Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

so you say it since romans evicted jews from there holy land they kept roaming from europe tpo asia to america and niether had land nor miltarry power yet today they rule the world even after biieng in a minority always ..... why count muslims achieve same status when ottomans ruled all this area and eastern europe for aloste a mellenia so did muslims rule was for almost since times of prophet muhammad till 18th centuarry in all of asia ... still jews properred even after bieng religiously prosecuted by both christians in europe and america and muslism in asia and africa ... why and how please explain how this hapenned ...?
Yea that is question which only muslims can answer how they let themselves in this position where a minuscle minority poulation is commiting a genocide while holding the superpower america as a slave of its protection and all the muslim world is only watching helplessly. Really sad to see innocent lives being lost in gaza.
lolss says a bengali who lives in UK the main colonizers land ;) :p
Irrelevant ad hominem attack.
Jews are not colonizers
Zionists who settle in Palestine are indeed colonisers. This is the central premise of 19th century Zionism.
israel is jewish land since earliestt recorded history
Wrong. Others lived in Palestine before Jews. And now we determine right to self-determination/statehood by arbitrary historical claims? Do you want to extend that logic to other countries?
and jews were living in Iraq yemen iran oman and many other parts before 1947 and after WW2 but started moving to promised land after buying land from ARABS
Some bought land. Many did not. Are we pretending the Palestinian Nakba did not happen in this alternate reality of yours? Jewish terrorist militias bombed hotels, police stations and carried out mass rape and executions of Palestinian women and children to forcefully expel them from their homes, and build Jewish settlements on their graves. This is all documented with testimony from the Jewish terrorists involved, who admit their actions (with glee).

why no mulim says anything about occuption of GAZA BY EGYPT and WEST BANK & JERUSALAM BY JORDAN TILL 6DAY WAR ...?
Perhaps something that happened 50 years ago is less important than the current brutal occupation and ethnic cleansing campaign carried out by extremist Zionists. Just a thought.
why more than 6 different peacepacts since 1967 which were brokered by US & west rejected by PLO , Hexbollah , or Hamas
PLO recognised Israel and its made up 'right to exist' in 1991. Did Israel return the favour?

Which peace pact did Hamas, which came into power in 2006, ever reject? You are historically illiterate and appear to rely solely on Israel's foreign propaganda playbook for your talking points.
It is usually because there are US dollars involved, which means US reach is unlimited in practice. But sanctions are a cat and mouse game - the US sanctions 10 shell companies used to obscure links to Iran, and the next day Iran creates another 10, and the game continues.

These sanctions are not from US security council. They're only American-imposed, meaning countries have every right to not enforce them provided they're willing to withstand American coercive threats.

The only problem for the individuals or entities sanctioned is if they have dollarized accounts or if their money is in any of the countries enforcing the sanctions. Luckily, in Yemen, they heavily use the hawala system, which individuals in Yemen can easily circumvent these sanctions inside Ansurallah-controlled Northern Yemen.

For outbound or inbound financial transactions to and from Yemen, as long as they avoid the countries enforcing the sanctions, they would be good. Especially, the transactions between the central banks of Ansarullah-controlled Yemen and Iran should be outside of America-controlled SWIFT financial system.

Recently, the UN announced a progress on the talks between the Yemeni groups and path towards a unified Yemen. This hastily-arranged progress on Yemeni "reconciliation" is all designed to control the Ansarullah, and in the long run this could be one way of imposing the defunct govt on the Ansarullah-controlled San'a. (This is reminiscent of what they're trying to do in Gaza. They want to impose the Palestinian Authority on the resistance there).
When Muslims are killed - its always a mistake.
When Muslims are killed - its always "they were terrorists".
When Muslims are killed - its a rogue or isolated incident.

When a Muslim kills - blame ALL Muslims - the responsibility is at the hands of 1.8 billion Muslims collectively. Muslims are collectively punished for everything bad. Its the common trend today.

This is true. Although there is a reason for this trend.

A leader of a country defends and represents the ideals and values of his people. Even better is when a bloc defends ideals and values. Many voices stand stronger in conveying a message and defending their values.

Most Islamic leaders don't defend nor represent the ideals and values of their respective culture. When these leaders won't defend their values the enemies won't defend it for us.
These sanctions are not from US security council. They're only American-imposed, meaning countries have every right to not enforce them provided they're willing to withstand American coercive threats.
As I said, the problem is the desire for US dollars - this means they have to go through a bank connected to the US financial system at one point, and that's the point the US sanctions will target (e.g. clearing houses in Turkey or Oman or UAE, which definitely do not want to lose access to the US financial system).
ABsolutely you are right, america is a slave of jews because it was those intelligent jews who helped to build the american economy new inventions and everything now they will do anything in there power to help israel and i am pretty sure hamas didnt even dream about such barbaric response. I really want muslim powerhouses like pakistan to take some needed military action israel and help innocent civilians of gaza.

Islamic power house Pakistan needs IMF loans to survive. Pakistan cannot even defend its own case.
As I said, the problem is the desire for US dollars - this means they have to go through a bank connected to the US financial system at one point, and that's the point the US sanctions will target (e.g. clearing houses in Turkey or Oman or UAE, which definitely do not want to lose access to the US financial system).

This has been argued many times on the legacy PDF forum. A separate economic and military bloc is needed. All non-Arab Islamic countries are ready to join such an Islamic bloc if GCC Arabs take the lead. The problem is a country like Saudi Arabia being completely in bed with the Western powers.

In my opinion, the likes of Saudi Arabia have become too dependent on the West for just about everything. They sell their oil to Western powers to earn dollars. Once you start trading in dollar and depend on this currency you are stuck and doomed. A transformation is almost impossible unless you are willing to take drastic steps.

The more realistic solution is an Islamic bloc without GCC Arab nations. This has more chance of success despite being a weaker option.
This has been argued many times on the legacy PDF forum. A separate economic and military bloc is needed. All non-Arab Islamic countries are ready to join such an Islamic bloc if GCC Arabs take the lead. The problem is a country like Saudi Arabia being completely in bed with the Western powers.

In my opinion, the likes of Saudi Arabia have become too dependent on the West for just about everything. They sell their oil to Western powers to earn dollars. Once you start trading in dollar and depend on this currency you are stuck and doomed. A transformation is almost impossible unless you are willing to take drastic steps.

The more realistic solution is an Islamic bloc without GCC Arab nations. This has more chance of success despite being a weaker option.
Indeed, the same is true of Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and the others too. But Turkey is also uniquely problematic since it is the only regional country that is part of NATO, the US-led security alliance, and also hosts American nuclear weapons on its soil. A NATO country joining a competing world order is not plausible.
lolss says a bengali who lives in UK the main colonizers land ;) :p

Jews are not colonizers israel is jewish land since earliestt recorded history and jews were living in Iraq yemen iran oman and many other parts before 1947 and after WW2 but started moving to promised land after buying land from ARABS there is no so called Palestinian race ..... PALESTINA was a roman word given to HOLY LAND BETWEEN JORDAN RIVER AND SEA ... which Holy land they talked about ...?

why dint arabs hand over the land they sold to jews in 1947

why no mulim says anything about occuption of GAZA BY EGYPT and WEST BANK & JERUSALAM BY JORDAN TILL 6DAY WAR ...?

why more than 6 different peacepacts since 1967 which were brokered by US & west rejected by PLO , Hexbollah , or Hamas

you cnt have it both ways first take money and then dont give the land but then when you loose the land in WAR then you keep agitating and sending your kids into fight to get killed and cry Vitim

What a ridiculous post!

So buying private land gives you the right to breakaway and form your own country?

Name me a single country that accepts this principle?

Can I go to India and buy some land on the coast and demand that India secedes this land for me to form my own state? Of course not.

You are something else with no arguments of your own but what the Zionists use.
Indeed, the same is true of Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and the others too. But Turkey is also uniquely problematic since it is the only regional country that is part of NATO, the US-led security alliance, and also hosts American nuclear weapons on its soil. A NATO country joining a competing world order is not plausible.

Another more plausible option is a non-GCC Arab bloc with China and Russia. Although BRICS is already there. That leaves the non-GCC Arab bloc in a quandary.

I hate to say it, but this is our story. It sums up the terrible situation perfectly. Unable to form a bloc and unable to defend our faith, norms and values. No wonder Islam and Muslims are fair game at this moment.
Another more plausible option is non-GCC Arab bloc with China and Russia. Although BRICS is already there. That leaves the non-GCC Arab bloc in a quandary.

I hate to say it, but this is our story. It sums up the terrible situation perfectly. Unable to form a bloc and unable to defend. No wonder Islam and Muslims are fair game.
I agree. Too many cannot see beyond ethnic/sectarian/nationalist divisions and the Muslim world ends up divided and weaker as a result. The US convinces Arabs that Iran is a scary demon coming for their regimes so they need to buy US security and weapons to sustain the US MIC and become beholden to the US (and thereby Israel). A sad tale. I see little desire from those living in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar etc to change the status quo; if anything, I see more of an acceptance of the futility of opposing Israel/USA and desire for self-preservation by getting closer with those hostile powers instead.
I agree. Too many cannot see beyond ethnic/sectarian/nationalist divisions and the Muslim world ends up divided and weaker as a result. The US convinces Arabs that Iran is a scary demon coming for their regimes so they need to buy US security and weapons to sustain the US MIC and become beholden to the US (and thereby Israel). A sad tale. I see little desire from those living in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar etc to change the status quo; if anything, I see more of an acceptance of the futility of opposing Israel/USA and desire for self-preservation by getting closer with those hostile powers instead.

At the end of the day the GCC Arabs are an obstacle to many solutions in the Islamic world. It is a pity.

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