Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

When Muslims are killed - its always a mistake.
When Muslims are killed - its always "they were terrorists".
When Muslims are killed - its a rogue or isolated incident.

When a Muslim kills - blame ALL Muslims - the responsibility is at the hands of 1.8 billion Muslims collectively. Muslims are collectively punished for everything bad. Its the common trend today.

How can there be an international Arrest warrant out for Putin and not for Nethanyahu?

they are also calculating the stocks and inventory and at what rate they would need should a taiwan invasion become a necessity for them.

All of the weapons manufacturing companies in America are slobbering at the prospect.
When Muslims are killed - its always a mistake.
When Muslims are killed - its always "they were terrorists".
When Muslims are killed - its a rogue or isolated incident.

When a Muslim kills - blame ALL Muslims - the responsibility is at the hands of 1.8 billion Muslims collectively. Muslims are collectively punished for everything bad. Its the common trend today.
Yes you are right this trend is increasing day by day and is really a matter of grave concern.
LEts hope muslim governments can take some step against it.

US cracks down on money flow to Iran-backed Houthis [Ansarallah]​

The US has slapped sanctions on groups in Turkey and Yemen allegedly responsible for funnelling money to Iranian-backed Houthi [Ansarallah] rebels in a crackdown driven by their attacks on commercial vessels passing through the Red Sea.

The US Treasury department said on Thursday it was placing sanctions on one individual and three entities “responsible for facilitating the flow of Iranian financial assistance to Houthi [Ansarallah] forces and their destabilising activities”.

The White House has accused Iran of being “deeply involved” in planning the Houthi [Ansarallah] attacks in the Red Sea, including providing the group with “tactical intelligence” to help it target maritime vessels.

It is unclear how much the task force will deter the Houthis [Ansarallah], as the group has warned that it may carry on with its attacks as long as Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza continues.

The new US sanctions against Houthi [Ansarallah] financial networks come amid growing concern that the war in Gaza could spill over into a broader regional conflict — a scenario that has so far been avoided.

Benny Gantz, an influential Israeli minister and a member of the war cabinet, threatened to escalate military operations against Hizbollah, which has been launching attacks against targets in northern Israel.

After 82 pages my Final comment

Problem is JEWS and had it been any other ethnicity it would not have been such an issue but its an issue cause JEWS ARE FIGHTING and Giving so called dispropotionate response to what likes of Hezbollah or hamas do every time when dust starts to settle down .... why cause deu to public heu and cry and Israeli response Israel forgives ... this Time Israel decides toirradicate the virus and they all are crying cause israel is not listenning and those who always forced israel to back down this time are sending there aircraft carriers and commando units help smoke out the rats from the tunnels ...this if is not dispropotionate and 20 times more horrible in scale what hamas or hezbollah did to israel hamas and hezbollah will do it again and again and yet again so to keep them and there supporters in there holes it legit for israel to kill as amny vermins of hamas and hezbollah as possible and there backers sitting safe in syriya or iran or jordan or any western nation they too should be and are hnted down .... now instead of abusing talk to me with facts as when hamas and mezbollah knew what could be israeli response why did they did it first place ... lets begin
Philosemites and anti Semites... they can become 2 sides of the same coin, but please carry on.
After 82 pages my Final comment

Problem is JEWS and had it been any other ethnicity it would not have been such an issue but its an issue cause JEWS ARE FIGHTING and Giving so called dispropotionate response to what likes of Hezbollah or hamas do every time when dust starts to settle down .... why cause deu to public heu and cry and Israeli response Israel forgives ... this Time Israel decides toirradicate the virus and they all are crying cause israel is not listenning and those who always forced israel to back down this time are sending there aircraft carriers and commando units help smoke out the rats from the tunnels ...this if is not dispropotionate and 20 times more horrible in scale what hamas or hezbollah did to israel hamas and hezbollah will do it again and again and yet again so to keep them and there supporters in there holes it legit for israel to kill as amny vermins of hamas and hezbollah as possible and there backers sitting safe in syriya or iran or jordan or any western nation they too should be and are hnted down .... now instead of abusing talk to me with facts as when hamas and mezbollah knew what could be israeli response why did they did it first place ... lets begin

Dude, your post would make some sense if Gaza was not being flattened and the vast majority of those being killed were not civilians.

It is obvious that you are siding with colonialist settlers and so at least be upfront about it. This is not about right and wrong for you.

Remember though that the Zionist settler state will become unviable as it was brought into being with western domination. and will become an unstable anomaly as China becomes the dominant power on Earth in 10-15 years from now.

Most whites under 50 in the western world support Palestine now and here we have the likes of you on the same side as Zionist savages and their old white racist supporters.

Think about the company you are now keeping.
After 82 pages my Final comment

Problem is JEWS and had it been any other ethnicity it would not have been such an issue but its an issue cause JEWS ARE FIGHTING and Giving so called dispropotionate response to what likes of Hezbollah or hamas do every time when dust starts to settle down .... why cause deu to public heu and cry and Israeli response Israel forgives ... this Time Israel decides toirradicate the virus and they all are crying cause israel is not listenning and those who always forced israel to back down this time are sending there aircraft carriers and commando units help smoke out the rats from the tunnels ...this if is not dispropotionate and 20 times more horrible in scale what hamas or hezbollah did to israel hamas and hezbollah will do it again and again and yet again so to keep them and there supporters in there holes it legit for israel to kill as amny vermins of hamas and hezbollah as possible and there backers sitting safe in syriya or iran or jordan or any western nation they too should be and are hnted down .... now instead of abusing talk to me with facts as when hamas and mezbollah knew what could be israeli response why did they did it first place ... lets begin
ABsolutely you are right, america is a slave of jews because it was those intelligent jews who helped to build the american economy new inventions and everything now they will do anything in there power to help israel and i am pretty sure hamas didnt even dream about such barbaric response. I really want muslim powerhouses like pakistan to take some needed military action israel and help innocent civilians of gaza.
After 82 pages my Final comment

Problem is JEWS and had it been any other ethnicity it would not have been such an issue but its an issue cause JEWS ARE FIGHTING and Giving so called dispropotionate response to what likes of Hezbollah or hamas do every time when dust starts to settle down .... why cause deu to public heu and cry and Israeli response Israel forgives ... this Time Israel decides toirradicate the virus and they all are crying cause israel is not listenning and those who always forced israel to back down this time are sending there aircraft carriers and commando units help smoke out the rats from the tunnels ...this if is not dispropotionate and 20 times more horrible in scale what hamas or hezbollah did to israel hamas and hezbollah will do it again and again and yet again so to keep them and there supporters in there holes it legit for israel to kill as amny vermins of hamas and hezbollah as possible and there backers sitting safe in syriya or iran or jordan or any western nation they too should be and are hnted down .... now instead of abusing talk to me with facts as when hamas and mezbollah knew what could be israeli response why did they did it first place ... lets begin

if you don't think killing 10,000+ children and hundreds of journalists in a few months (these rates of killing children and journalists and UN workers are unheard of in modern conflicts, Israel is setting new records every day) and razing entire cities to rubble is disproportionate then you clearly have no understanding of the basics of human decency or international humanitarian law

US cracks down on money flow to Iran-backed Houthis [Ansarallah]​

The US has slapped sanctions on groups in Turkey and Yemen allegedly responsible for funnelling money to Iranian-backed Houthi [Ansarallah] rebels in a crackdown driven by their attacks on commercial vessels passing through the Red Sea.

The US Treasury department said on Thursday it was placing sanctions on one individual and three entities “responsible for facilitating the flow of Iranian financial assistance to Houthi [Ansarallah] forces and their destabilising activities”.

The White House has accused Iran of being “deeply involved” in planning the Houthi [Ansarallah] attacks in the Red Sea, including providing the group with “tactical intelligence” to help it target maritime vessels.

It is unclear how much the task force will deter the Houthis [Ansarallah], as the group has warned that it may carry on with its attacks as long as Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza continues.

The new US sanctions against Houthi [Ansarallah] financial networks come amid growing concern that the war in Gaza could spill over into a broader regional conflict — a scenario that has so far been avoided.

Benny Gantz, an influential Israeli minister and a member of the war cabinet, threatened to escalate military operations against Hizbollah, which has been launching attacks against targets in northern Israel.

Unless the US Treasury knows the bank accounts of the individuals sanctioned, these "sanctions" should have no impact on the Iranian financial support to the Ansarullah movement. These transactions could occur in the CIPs and SPFS financial systems, which are outside of the US control.

Within this week, Russia and Iran have announced they'll be trading with their respective currencies: The Rubble and Riyal. This agreement takes out of the US Dollar in the middle for any trade between these 2 countries.

Suddenly, the US govt officials and influential senators started calling for bombing Iranian oil faculties and IRGC headquarters. Then US, France, Germany, and UK have also called on Iran to de-escalate its nuclear enrichment program. And now, we have these sanctions. All of them happening within a week.

If anything, these sanctions would encourage the Ansarullah movement from placing their finances within the banks of Oman, UAE, and Turkey.
Dude, your post would make some sense if Gaza was not being flattened and the vast majority of those being killed were not civilians.

It is obvious that you are siding with colonialist settlers and so at least be upfront about it. This is not about right and wrong for you.

Remember though that the Zionist settler state will become unviable as it was brought into being with western domination. and will become an unstable anomaly as China becomes the dominant power on Earth in 10-15 years from now.

Most whites under 50 in the western world support Palestine now and here we have the likes of you on the same side as Zionist savages and their old white racist supporters.

Think about the company you are now keeping.
lolss says a bengali who lives in UK the main colonizers land ;) :P

Jews are not colonizers israel is jewish land since earliestt recorded history and jews were living in Iraq yemen iran oman and many other parts before 1947 and after WW2 but started moving to promised land after buying land from ARABS there is no so called Palestinian race ..... PALESTINA was a roman word given to HOLY LAND BETWEEN JORDAN RIVER AND SEA ... which Holy land they talked about ...?

why dint arabs hand over the land they sold to jews in 1947

why no mulim says anything about occuption of GAZA BY EGYPT and WEST BANK & JERUSALAM BY JORDAN TILL 6DAY WAR ...?

why more than 6 different peacepacts since 1967 which were brokered by US & west rejected by PLO , Hexbollah , or Hamas

you cnt have it both ways first take money and then dont give the land but then when you loose the land in WAR then you keep agitating and sending your kids into fight to get killed and cry Vitim
Unless the US Treasury knows the bank accounts of the individuals sanctioned, these "sanctions" should have no impact on the Iranian financial support to the Ansarullah movement. These transactions could occur in the CIPs and SPFS financial systems, which are outside of the US control.

Within this week, Russia and Iran have announced they'll be trading with their respective currencies: The Rubble and Riyal. This agreement takes out of the US Dollar in the middle for any trade between these 2 countries.

Suddenly, the US govt officials and influential senators started calling for bombing Iranian oil faculties and IRGC headquarters. Then US, France, Germany, and UK have also called on Iran to de-escalate its nuclear enrichment program. And now, we have these sanctions. All of them happening within a week.

If anything, these sanctions would encourage the Ansarullah movement from placing their finances within the banks of Oman, UAE, and Turkey.
It is usually because there are US dollars involved, which means US reach is unlimited in practice. But sanctions are a cat and mouse game - the US sanctions 10 shell companies used to obscure links to Iran, and the next day Iran creates another 10, and the game continues.
ABsolutely you are right, america is a slave of jews because it was those intelligent jews who helped to build the american economy new inventions and everything now they will do anything in there power to help israel and i am pretty sure hamas didnt even dream about such barbaric response. I really want muslim powerhouses like pakistan to take some needed military action israel and help innocent civilians of gaza.
so you say it since romans evicted jews from there holy land they kept roaming from europe tpo asia to america and niether had land nor miltarry power yet today they rule the world even after biieng in a minority always ..... why count muslims achieve same status when ottomans ruled all this area and eastern europe for aloste a mellenia so did muslims rule was for almost since times of prophet muhammad till 18th centuarry in all of asia ... still jews properred even after bieng religiously prosecuted by both christians in europe and america and muslism in asia and africa ... why and how please explain how this hapenned ...?

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