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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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If you saw the John Elmer video which I posted in my last message above, you would have noticed that Gazans made a 'strategic' decision many years ago to not go for Kornet because of the weight and because Yasin would be more easy to manufacture. Elmer said it would be recorded by 'history', implying a very clever move and as Aziqbal said above, using the unexploded Israeli ordnance, many Yasin could be made.

The Yasin is fine but they desperately need some heavier man portable ATGMs and man pads

It's pointless giving gazans heavy weapons that would require time and effort to deploy and move around because they would be targeted by the Zionists

But man portable man pads, ATGMs and decent long range sniper rifles would send IDF casualties through the roof


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Agreed, which is why the Israeli demand is irrational. And it's irrational by design. To justify a war on Lebanon. Problem is US for Netanyahu and his gang, US is not willing to fight the war for them at the moment. But we can't underestimate the Zionist Blinkens determination to fight for Israel 'as a Jew' in his own words.
PROBLEM IS that for Israel, it is eyeing Lebanon's land and Lebanon, esp. HZ, is also eyeing northern Israel's lands- so both parties want to control some of each other's lands today.

But the problem IS, that in trying to take and control some of Lebanon's land in its south, Israel will end up losing some of its land in northern Israel to HZ.

Giving up 1 inch of Lebanon's land that is currently controlled by Lebanon or/and HZ is not acceptable to Hezbollah. Fighting for southern Lebanon is relatively easy for HZ, because its a natural strong motivation,also because whichever way it goes, it is worth it (in HZ perspective).


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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And it's not killing them by accident. It knows them and their families, and where they live. It deliberately assassinates them and kills their family by targeting their home. It is doing it on purpose. Killing entire families. Literally families make up the vast majority of the Israeli 'target bank'.

If someone in your family is helping treat the injured or keep the hospitals working, you will end up Israels target list. It's genocidal terrorism of unseen scale and brutality. Arabs and Muslims need to start killing Jewish terrorist families for every Palestinian family that is executed. That is only way it stops.


Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Israeli estimates of full scale war with Hezbollah in Lebanon to weaken Hezbollah by '10 years':


-Goal to kill 3,000 Hezbollah fighters
-1,000-2,000 civilians killed, 5,000 if they don't leave areas Israel tells them to
-5-8,000 Lebanese killed total


-200-250 civilians killed
-600-800 soldiers
-Around 1,000 Israeli's killed total

@Persian Gulf
Numbers seem very far off. 1:1 fighter to civilian killed ratio is far too generous. Killing 3,000 Hezbollah fighters won't set Hezbollah back 10 years, that's only 3% of their armed forces (100k total).

With 1,000 killed Israelis they would aim to kill at least 50,000 Lebanese women and children.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Strategic assessment of Israeli losses:

Israel has lost at least 1500 lives with c. 10,000+ total casualties. To put this into context, this is the equivalent of the USA suffering 400,000-450,000 total casualties, against a tiny militant group in a tiny blockaded sliver of land while using genocidal scorched earth tactics before entering any area.

For comparison, the US suffered c. 35,000 total casualties between 2003-2010 in Iraq.

Israel is not "winning" this war of attrition by any stretch. It is being bogged down in Gaza with no tangible political results (Hamas fired 20+ rockets into Israel the other day, its domestic weapons manufacturing capabilities still exist, Hamas continue to inflicts dozens of casualties per week, the hostages have not been rescued, and Hamas' top leadership have not been hit) and the north of the Zionist entity has been evacuated for the first time in its history.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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New footage obtained by Al Jazeera on 30 June documents the Israeli army’s use of Palestinian civilians as human shields in the Gaza Strip.

The footage obtained by the outlet is made up of several videos. Prisoners are seen dressed in Israeli army uniforms, equipped with body cams, and are forced to enter buildings or tunnels to ensure they are not rigged with explosives.

In the first video, two Palestinians are forced to enter the wreckage of a home to search for a tunnel entrance. The prisoners are shown reporting back to the soldiers that only dirt and concrete were found.

Another video shows a prisoner being forced to enter a tunnel attached to a wire held by Israeli soldiers above ground.

“Guys, the army are using me as a lure,” the prisoner calls out, hoping resistance fighters hear him and know not to open fire.

A third video shows an injured prisoner without his clothes on, being forced to enter a building with a drone accompanying him to make sure the building is not rigged or that there are no fighters within it.

Israeli soldiers have long used Palestinian prisoners as human shields in the occupied West Bank as well as the Gaza Strip.



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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These are all journalists that were targeted, btw. Israeli army was getting frustrated they were providing coverage of their war crimes. Israel just labeled them Hamas and assigned them as targets for Israeli pilots and drone operators to have killed.



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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By the way, the current figure most intelligence agency estimate is quite close to the lower ceiling, we have between 120,000 to 160,000 Palestinian casualty and about 10000 IDF Casualty at this point.

Which "most intel agencies" are we talking about? Because according to the Gaza Health Ministry (which BTW has offices in the West Bank also and is gathering data there as well as it comes in from Gaza) lists the unfortunate death toll as of June 30, 2024, (3 days ago) in Gaza at approximately 37,877 Palestinians killed of which approximately 15,000 are children (women not included but adding the women & children they approximate the total to be around 70% - 72% of the total which is abhorrent) and approximately 86,969 injured.

Now there's probably unfortunately quite a few still buried under the disgusting amount of destroyed buildings and homes & rubble, but if you take those numbers without the injured/wounded since most of those are considered still alive, you have almost 40K dead and double that for missing and you're at 80,000.

That's still a disgusting number of innocent & helpless people killed but to claim it's double that at 160K is a bit outrageous TBH.

And if anything, despite the zionist always manipulating the numbers to suit their demonic needs, they even question the Gaza Health Ministry numbers which I would take over any intel out there no matter who it is. I think they got their heads up their asses TBH.

And couldn't care less about the accuracy of the zionist deaths either, the more the merrier as far as we're all concerned. Not busting your balls, Hungary, just an observation/questioning who these intel agencies are that are coming out with those crazy numbers and don't seem to give any credence to the numbers published by the Gaza Health Ministry.

From the looks of it, Al Qassam soldiers first disabled the tank (blinding it) or the crew got killed or fled. Idk how the IDF soldiers didn't see the Qassam soldier running in front of the tank

I guarantee you there's a reason for that knowing how slimy setting up ambushy those demons are, but it didn't work for them.

If you look at that Merkakhara MK4 with all the goofball bells & whistles and why would it be just sitting there in the middle of all sorts of damaged buildings with tons of hideouts for brave Hamas soldiers to take easy shots at them? Pretty obvious thinking their trophy is going to protect them from any ATGM fired on it and they most definitely have their own lookout waiting for brave tracksuit Mujahideen to either fire at it with an RPG or run at it and get their location or wherever they're firing from.

Guess their brilliant plan failed miserably lol as the brave TSMs outsmarted them coming out in two, planting their Yassins then ran in two separate directions and not back to the same spot loool. Double Bs on that, Brilliant and Brave on another level. Zionist must've been pissing their pants sweating bullets and crying getting nothing out of that whole thing except a badly damaged hunk of crap and probably a couple dead or at least badly maimed, let's hope.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Strong statement by General Barrick;

Senior commanders in the Israeli army want a ceasefire.

The leaders of the Zionist army are frustrated by the continuation of the battle so far, in addition to the daily human losses, which have put their soldiers in a bad mood.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The State Prosecutor asked the government's legal advisor to open a criminal investigation against National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. The suspicion attributed to Minister Ben Gvir: incitement to violence against the residents of Gaza


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