Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Ive been trying to argue this point for years

Do you know what I get for it? Repeated warnings, bans and speed limits (I've got one now for arguing India has very little to do with IVC)

I'm glad to say Muslims are indeed waking up to the Hindus and understanding why India went through partition

It's the Arabs that are a problem, same with Israel it's the Arabs and GCC Arabs in particular who seem to be a special kind of moronic

Bangladeshi even have understood now,
Indian Muslims themselves got it after decades of denial

Whether the enemy be Zionists or hindutva the Muslim world will need to hate and confront these enemies eventually

Don't trust them and prepare

Israel will break, it's a slow process but they won't survive the middle east

Im of the same opinion.
That the GCC represents a major obstacle for Islamic Civillization to re-emerge.

Wherever you see proganda against islam, muslims, plotting against muslims, killing of muslims by non-muslims. There seem to be a GCC approval or straight out aaliance with those people.

Is it a coincidence?
Maybe some of arab members of this forum have a answer.
But do muslims ever think the same of Hindutva? Who possibly are even worse than crusaders who atleast on paper had some moral groundings. Muslims are used to think of indians as harmelss brown people who love to dance and make goofy movies. But it will be a grave mistake to believe that is all there is to it.
Firstly, I tend to think not many Indians are fighting for Israel against the Palestinians when you factor in the India's population. Some Indian Jews, yes. But Hindutva is all word, no action unless against hapless minorities in India. However, what the world has clearly noticed is the disgusting online support to Israel since October 7; while the world is puzzled as to why, the people in South Asia know well why.
That the GCC represents a major obstacle for Islamic Civillization to re-emerge.
GCC represents the decadence which comes from affluence. Same thing is happening in the West. Comfortable lives over decades want to make any people love the status quo--certainly not risk it all for a few million Palestinians. Similarly, if/when even the Americans truly know the costs of a regional war for Israel then they would dump Israel like a hot potato.

Good!! Keep doing it. Zionists need to get a taste of their own medicine in multiple places and daily!
Im afraid muslims have been understimating how much hatred and harm the hindutva represent.

We know that xtians historically were ruthless genocidal barbarians, and we know that zionist jews are cunning liars hellbent on replacing the crusaders as the most abhorent creatures on earth.

But do muslims ever think the same of Hindutva? Who possibly are even worse than crusaders who atleast on paper had some moral groundings. Muslims are used to think of indians as harmelss brown people who love to dance and make goofy movies. But it will be a grave mistake to believe that is all there is to it.

I've been saying the exact same thing for at least 10 years on this forum and it's previous iteration. indians/hindus hate Pakistanis/Muslims and Islam MUCH more than whites/zionists and other enemies. However there are two MAJOR DIFFERENCES. indians/hindus don't have the capability to harm Muslims outside of india UNLESS they are facilitated or have the backing of the white european races/zionists. Also, indians are also EXTREMELY poor and inept and handing out physical violence against non-indians, so they keep their heads down and are under manners. Otherwise, they would holocaust/genocide all 2 billion Muslims from this planet.
Firstly, I tend to think not many Indians are fighting for Israel against the Palestinians when you factor in the India's population. Some Indian Jews, yes. But Hindutva is all word, no action unless against hapless minorities in India.

Of course Indians are varied group of people. South Indians mostly are aloof from the Hindutva mindset. Many North Indians too. But lets say 30% of Indians are Hindutva and 10% of them are hardcore. That would mean there are 100-300 million hindus who are extremely hatefull aginst all things muslim. Thats a grueling number, not a joke by any means. And some of those are willing to go any length to murder muslims, even in a far away country that never had any connection to India or hindus, like palestine forexample.

GCC represents the decadence which comes from affluence. Same thing is happening in the West. Comfortable lives over decades want to make any people love the status quo--certainly not risk it all for a few million Palestinians

From what i read, the GCC kingdoms build their legitimacy on tribal concensus. Therein lies the biggest obstacle and danger. Because Arabs seem to lack a overreaching sense of nationality. Arabs have their allegiance first and foremost to their own tribe. Its nothing like forexample Iranians and chinese who have a broader civilizational outlook.
Of course Indians are varied group of people. South Indians mostly are aloof from the Hindutva mindset. Many North Indians too. But lets say 30% of Indians are Hindutva and 10% of them are hardcore. That would mean there are 100-300 million hindus who are extremely hatefull aginst all things muslim. Thats a grueling number, not a joke by any means. And some of those are willing to go any length to murder muslims, even in a far away country that never had any connection to India or hindus, like palestine forexample.

From what i read, the GCC kingdoms build their legitimacy on tribal concensus. Therein lies the biggest obstacle and danger. Because Arabs seem to lack a overreaching sense of nationality. Arabs have their allegiance first and foremost to their own tribe. Its nothing like forexample Iranians and chinese who have a broader civilizational outlook.

Trust me, ALL indians are Islamaphobic to the core. It's just that some hide it better than others.

The Arabs and Turks who sustain Israel’s wartime economy​

Turkiye’s deceptive trade tactics

Turkiye presents a more complex case. After halting direct trade with Israel in May, Turkish exports to Israel plummeted. However, Ankara has found ways around its embargo by channeling goods through Palestinian customs, giving the appearance of severed ties while trade continues behind the scenes.

The Turkish Exporters Association reported a 423 percent increase in exports to occupied Palestinian territories in the first eight months of 2024, rising from $77 million in the same period last year to $403 million this year. Notably, Turkish exports to Palestine surged by 1156 percent in August alone, from $10 million in 2023 to $127 million in 2024.

What’s most galling about Ankara’s claim to have increased exports to Palestine is that the Israeli government has stopped releasing funds to the occupied West Bank authorities: Palestinians simply do not have the financial means to jack up their imports."

>> The Sultan is in that list too aswell as the usual suspects.
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The Arabs and Turks who sustain Israel’s wartime economy​

>> The Sultan is in that list too aswell as the usual suspects.
Is this Iranian answer to Haniye murder?
That's all?
Even on this thread, i don't see them much. Gone quiet?
I follow this Arab Israeli conflict since 1973, when was a little boy. I have pretty decent military experience and other interesting experiences.
I am well aware that Egyptian, Jordanian or Saudi armies can't face US EU and Israeli alliance.
I am aware that Russia and especially China would do f all.
I understand the consequences of war. My family members died in one. I know that the cheerleaders are completely useless and insincere.
Even in mid 80s , I realised that Israel can't be destroyed unless, Muslims are able, whether defeat the West or neutralise their support for Israel. Even in such case , Israel has the nukes.
I am sure that this equation hasn't escaped Kysra and his statrapies.
Than now what?
Articles after clearly chicken it out?
Why all this drama, after all this blood , loss and time?
Oh we didn't know it will be like that???
So why all this drama about fighting the foreign forces, when they knew in advance that they won't be able to do even face saving little act???
I am not a child here, the first comment under the article was about Azerbaijan, no?
Did Iran allie itself with Armenians even before, Azerbaijan had any relationship with Israel??
Sorry to tell you, there were the days when Armenians killed over 65 000 Azeri and Armenia is existential threat to Azerbaijan. Even Tufeyli acknowledge that fact.
I was aware , while in The Bosnian War that Muslims couldn't help me much, and I never complain.
Neither in dozens previous wars, you couldn't or were not willing, doesn't matter. But you behave like someone owns you something, what the F I owe you?
How many 100s of billions Turkey lost over last 40 years sue to Muslim Kurdish or endless stream of so called refugees? How many times Turkish SAR helicopters flew to save Abdul from Kabul? How much money it costs?
Yet somehow , those people were able to save Cyprus, parts of Lybia, , Idlib , a bit Somalia.????
While some of you sit in the brand new free flat in Wembley. On top of it , you want to quarterback the actions of the States that you have contributed F all.
Anyway, it looks to me that those Mullahs bot will run out of quorum pretty quickly. Half of them are already Evangelical Christians or , Zoroastrians or else.
What kind of Islamic revolution is that?What is your Islamic upbringing if you don't want to some very simple facts?
Come on man, sitting in London and wanting that Egyptian navy with 5 ships confront 3 Carrier groups and those who are coaching you, built : Aircraft Carier" out of ex Del Monte banana ship?
Give me F break
Even in mid 80s , I realised that Israel can't be destroyed unless, Muslims are able, whether defeat the West or neutralise their support for Israel. Even in such case , Israel has the nukes.
On the contrary, I think Israel is not that hard to destroy; it has many weak points and its very survival depends on to what extent its Lobby in Washington can support it. And Israel's nukes are for nothing given the geography--Israel will be nuking itself directly or indirectly or invoking nukes from something like Pakistan or Turkey (via Pakistan).
Come on man, sitting in London and wanting that Egyptian navy with 5 ships confront 3 Carrier groups and those who are coaching you, built : Aircraft Carier" out of ex Del Monte banana ship?

Yes, I agree, Egypt should not and wisely not directly attacking Israel. No one wants to. Iran would as last resort but only as last resort. That last resort would greatly destroy Iran due to the American bombings/nukes BUT will also kill tens of thousands of Americans and result in the total destruction of Israel and the expulsion of Americans from the Middle East. And thus Iran and America are in constant communication now and for decades! I remember the days in the old PDF where many would say that Iran is in a secret alliance with America and even with Israel!!

PS. You often bring some passionate, interesting new thoughts. But Humble request: Please write in plain English--not all of us have your knowledge.
Iran did co operated with Israel, at least in 80s. That's not secret, also I don't want to bring into discussion my private experiences. Put it this way , I was close to some members of Islamic Guards and some financial persons of Iran.
Those were decent people, nothing like these people today. Actually, they gave some of ideas. That was over 25 years ago.
I just want that they stop with cheap populist propaganda and whole army of " dissatisfied " stop hysteria.
All of it , doesn't change anything, it only brings even worse things.
I knew 25 , 30 years ago what cards i have in hand, i am not going to complain forever due to the fact, that I crappie hand.
A few days ago , I saw a clip , Asda in East London.
People in frenzy buying 30, 40 etc kilo because it was a big discount.
What I am going to do with them?
The same profile, demands that someone like me be their donkey????
Out of sense of ,to extent perceived injustice to them???
For victory, you work day and night and do effective thing , say Bismillah and we will see what happens. Not some sissy talk.
Im afraid muslims have been understimating how much hatred and harm the hindutva represent.

We know that xtians historically were ruthless genocidal barbarians, and we know that zionist jews are cunning liars hellbent on replacing the crusaders as the most abhorent creatures on earth.

But do muslims ever think the same of Hindutva? Who possibly are even worse than crusaders who atleast on paper had some moral groundings. Muslims are used to think of indians as harmelss brown people who love to dance and make goofy movies. But it will be a grave mistake to believe that is all there is to it.

Hindutva are more dangerous than our traditional enemies.
Ive been trying to argue this point for years

Do you know what I get for it? Repeated warnings, bans and speed limits (I've got one now for arguing India has very little to do with IVC)

I'm glad to say Muslims are indeed waking up to the Hindus and understanding why India went through partition

It's the Arabs that are a problem, same with Israel it's the Arabs and GCC Arabs in particular who seem to be a special kind of moronic

Bangladeshi even have understood now,
Indian Muslims themselves got it after decades of denial

Whether the enemy be Zionists or hindutva the Muslim world will need to hate and confront these enemies eventually

Don't trust them and prepare

Israel will break, it's a slow process but they won't survive the middle east

The Gulf Arab Hindu nexus is one to watch closely. This nexus has the potential for causing great harm.

UAE and the Saudis are fully aligned with Modi's India. Even long before the Abraham Accords. The Abraham Accords was the final seal.

The UAE and Saudis often play the nice brother of Pakistan. In reality they are anything but nice. I am going to say this as loud and clear as possible. Saudi Arabia and UAE are dangerous for Pakistan.
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian and regional resistance groups on Friday, September 13, are as follows:

Al-Quds Brigades' operations:

  • Targeted the command and control center of the Israeli military with 107 mm rockets on the “Netzarim” axis.
  • Targeted a gathering of Israeli forces at the “Gerizim” (Jabal Al-Tur) point in Nablus, occupied West Bank, with a barrage of bullets.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces on Al-Madaris Street, the Eastern Market, the vicinity of the Bank of Palestine, and Samar Saad Al-Din School in Nablus, occupied West Bank, using bullets and explosive devices.

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