Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Friend, a simple google search can help you get enlighten about the situation in netherland , poland, italy and many other western europe countries how anti islam wave is riding high because of peaceful protest by muslim for palestine people .
Melony italy prime minister has just released a statement saying islam is not compatable with europe these all statements are coming now because they have seen how muslims are united for palestines and other muslims and white people dosent like that . And we can see protest for gaza dying down in europe.
America is a different story together as jews hold the american govt top positions and will help isarel no matter how many protest are there.

So a hindu cant describe what is going on the world related to gaza israel conflict on gaza isarel forum?
Your attempt to take this off topic and start talking about hatred for Muslims across Europe is futile and a waste of time. Stick to the topic.
Support for the Palestinians is universal and is strong - what Israel is doing by killing innocent children is a war crime and genocide.
You clearly have wet dreams about anti Islam news in the west. That is not the topic here - open a new thread and go and discuss it there.
Last warning stick to the topic
Your attempt to take this off topic and start talking about hatred for Muslims across Europe is futile and a waste of time. Stick to the topic.
Support for the Palestinians is universal and is strong - what Israel is doing by killing innocent children is a war crime and genocide.
You clearly have wet dreams about anti Islam news in the west. That is not the topic here - open a new thread and go and discuss it there.
Last warning stick to the topic
Ok friend
Secret Document |

Jordanian and Egyptian Intelligence Cooperation with Israel Continues

This leaked secret document reveals the coordination between Israeli intelligence agencies, the Shin Bet and the Mossad, with their counterparts in Jordan and Egypt. The aim is to obtain information related to Palestinian resistance movements, particularly Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. This coordination is focused on monitoring and gathering intelligence regarding the planning and execution of operations in the West Bank and inside the territories occupied in 1948, as claimed by the document, possibly in areas shared between these parties...


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Jordanian and Egyptian Intelligence Cooperation with Israel Continue

Uncomfortable truth.... Most of the world including Muslim countries are complicit and actively so.

It's as if there is an acquiescing of Israel's hegemony and ultimately might is right sort of acceptance to make the Gazans history, even remove the inconvenience of their existence.

I can't see any other explanation.
Could you show us the article in Zionism charter saying their intention to uprooting arab Palestinian?

They just want a homeland, without removing arab Palestine illegally the way Roman Empire/Rashidun Chaliphate/Ottoman Empire did previously.

They immigrating jews purchased lot of properties there legally from arabs there.
When Muslims are killed - its always a mistake.
When Muslims are killed - its always "they were terrorists".
When Muslims are killed - its a rogue or isolated incident.

When a Muslim kills - blame ALL Muslims - the responsibility is at the hands of 1.8 billion Muslims collectively. Muslims are collectively punished for everything bad. Its the common trend today.

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