Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Tucker Carson is joining the anti-war movement in America more and more. I used to hate this guy but America and the world needs his powerful voice right now. This video already has 54k+ views in barely two hours. While the video is generally against a war against Iran and carefully avoids even a mention of 'Israel', the video is most welcome at this time. The consequences for American interests in that region will be huge if a direct attack is launched against Iran; in fact, as the video implies, Advantage China.


Israel seems to be doing a good job of complying with the ICJ's legally binding interim measures that compel Israel to ensure adequate humanitarian aid into Gaza and punish those who incite genocide

Hang on.

Why are both the reporter and the interviewee possessing US accents?

They are obviously imports to the land who did not even grow up in occupied Palestine.

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