Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is the kind of mindset prevalent in Gulf Arab states:

This isn't a one off. Even Saudi state channels peddle similar lies and defend Israel.
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The Gulf Arabs have been exposed very very badly. Not a single word that leaves their mouth should be trusted.
Gulf Arab is small nation but very rich. The only one that has relatively good man power among them is Saudi Arabia.

Arabs main problem is the division among them that is too strong. I mean the division is real among their population that led them to kill each other. We can see democracy cannot survive there, Tunisia for example come back to authoritarian as this is the only country previously become the example among Arabs.

They need to sort this problem first. Because division makes Arab weak. Weak Arab will be disaster to Palestinian as no deterrence anymore pose by Arab if Israel run amok in Palestine.

For Israel, they have made another big sins again. If we beleive with Quran. Punishment from God will surely come but within God time and God own decision.

This could be quite significant as the entity fired no less than 20 missiles of 2 different types and still failed to intercept this one single Houthi missile.

It seems that after Arrow failed, they desperately tried David Sling which was not even designed to shoot down a missile of such range and so of course failed as well.

Seems again like their defences is not as good as claimed and no doubt Houthis/Iran are analysing this incident to gain as much knowledge as possible about the Zio-US ABM shield.
For Israel, they have made another big sins again. If we beleive with Quran. Punishment from God will surely come but within God time and God own decision.
Your enemies must be pleased with you, leaving your defense and revenge in the hands of God. Keep waiting.
You are the one that clueles.
Just read God punishment to Israel in Quran. This is why I told him clueless. Israel has made big sins and God punish it, with what ? Go read it

If they make another big mistake, God will come back punishing Israel (promise of God in Quran and I think it is first stated in their own holly book)
Maher has to be the most obnoxious human being I have ever had the displeasure of listening to. That some people find him funny is beyond my imagination.

Right! He and the 'comedian' like Jerry Seinfeld are not even funny! Even if they were not rabidly pro Israel, I wouldn't find them 'funny' at all.

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