Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

6 person died , slight injury only by chance.
Wonder this time what will be the excuse for not retaliating.
it's not a slight injury, he is seriously injured and permanently lost his eyesight. 2 more staff in the Iranian embassy were injured as well

there is a video / photos of him with a lot of blood from his torso and a towel held over his eyes
it's not a slight injury, he is seriously injured and permanently lost his eyesight. 2 more staff in the Iranian embassy were injured as well

there is a video / photos of him with a lot of blood from his torso and a towel held over his eyes
No matter , foreign agents and spies in Iran chain of command again prevent any retaliation.
Yeah, this has nothing to do with the manufacturer. The interception, implant, and release operation is simple. Hezbollah’s security is in question. Can’t ‘investigate’ every batch a country imports but a batch that is bought must be checked. This seems like simple stuff to me. Yet it happens. Yeah sure interception 1000041308.jpg

Even the Taiwanese company say there is inconsistency there.

The minimum answer should include assassination all top member of this BAC company as a warning to any other company who tempt to practice such acts.
Then go after Israelis and inflict such damage on them.
It's war already why you guys are so sfraid answer the one who attacks you
Fortunately or unfortunately, this attack by Israel fully qualifies as TERRORISM against Lebanon, which will have the effect of making Lebanese society support Hezbollah in any pending fight or war against Israel- Hezbollah didnt want to receive such approval from Lebanese society this way, but it now have the unspoken tacit approval of Lebanese society, which it very much needed for any serious war against Israel.
I am afraid that after all those " affair" it is very possible that Hezbollah rank and file ,also parts of population loos the conference in the leadership. Because, this covers Iranian leadership too, I think, there is nothing " fortunately " about this.
I think the Iranians are looking at this problem in the wrong light. Are they worried about losing support of the population and power if Iran goes to war? Given the over- retaliation Israel conducts, the Iranian government can play the advantage and use it to incite massive support for the government. We saw even the most anti government Iranian waving the Iranian flag after the April retaliation.

War will undoubtedly make Iran more unified as now the sacred motherland has been attacked, and thus unity needs to be shored up.
I am afraid that after all those " affair" it is very possible that Hezbollah rank and file ,also parts of population loos the conference in the leadership. Because, this covers Iranian leadership too, I think, there is nothing " fortunately " about this.
Did the americans lose confidence in the leadership of their country after sept 11th?
No,quite the opposite in fact,you instead saw an outpouring of patriotic fervor and a desire for revenge against the perpetrators of the atrocity which the us government wasted no time in putting to very good use.
I think the israelis have opened a literal pandoras box with this act,one that will likely come back to bite both them and the west.
One could look at this type of attack as basically a modern day version of something like the original tylenol poisoning case.
The potential economic damage resulting from this sort of attack is considerable,just imagine what one could do to certain well known brands or instead targeting only the brands associated with certain countries.....say just for arguments sake......oh....maybe south korea....?
Lastly just imagine how much bigger the bang would be if you did this trick with something like an ev battery.....:devilish:
I`ll say no more.;)
Yeah, this has nothing to do with the manufacturer. The interception, implant, and release operation is simple. Hezbollah’s security is in question. Can’t ‘investigate’ every batch a country imports but a batch that is bought must be checked. This seems like simple stuff to me. Yet it happens. Yeah sure interception View attachment 65649

Even the Taiwanese company say there is inconsistency there.

The minimum answer should include assassination all top member of this BAC company as a warning to any other company who tempt to practice such acts.
Then go after Israelis and inflict such damage on them.
It's war already why you guys are so sfraid answer the one who attacks you
it's not a slight injury, he is seriously injured and permanently lost his eyesight. 2 more staff in the Iranian embassy were injured as well

there is a video / photos of him with a lot of blood from his torso and a towel held over his eyes

the embassy claims now he has "no visible injuries"

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I think the Iranians are looking at this problem in the wrong light. Are they worried about losing support of the population and power if Iran goes to war? Given the over- retaliation Israel conducts, the Iranian government can play the advantage and use it to incite massive support for the government. We saw even the most anti government Iranian waving the Iranian flag after the April retaliation.

War will undoubtedly make Iran more unified as now the sacred motherland has been attacked, and thus unity needs to be shored up.
No Iran is not ready for open war, too many to lose. Unless open strike to their soil, it is best to restrain, restrain, and restrain even if it is painful. Don't take the Israel bait.
Has anyone seen Hajizadeh anywhere lately? If so please post. He was visibly missing in a recent event with Khamene'i while other military leaders were present. I haven't seen him since Haniyeh's event ... very possible I've missed something.

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