Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

When a displaced refugee occupies the land that embraced him, kills its people, destroys their homeland, and turns them into refugees, it makes us put charitable work on the shelf if we deal with the forms of these herds.
Here is a document signed by this refugee that says:
“I swear to be loyal to the government of Palestine”

Part of the "negotiations" that our Afghan brothers entered into with the American occupation, which led to the surrender of America and its allies and their escape from #Afghanistan in the historical scene that we all witnessed.

Abu Ubaida: During the war, we were able to recruit thousands of new mujahideen from the support ranks, and there are thousands more ready to join when necessary.

The Support Army consists of approximately 200,000 young Palestinians who were trained by the Al-Qassam Brigades in weapons, tunnels, and urban warfare over the past 15 years.

Chief of Staff of the North Korean Army: We are fully prepared to provide weapons and ammunition to Palestine in coordination with Russia.

The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.
If you start looking into the various said and unsaid alliances before the First World War, then you'd already see patterns of a Third World War. I wished I was wrong on that. But I dread I am not wrong. The PDF has talked about the Third World War for many years but once the Russia-Ukraine war started, I had said then that the seeds of the Third World War were being sown--the latest conflict in Palestine is an extension of that.
The Neo Cons in America thrive on wars. Who was it that said something like 'The purpose of war is the continuation of war'.

Hedbollah and its allies will give Israel a major headache. Israel is a conventional Army with fancy toys, but without any real experince except fight civillians the past 4 decades. Hizbollah otoh have fought and won the long grim war in Syria. Which is a huge feat. They have gained massive combat experience and become battle hardened.
Israel knows this and therefore hesistates. Israel lost against Hezbollah in 2006. Hizbollah is 10 times stronger and better equipped today.

Bottomline: Israelis are C.O.W.A.R.D.S!!
Who would have imagined this scene had it not been for the flood!

Australian National University students vote by a show of hands in favor of the decision to sever the university’s ties with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and withdraw its investments from arms companies in solidarity with Palestine.

A clip published for the first time and must be seen by all of humanity so that everyone knows the true nature of Israel

The moment Israeli soldiers sniped a horse that was carrying bags of flour just for fun...!

That is disgusting killing an innocent animal. This Jewish race is a vile and disgusting race walking. Even the Taliban didn't stoop this low.
Pakistan has the Muslim nuclear bomb and Israel needs to remember that at 25:50 mins

You and @Mehmed Beg is a sad interaction in this forum because you are both on same side.
You have a habit of 'Hahaha' including to my own post within 1-2 days ago while that guy is a no holds-bar vitriol against anything Pakistan--and that too in a Pakistani forum. Pakistanis literally bled for Bosnians--I live in a college town and a Bosnian PhD once said in mid 2000s 'Oh we had Pakistanis soldiers in Bosnia!' [he was referring to the mid 90s].

Being on the same side and yet fighting like that. Sad.
Bro get tough and get real, war has no time for emotions, shedding tears or being emotional is a waste of time . This isn't a flower power PTI website , we are living in medieval kind barbaric times , where there are no rules or laws except for the fools and you and other people who are living in la la fantasy cosy sofa syndrome better except the reality the war could reach your front door. It's not only the Nazis within but the Nazis preparing to attack the USA.

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