Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

But for an Indian who would probably be seen even lower than Arabs by the white Zionists that are making the decision to genocide Gazan?

Hate Muslims as much as you want(plus a** licking) but surely there is something called having self-respect for your own race and kind?

It blows my mind that some Indians hate Muslims more than they have self-respect for who they are.

I'm still confused about this hatred by presumably some Indians for Muslims considering the large number of the Indian Muslim population. Then again, considering the religious riots and persecution in certain parts of India, it adds up.
Am not surprised to see Indians fighting for Israel on the front line - in fact losing their lives for the cause. How can anyone say they are "normal" targeting children and women. Its genocide and there is no excuse.

I really expected large numbers of Muslims to join the cause and fight the Zionists in Gaza. That did not materialize. I am really shocked to witness westerners (many Christians) and Indians of all people flocking to Israel to fight against and massacre the Palestinian civilians
I really expected large numbers of Muslims to join the cause and fight the Zionists in Gaza. That did not materialize. I am really shocked to witness westerners (many Christians) and Indians of all people flocking to Israel to fight against and massacre the Palestinian civilians

It would be suicidal to fight head-on against the Zionist entity.

The easiest way to put pressure is a total cutting off of all relations by regional countries - no oil, no food and no airspace.

However the leadership of all these countries is compromised.
I really expected large numbers of Muslims to join the cause and fight the Zionists in Gaza. That did not materialize. I am really shocked to witness westerners (many Christians) and Indians of all people flocking to Israel to fight against and massacre the Palestinian civilians

Most western countries have laws that allow their citizens to fight in the IDF but anyone fighting on the other side would be charged with aiding a terrorist organization.
Most western countries have laws that allow their citizens to fight in the IDF but anyone fighting on the other side would be charged with aiding a terrorist organization.

Also how would any Muslim make their way into Gaza as Egypt would not allow it and the entity has all borders under 24/7 surveillance.
Most western countries have laws that allow their citizens to fight in the IDF but anyone fighting on the other side would be charged with aiding a terrorist organization.

This is exactly what is known as the Clash of Civilisations

Western nations are making an example of Gaza , and sending a message
Indians of all people flocking to Israel to fight against and massacre the Palestinian civilians

Only Indian Jews are fighting for Israel

Hindus are NOT

India has only sent construction and Farm labour ie workers to Israel

That is because Palestinians are not allowed inside Israel for work , after this war started
This is exactly what is known as the Clash of Civilisations

Western nations are making an example of Gaza , and sending a mThey
They keep sending the massages for decade. But it is what it is. Simply there's not enough quality in Muslim world to do anymore.
Only Indian Jews are fighting for Israel

Hindus are NOT

India has only sent construction and Farm labour ie workers to Israel

That is because Palestinians are not allowed inside Israel for work , after this war started

Is India warning all those involved that they would be investigated for either committing war crimes or being involved in them in any way?

I would like India to stand on the side of right and refuse to supply workers to an entity that is actively engaged in genocide.
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News is circulating about the transfer of tens of thousands of Yemeni fighters to Syria and Lebanon in preparation for a massive ground operation against Israel...
I believe that the axis of resistance is planning a ground battle that often starts from the Golan Heights, as it is the enemy’s weakest point, and because it is essentially occupied territory in accordance with international law.
As for when and how this battle will take place, I do not know.
The leader of the Houthis recently spoke about this battle more than once, and in my estimation, the preparation for it does not depend on Yemen, but in the meantime, perhaps hundreds of thousands are being recruited for the awaited battle...
What do you think of this news?...and what do you expect from it?

Bound to happen unless this conflict winds down soon.
Per Elijah Magnier--whose video I posted a couple of days ago-- President Assad is helping the Resistance but he can't do a lot because American/American-backed forces could 'breach' Assad's defenses in case Assad shifts toward Israel. So the Yemenis, Iraqis and even militias from as far as Pakistan and Afghanistan provide the manpower.
Israel is doomed unless it mends its ways quickly.

"Selon des sources du renseignement israélien citées par le Daily Express, Yahya Sinwar, le leader du Hamas à Gaza, aurait adopté une stratégie de survie pour le moins inattendue. L'homme le plus recherché par Israël se promènerait dans les rues de Gaza déguisé en femme, quittant périodiquement les tunnels souterrains pour éviter d'être localisé. Shalom Ben Hanan, ancien haut responsable du Shin Bet (service de sécurité intérieure israélien), a expliqué que Sinwar ne resterait pas plus de 24 à 36 heures dans les tunnels, conscient que les technologies modernes permettent de le détecter même sous terre. Cette tactique de mouvement constant et de déguisement serait sa réponse aux efforts acharnés d'Israël pour le capturer ou l'éliminer."
"According to Israeli intelligence sources cited by the Daily Express, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, would have adopted a survival strategy that was unexpected to say the least. Israel's most wanted man reportedly walks the streets of Gaza disguised as a woman, periodically leaving underground tunnels to avoid being located. Shalom Ben Hanan, a former senior official of the Shin Bet (Israeli internal security service), explained that Sinwar would not stay more than 24 to 36 hours in the tunnels, aware that modern technologies make it possible to detect him even underground. This tactic of constant movement and disguise would be his response to Israel's strenuous efforts to capture or eliminate him."
Stop posting nonsense.

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