Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Iran, like Iraq, was acquiring weapons through the Iran-Iraq War; while the West sanctioned it, it had countries behind it. As for current times, Iraq stabilized due to U.S. involvement, but whereas Syria relied on Russia and Iran, it's a fractured society beyond repair.

Regardless of what other countries in the region think of Israel as a pariah state or not, it has established its regional power status in this conflict. In contrast, the surrounding countries that spent billions upon billions on weapons remained frozen in fear. Let's not forget that Netanyahu warned Arab leaders if they wished to keep their seats, they best know what to do. It couldn't have gotten any more shameful than that.

It's far from being on the same level as Afghanistan, yet major world economies rely on its tech, pharma, and defense sectors. Last but not least, it provides the West with a beachhead in the region. As for its internal society, it's shaped over time by conflict; they are a do-or-die nation regarding its security. Perhaps the Muslims could have learned from them; it would have saved them from the current fate they are living through.

Israel is willing to take a hit and sacrifice some lives. Except Palestinians all sorround arab nations arent willing to that. We saw that in Yemen when KSA quit the war when it started raining missiles over KSA.

Buddy they can live in peace outside of the middle east, the Jews can't live in the middle east, they are a cancerous people and they have committed massacres and genocide against the Palestinians for decades

For peace to occur the Jews need to leave
It's clear. You are anti semitic.
Buddy they can live in peace outside of the middle east, the Jews can't live in the middle east, they are a cancerous people and they have committed massacres and genocide against the Palestinians for decades

For peace to occur the Jews need to leave

You report this post for being "clearly antisemitic?
Yet you believe its ok to post " Palestinians are a plague for everyone". Why do you want double standards and Jews to be treated differently and give them special card?
I think your complaint speaks volumes about you and generally the perception that Jews have earned the right to be treated as the "special ones". Not on here.
It's clear. You are anti semitic.
No he isnt. Hes quite normal and pointing out the obvious. Now i suggest you park the antisemitic card where the sun doesnt shine - especially when you have publicly posted Palestinians are a plague to society - what does that make you?
So it is common sense to imagine israeli soldiers in female clothing, but nonsense to imagine the most wanted Hamas leader in same disguise ?
The israeli soldiers are wearing knickers on their head and sexually stimulating themselves. They are raping prisoners. The Hamas leader is escaping and not raping - wearing knickers on the head or wearing a bra to get a kick out of cross dressing. See the difference my little brown garcon?
It's clear. You are anti semitic.

How is criticising genocidal criminals who happen to be Jewish "anti-semitic"?

Everyone can be criticised when they are committing wrong. A black person cannot claim racism if they are arrested for stealing from a shop. lol

Most of the world is fed up with the "anti-semitism" card being played in order to prevent legitimate criticism of appalling behaviour of the Zionist entity.
How is criticising genocidal criminals who happen to be Jewish "anti-semitic"?

Everyone can be criticised when they are committing wrong. A black person cannot claim racism if they are arrested for stealing from a shop. lol

Most of the world is fed up with the "anti-semitism" card being played in order to prevent legitimate criticism of appalling behaviour of the Zionist entity.
Yet he believes its ok to call ALL Muslims - parasites on other platforms. The twat cant even spell parasites and spells it parasit. Shows the intellect you are dealing with. Its ok for him to use words like plague to describe Palestinians and all Muslims are parasites - yet try criticizing Jews for committing genocide - play the antisemitic stance? Pathetic.
It's clear. You are anti semitic.

Explain to me why I should be pro-semetic after what the Zionists have done?

A line has been crossed, you can NO LONGER remain in the middle east, you need to leave

You can go to Europe or America or anywhere that will take you, but you just can't stay in the middle east

The threat to the local population from the machinations of the Jews is simply to much

A point has been reached where vengeance is the only option for what the the Jews have done and peace or living in close proximity is impossible

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