machine and even violates the sovereignty of Yemen and practically expands the scope of the conflict. The US must bear the responsibility for its consequences.
Instead of calling on others to exercise restraint, the US must compel the Israeli regime to stop the war and pull itself out of the trap that the Israeli regime has set to drag the US into direct conflict.
Mr. President, your Excellencies,
We believe that the future of Palestine belongs to all Palestinians.
I stress that the killing of innocent civilians, especially, women and children must be stopped immediately. War is not the solution. Security cannot be achieved by resorting to the use of force and committing the crime of genocide in Gaza.
The killing of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank cannot continue until the so-called "total destruction of Hamas"; Because that time will never come and because, in the past 80 years, this nation’s will of steel has not weakened.
Therefore, the Security Council must fulfill its legal and charter-based responsibility by ending its prolonged inaction and by adopting a decisive resolution.

This resolution should strongly demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid, the immediate and complete withdrawal of Israel from Gaza, and a commitment to refrain from any efforts to relocate Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan.
Also exchange of prisoners of war remains the most important issue. This is the only solution to the current crisis.
I wish to emphasize that it is necessary to completely lift the human blockade of Gaza and ensure unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid to all areas in the north and south of Gaza.
I should also underscore the urgent need to provide the necessary facilities for the return of the people of Gaza to their own areas and the settlement of displaced and homeless people and the help of the international community for the reconstruction of infrastructure.
Furthermore, it is crucial to demand accountability for war crimes committed by Israel and ensure to bring the perpetrators to justice.
In this context, we support the recent action of the South African.
Today, some political ideas for the future of Palestine are discussed. In any idea, the leaders of the Palestinian groups and the Palestinian people should have the right to choose their own destiny.
Mr. President
The United States and the United Kingdom made a strategic mistake with the military attack on Yemen, which will result in the risk of further expanding the scope of the war.
We all consider maritime safety and security to be crucial for global trade and energy security. However, security is an interconnected concept. The course of developments shows that stopping the genocide in Gaza is the main key to the restoration of security to the region.
Netanyahu seeks his own political life in war, and the survival of the Israeli regime relies on regional crises and spilling over of conflict. To this end, the Israeli regime points fingers at Iran, using a tactic of shifting blame. Through the use of lies and disinformation, it cynically tries to divert international attention away from the ongoing genocide and massacres they commit with US support in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
But the Israeli regime cannot deny reality on the ground. The Israeli regime is fully responsible for the atrocities in occupied Palestine, with its war crimes and genocide widely documented by the United Nations and other human rights institutions, marking it as the most recorded genocide in modern history.
In conclusion, I need to once again reiterate that the permanent solution to the Palestinian problem is only possible through holding a referendum with the participation of all Palestinians.
Something is off. US and EU are fully backing Israels every move. US is now supposedly prepare a large aerial campaign against Yemen which may coincide with a large aerial campaign by Israel in Lebanon in beginning weeks of February.

What they're saying is different than what they're doing on the ground. Israel sees this as the right time to tackle Hezbollah threat as their society has been through the shock of a few hours of real war where Palestinians broke out of the siege of Gaza. And Israeli government believes they're mentally prepared and supporting such a campaign against Lebanon at this time.
This war proves another thing, Israel is the daddy of UK and USA, this is why they are quiet, they have no choice but to obey like the GCC Arab nations are doing.
By not supporting unjust.

Again, these accusations are according to Palestine supporters (you), not according to the rest of the world.

Just bring these accusations to ICJ and lets wait the verdict.
You're just blind as hell, even western media called it Israel doing genocide in Gaza, rest of the world/western world was planted Israel on Palestinians in 48

ICJ is on the side of Jews and don't think muslims as human being
This war is not about getting the same tolls, but to exterminate Hamas.
Fatalities happen in wars; it is acceptable as long as the attacker has done their best effort to minimize the fatalities.
Lol what Israel did to reduce the fatalities of Palestinians, if IDF want to exterminate Hamas why they relentlessly bombing unarmed Palestinians Palestinians from day one, if they want to exterminate Hamas their army have enough technology/power to go to Gaza and go for the kill in Gaza and Palestinians and Hamas no power to stop Israeli army in Gaza why they bombarded Gaza into stone age by air strikes?, the air raids is barbaric and unhuman for poor Palestinians in Gaza, the air raids killed more unarmed Palestinians than Hamas fighters this is cruel and barbaric act of Israel
You're just blind as hell, even western media called it Israel doing genocide in Gaza, rest of the world/western world was planted Israel on Palestinians in 48

Which western medias are you referring?
Even so, they don't represent majority of media even western media.
Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean media doesn't portray/frame so.

ICJ is on the side of Jews and don't think muslims as human being

Just because they dont buy your accusation doesn't mean ICJ is on Jews side.
You haven't succeeded in ICJ because lack of evidence; just narrative and perception is not enough as evidence..

Lol what Israel did to reduce the fatalities of Palestinians,

By sending warning to civilian to evacuate the area targeted for attack

if IDF want to exterminate Hamas why they relentlessly bombing unarmed Palestinians Palestinians from day one,

Hamas and civilian non Hamas could not be differentiated by appearance.
Also the human shield taktick played by Hamas

if they want to exterminate Hamas their army have enough technology/power to go to Gaza and go for the kill

They dont have robot for guerilla warfare yet.
Air strike still needed to ensure troops deployment safer and minimize toll on their side.

in Gaza andPalestinian sand Hamas no power to stop Israeli army in Gaza why they bombardedGaza into stone age by air strikes?, the air raids is barbaric and unhuman for poor Palestinians in Gaza, the air raids killed more unarmed Palestinians than Hamas fighters this is cruel

It seems they had no choice.
They dont have so many troops to die in the field then loose the war.

Airstrike is common in the military campaign to open corridor before troops deployment and to protect the deployed troops as well.
Which western medias are you referring?
Even so, they don't represent majority of media even western media.
Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean media doesn't portray/frame so.
Google is your friend I don't want to spoon feed you there is enough links on Google to prove my point, most probably you're jew and can't think neutraly
Just because they dont buy your accusation doesn't mean ICJ is on Jews side.
You haven't succeeded in ICJ because lack of evidence; just narrative and perception is not enough as evidence..
We and world have enough proofs what is Israel is doing in Gaza but ICJ is biased organization especially toward Muslim countries
By sending warning to civilian to evacuate the area targeted for attack
Lol gives the the warning of few hours, how this possible that 0.5 million or more people will move to other destinations in South with no transportation and with no gas, think logically
Hamas and civilian non Hamas could not be differentiated by appearance.
Also the human shield taktick played by Hamas
This is only from one sided pathetic Israeli sources not even one western sources stated that
They dont have robot for guerilla warfare yet.
Air strike still needed to ensure troops deployment safer and minimize toll on their side.
Lame excuse by you Hamas is isn't in thousands in Gaza but in few hundreds, so it's lot easier for IDF to differentiate between common unarmed Palestinians and Hamas freedom fighters
It seems they had no choice.
They dont have so many troops to die in the field then loose the war.

Airstrike is common in the military campaign to open corridor before troops deployment and to protect the deployed troops as well
So you're justifying genocide of Palestinians

And air strikes are necessary against regular well trained army not against unarmed Palestinians civilian

You're not a human but worst than animals, didn't seeing war crimes of terrorist state of isra-hell
Lobbies will means nothing if the policy is not in line with national interest.
And national interest can be justified if not against humanity.

Nope! Unless and until American foreign policy decisions contrary to America's own interests start to hurt the bottom line of average Americans, the Congressmen can get away with a lot--as has been in case of Israel.

You see: 400+ US officials wrote a letter to the Biden administration after this latest conflict began, warning Biden that his so blatant pro Israel policies are against American interests but that letter--along with the voices of many analysts--are not going anywhere. The reason being: If Biden or Congressmen or Senators won't do what AIPAC wants them to do then some other politicians would do AIPAC's bidding.

The US politicians, IMO, are fighting for their own survival first: What good is some voice of conscience when you get booted out of your electoral chances?? In fact, AIPAC is busily doing that right now, going after even the very few in the Democratic Progressive Squad; that's already having some impact on the Squad politicians as they have somehow muted their support for Palestinians.
The failure of the Arab and Muslim world to even provide humanitarian aid without Israel’s approval is demoralizing. How do we let something as simple as humanitarian aid be dictated by those committing genocide?

I seriously wonder what are they afraid of?? Israel will attack aid trucks which are led into Gaza without their permission but Egypt can tell Israelis that an act like this would be considered an act of war and can start moving it's forces into Sinai, if not getting their fighter Jets up to shoot down some Israelis F16s or F15s.

The starvation has reached catastrophic levels imagine not having a proper meal for 110 days.

What if Hamas says that if Israel will not let aid in, then they will kill one hostage each Friday as their people are now dying of starvation. Would this trick work??

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