Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

There are huge financial consequences for even rich GCC countries if they cross the Americans. Needless to say, overpopulated, resource-starved poor countries like Pakistan have no chance against America/American allies sanctions. Pakistan's situation is made even worse because it has a much larger, much more robust economy/military neighbor ready to pounce given any weakness. The Indian member above mocking Pakistan to go and attack Israel is not only mocking but is also hoping that Pakistan would do such a thing.
At this point, until some alternate financial system comes up, America/allies economic tools are even more potent weapons than the aircraft carriers.

The problem is compounded by the fact that Pakistani economy isn't recovering anytime soon. The path it is on is self-destructive. Pakistan is always close to a default. Furthermore, the future prospects don't look good at all. With PML-N returning to power we can expect further deterioration. The generals don't seem to care. Whisky is dreaming of inviting papa America into Central Asian States. That is whisky's wish and priority. China and Russia are laughing.

The GCC Arabs are completely aligned with Israel. Don't expect anything from GCC Arabs. The GCC Arabs are going to recognise Israel very soon after Israeli objectives are met in Gaza. The GCC Arabs have made absolutely no secret that the way forward with Israel is through an al-Hudaybiya like pact.

The only thing we can expect at this point is Hamas taking out as many Zionists as possible. That in itself would be an absolute nightmare for Israelis. With the number of casualties rising the Zionist populace is going to scream in anguish.
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For many of us, Israel's conduct isn't a surprise. Many of the Western people that support Israel are vile Zionist Christians. These people have extremely perverse ideas and religious convictions. This might be a revelation for normal people across Western countries, but for many of us this has been an open secret. What normal people in the West are witnessing today is something the Palestinians have experienced for decades. The difference is that this time the barbarity is as clear as daylight. The casualties are extreme. Children, babies and women aren't spared.

The people of the promised land are exercising their God-given rights...

Al-Qassam Brigades:Al-Qassam Mujahideen engage in fierce clashes in the Al-Sha’af and Jabal Al-Rayes areas, east of Gaza City, and detonate an anti-personnel device in a Zionist foot force and target another force holed up in a building with a “TBG” missile, causing a large number of deaths and injuries among their ranks.
Zionists are surrounded from North to East and South by Iran and Iran's proxies

Once the traitor countries including Turkey, SA and UAE stop helping zionists and the great satan the USA gets weakened zionists will destroyed
Lebanon citizens have already moved out of border zone
This is false. Lebanese citizens in the south have not formally been ordered to evacuate or left en-masse, by contrast with the situation in northern Israeli settlements.
The Israelis are basically turning Palestinians homeless and rendering the upcoming and current generation useless. Imagine an army of limbless children and adults.
On the other hand, they are ensuring the next generation / iteration of Hamas will have even more recruits. And thus, the cycle will continue.
Zionists are surrounded from North to East and South by Iran and Iran's proxies

Once the traitor countries including Turkey, SA and UAE stop helping zionists and the great satan the USA gets weakened zionists will destroyed
Two issues:

1) Ensuring adequate build-up of qualitative and quantitative weapons capabilities among the Resistance (without Israel intervening in the interim to degrade said capabilities) to enable the Resistance to challenge Israel from a position of strength; and

2) Convincing Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey ... etc that they should cease pursuing the path of 'normalisation' and diplomatic/economic relations with Israel.
Zionists are surrounded from North to East and South by Iran and Iran's proxies

Once the traitor countries including Turkey, SA and UAE stop helping zionists and the great satan the USA gets weakened Zionists will destroyed

Israel is nothing without support of US/UK/France. It won't take long if they stop their support infact Turkey and Arabs are supporting Israel because of US.

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