Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It's like when my sons used to beat up the racist white kids in school and I used to get called to meetings with the Headteacher, the headteacher would say they shouldn't fight back and I would say my Children have every right to defend themselves and beat up racists. When they pushed back I would threaten them with legal action and they would jump back.

This is what is happening now in Tel Aviv

The fire is spreading to a building containing hazardous and highly flammable materials. So far, there is misinformation about the cause of the fire.

O Lord, light it up more and burn them.

آمين يا رب العالمين

May the entire city of evil
The statement that Jews are intelligent is another fabricated lie. Having grown up with them it was obvious that they have typical intelligence across society however they are more deviously crooked and abject liars and very self-centered and organised through their temple networks. They are well organised mafia who have taken over key government and financial positions of their host countries and spread their tentacles into business and education. It is the gullible leaders of the world who fall for their lies and deceit who are the weakness and who bring calamity upon their indigenous people.
100% ... Summed up in one word "Fasaad". That's who they are.
The Pope is speaking as though he has a concerned... But he is bed with the Zionists.

Dude you really need to cool it a bit. lol

Racism is the worst sin in Islam and so cut it out.

It is correct to criticise any Muslim country that in anyway has relations with that abomination in ME that is the Zionist entity. Turkey does not get any passes here.

What is this obsession you have with being white? if there was a civil war in UK, you can bet the white English would slaughter you as they consider you an enemy, white or not white.
Yes I am Racist but as that Aya in Al Baqara says " Those who attck you, return to them the same way....."
Didn't the guy called Pakistanforever said " After all of this,( Palestine) we are going for racial war????? No? So , that bum , studied in England for free whil I was around Sarajevo on -20 and I have to kill myself or be a slave????
So let's talk an example of Bulgaria, where in late 19th century Muslims went from %55 to %10
Or during Zhivkov when they were expelled or had their names changed, besides Turks , there were Pomaks , who are Bulgarians.
In 19th century 5 million of Muslims vanished from Balkan, fighting every inch of the way.
So I will kill myself now because 10 Englishman ruled you?
Really? It seems that you demand it.
To put it simply, British and French helped us as allies to survive Russian onslaught in 19th century.
Germans , Austrians , Hungarians were with us in ww1 and ww2 . Who are you to me ??? No one, and I don't care.
Wake up , do you think that when I was in Regents street mosque during the riots that I didn't see your hate? If I that dumb , I would ve dead un 80s.
So I hate simple for what you are , it is just that I don't pretend.
I not you guys , when Rohingiya and Afghans are thrown out of the country but here " I was born here"
So you are right, I don't like your kind, it is the answer to you.
Just go on and return to Hinduism.
If you don't believe, in what you ought, but believe in something else, then leave it.
Yes and I hate Hindus, don't worry, also besides religion for the racial reasons?
As you see I like you, I just don't pretend.
Ah I forgot don't effin tell me , what would happen in the case of civil war here, I went through that game when you were a baby
I know exactly what to expect from the various people.
For this subject I am Professor
Dude you really need to cool it a bit. lol

Racism is the worst sin in Islam and so cut it out.

It is correct to criticise any Muslim country that in anyway has relations with that abomination in ME that is the Zionist entity. Turkey does not get any passes here.

What is this obsession you have with being white? if there was a civil war in UK, you can bet the white English would slaughter you as they consider you an enemy, white or not white.
In other forum, Indonesian guy , who became religious 2 years ago , complain that he invented in me and I didn't go to Jihad against all Europe???? Wtf?????
Enough of mocking and bitching. Enough of playing these games.
Enough that sonlme Pakistani crypto Hindu teach me what's Devsirme how injustice it was.
I am from Sokolovic family, practically creme de la creme of Devsirme. 5 Sadriazams from my family and some schmuck will teach me? Wtf
In other forum, Indonesian guy , who became religious 2 years ago , complain that he invented in me and I didn't go to Jihad against all Europe???? Wtf?????
Enough of mocking and bitching. Enough of playing these games.
Enough that sonlme Pakistani crypto Hindu teach me what's Devsirme how injustice it was.
I am from Sokolovic family, practically creme de la creme of Devsirme. 5 Sadriazams from my family and some schmuck will teach me? Wtf

Look you are steering the conversation to off-topic.

It seems that you get upset whenever anyone criticises Turkish collaboration with the Zionist entity even when it is committing genocide of Gazans. Just this moment Turkey is facilitating oil from the traitor Azeris to the entity, that is being used in Zionist planes and armoured vehicles to kill Gazan women and children.

All Muslim countries with relations/collaboration are being heavily criticised as none should have ANY relations with that usurper of Palestine, let alone collaborate with it. It needs to be put under a siege so that it eventually suffocates and dies.

All those countries that have any links with the entity will be disgraced by history, just like those Muslim rulers who collaborated with the Crusader Kingdoms all those hundreds of years ago.
F you, 30 000 thousands of Azeris were slaughtered in few days in 90s , their land taken away. They returned it , whatever it took. With that Tufaeyli ex secretary of Hezbollah agrees.
Where your people there for them when Armos killed 66 000 of Azeris in few days in Zanzegur? Or all those massacre. Who are you to them to accuse them of anything?
Azeris need to get extinct in order that you say " European Rascim etc etc "
What a charade and hypocrisy.
Besides that , that's the fight to get the connection to the Turkic world, Iran is consciencly against that.
Over the last 200 years 100s of thousands of Muslims died for that.
In Sarikamush in 4 days over 60 000 Ottoman army soldiers got frozen in 4 days , among them 2 uncles of my mother. Summer uniforms , November-28.
Don't pretend that you care about the Muslims, because if you do , you would have a bit different perspective. No no , you are a crypto Hindu. Don't lie. Join them and maybe you will be part of something big and that's all what you want, no?
Oh Muslims to get united? I rather be with penguins then you.
Stop pretending.

Err, there is no excuse for ANY kind of collaboration with the Zionist entity.

Everyone can make up an excuse as to why they need to have relations with this blot on humanity.

Now this is my last post to you as you are trying to defend what is indefensible.

Like I say all those that have relations and collaborate with the Zionist usurper of Palestine will be disgraced by history, like the previous Muslim collaborators with the Crusader Kingdoms have been . I am sure they all would have justified it with x/y/z reasons.

It is becacuse of local collaborators that this entity survives to this day and is responsible for destroying half the ME and killing of millions of people.
Munafiqs like him are the reason Muslim are treated like mosquitoes... Irrelevant, dispensable, trash, cheap, forgettable, impotent, cowards, traitors, corrupt, and weak.
And the worst part? Millions of Muslims, especially Pakistanis, are ready to give their lives for Munafiqs like him!

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