Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The biggest sandwich chain in the UK has been forced to drop expanding into the Zionist entity by people power. Boycott, divest and sanction and then the colonialist savages will implode on in themselves.

Most of the UK public have no time for Zionist propganda anymore.

@Meengla @hussain0216


Pret a Manger facing protest after ‘caving in to pressure to boycott Israel’​

Sandwich chain says cancellation of expansion plans was result of operating problems rather than pro-Palestinian pressure"

Campaigners who accuse Pret a Manger of caving in to pressure to boycott Israel will protest at one of the sandwich chain’s central London branches on Sunday.

The organisers, anti-discrimination group Stop Hate UK, accuses Pret of scrapping plans to open branches in Israel after pressure from pro-Palestinian activists to ditch its investments there.

The firm has denied caving in to anti-Israel pressure, claiming travel restrictions in the region have made it difficult to continue with the launch of the planned outlets.

Stop Hate UK says its protest is aimed at the “discriminatory tactics of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement”. It claims the decision by Pret to abandon its expansion into Israel is a surrender to the demands of a movement that perpetuates “divisiveness and hatred”.

Itai, the co-founder of the group, said: “We cannot allow companies like Pret A Manger to give in to a movement that seeks to isolate and demonise Israel. This protest is not just about Israel, but about standing against the normalisation of anti-Semitism.

“We are here to show Pret and the world that the Jewish community, and those who stand with us, will not be silenced or marginalised. This is a call for justice, unity, and peace.”

Soooo.... where might one find the most suitable coffee establishment?

Is care Nero still good? Or Costa?
How do you make sense of this headline

Was there a natural disaster?

No food, no water allowed

No infrastructure

Then Polio resurfacing

Quick quick... vaccination 🤔

What is this?
How do you make sense of this headline

Was there a natural disaster?

Knowing how the evil Nazis operate they most likely used germ warfare on the Palestinians and now want to inject them with gender change and population control chemicals.

For several years, I have been wondering about such ancient, such exclusionary, such racist, such alarmist, such self-destructive mindset. There are several WASPs in my own circle here, via marriage or friendships, who really want and actively promote some End of Times prophesies. These 'useful idiots' are, of course, safely ensconced in America while idealizing destruction and the end of the world. My own wife used to read the 'Left Behind' series; I never stopped her and I never imposed any of my beliefs upon her or anyone else; that's too insecure or even vulgar.
But the Israel-firster people are more dangerous to the world peace then the likes of Al Qaida or ISIL could ever be; those are two-bit terrorist organizations but the Bible Thumpers have some major power in America and are actively working to promote their goals.

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