Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

NY Times reporting it.
Incredible. But as I said: Any country which has any America-allied / Western embassy is a nice resource for the Israelis to tap into. They work like a pack of wolves!!

Large numbers of “wireless devices” simultaneously exploded across Lebanon on Tuesday afternoon, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry, a day after Israeli leaders warned that they were considering stepping up their military campaign against Hezbollah.

A Lebanese intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said that the blasts occurred after pagers belonging to Hezbollah members exploded across Lebanon. Lebanon’s health minister, Firass Abiad, said that hundreds of people had been injured in the blasts but that the authorities were still working to gather an exact figure.

The Israeli military declined to comment.

Lebanon’s Health Ministry said in a statement that many people had arrived at Lebanese hospitals after being wounded when their “wireless devices” exploded. The ministry warned citizens to stay away from similar devices until it was clear what had caused the blasts.

The Lebanese Red Cross said in a statement that 80 ambulances were responding to “multiple bombings” in southern and eastern Lebanon, as well as in Beirut, the capital.

The blasts appeared to be the latest salvo in an 11-month conflict between Israel and Hezbollah that began last October, after Hezbollah began firing into Israeli territory in solidarity with its ally, Hamas.

The conflict has largely remained contained to exchanges of missiles and rockets, but for months leaders on either side have warned that it could expand into a war involving ground forces.
Does anyone know if there was explosives in these pagers or did they use the batteries as explosives ?

THIS just goes on to show that entire communications were being tapped by the baby killers. This is a serious breach. I doubt there were explosives inside - unless ofcourse Hezbollah bought them directly from the Israelis or a compromised source.
THIS just goes on to show that entire communications were being tapped by the baby killers. This is a serious breach. I doubt there were explosives inside - unless ofcourse Hezbollah bought them directly from the Israelis or a compromised source.

The Pentagon is supposed to have done a war-game scenario with Iran many years ago and in that they predict Iranians using analog resources to communicate, the commanders on the ground to take independent actions. The scenario predict many American vessels in the Persian Gulf and nearby seas destroyed, tens of thousands of American casualties--and of course a lot of destruction in Iran.
Which American President would want that to please Israel? What is the gain seeing thousands of body bags and crippled soldiers coming to America? What is the gain seeing American assets destroyed, global economy tanking, and Americans finally showing the middle finger to the Middle East and leaving? What is in that for even Israel, having been totally destroyed and Jewish population fled in large numbers?
The Pentagon is supposed to have done a war-game scenario with Iran many years ago and in that they predict Iranians using analog resources to communicate, the commanders on the ground to take independent actions. The scenario predict many American vessels in the Persian Gulf and nearby seas destroyed, tens of thousands of American casualties--and of course a lot of destruction in Iran.
Which American President would want that to please Israel? What is the gain seeing thousands of body bags and crippled soldiers coming to America? What is the gain seeing American assets destroyed, global economy tanking, and Americans finally showing the middle finger to the Middle East and leaving? What is in that for even Israel, having been totally destroyed and Jewish population fled in large numbers?
This is what Iran top brass expect.
I don't think US are afraid to fight iran, even with casualties.
It's only a question of when. As about Taiwan with China.
NY Times reporting it.
Incredible. But as I said: Any country which has any America-allied / Western embassy is a nice resource for the Israelis to tap into. They work like a pack of wolves!!

Large numbers of “wireless devices” simultaneously exploded across Lebanon on Tuesday afternoon, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry, a day after Israeli leaders warned that they were considering stepping up their military campaign against Hezbollah.

A Lebanese intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said that the blasts occurred after pagers belonging to Hezbollah members exploded across Lebanon. Lebanon’s health minister, Firass Abiad, said that hundreds of people had been injured in the blasts but that the authorities were still working to gather an exact figure.

The Israeli military declined to comment.

Lebanon’s Health Ministry said in a statement that many people had arrived at Lebanese hospitals after being wounded when their “wireless devices” exploded. The ministry warned citizens to stay away from similar devices until it was clear what had caused the blasts.

The Lebanese Red Cross said in a statement that 80 ambulances were responding to “multiple bombings” in southern and eastern Lebanon, as well as in Beirut, the capital.

The blasts appeared to be the latest salvo in an 11-month conflict between Israel and Hezbollah that began last October, after Hezbollah began firing into Israeli territory in solidarity with its ally, Hamas.

The conflict has largely remained contained to exchanges of missiles and rockets, but for months leaders on either side have warned that it could expand into a war involving ground forces.
Having seen it all , I doubt it very much that Iran can inflict particularly heavy damage to USA, I really do.
You I might have an archaic view but I think that it is correct, if you want to do something do it , don't talk , don't brag, don't do cheast beatings, don't loose the cool in the unfortunate situations, don't blame.
As I was in the War, any goal scored was simply 1-0 victory, simply I put on board. I have never been art the beauty competition, for me 1 0 victory is more then enough. Because W is all that matters.
I don't think that these people ever thought that way.
We small nations do , hence we are still around despite all the odds
This is what Iran top brass expect.
I don't think US are afraid to fight iran, even with casualties.
It's only a question of when. As about Taiwan with China.

Bolded Part:
You are wrong. No American President is willing to pay the price of the guaranteed tens of thousands of casualties in a short span of time in case of a war against Iran. America and Iran are doing this careful dance since 1979 but they know the consequences for each other quite well.
It is not a question of being 'afraid' but a question of cost-benefit. What do the Americans get out of destroying Iran? Firstly, I don't think Israel will exist in such of a regional war. And even if Iran is totally defeated, the large anti-American Muslim regional population would make life hell for Americans if they even choose to stay in the Middle East.

Americans are far smarter than given credit for. They want to stabilize the Middle East in such a way that Israel is safe, powerful and remaining a tool in case needed. But American interests now lie in containing China and Israel is an obstacle due to the Israeli ideological reasons to subjugate the Palestinians.
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on Monday, September 16, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades’ operations:

  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces in the Zaghoul neighborhood in Balata camp, northern occupied West Bank, using machine guns and explosives.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted the positions of Israeli soldiers and their military vehicles in the "Netzarim" axis with short-range 107 mm caliber rockets.
Having seen it all , I doubt it very much that Iran can inflict particularly heavy damage to USA, I really do.
You I might have an archaic view but I think that it is correct, if you want to do something do it , don't talk , don't brag, don't do cheast beatings, don't loose the cool in the unfortunate situations, don't blame.

It is not ME who is 'bragging' it is a Pentagon study itself which predicts certain outcomes. Iran is like the North Korea of the Middle East: You can beat, it, defeat it but at unacceptable cost.
BTW, even you wouldn't miss it that Iran has spread its tentacles deep into the Middle East since 1979 to the point that their Houthis and Hezbollah allies keep inflicting damage to the American interests/allies while Iran itself is largely spared. They are in for the long haul due to continuity of leaderships. They don't have a setup where years hard work by Kerry/Obama to make JCPOA was undone in a short order by the next US President.
indeed. But they don't speak as him.
total jewish population of the world is aprox. 15.7 million.
out of these aprox. 12 million are ashkenazi jews whose ancestors never ever set foot in palestine in the entire history of humankind
the remaining 3.7 million lived peacefully in Muslim countries under the protection of Islam for centruries.
Does anyone know if there was explosives in these pagers or did they use the batteries as explosives ?

Strange that so many people in Lebanon use pagers. Even if they do how can Israel detonate them remotely unless Hezbollah have purchased them from Amazon and the seller there was Mossad. More likely they were iphones made in US of A.
It is not ME who is 'bragging' it is a Pentagon study itself which predicts certain outcomes. Iran is like the North Korea of the Middle East: You can beat, it, defeat it but at unacceptable cost.
BTW, even you wouldn't miss it that Iran has spread its tentacles deep into the Middle East since 1979 to the point that their Houthis and Hezbollah allies keep inflicting damage to the American interests/allies while Iran itself is largely spared. They are in for the long haul due to continuity of leaderships. They don't have a setup where years hard work by Kerry/Obama to make JCPOA was undone in a short order by the next US President.
I am not saying that you brag, it is Iranians.
Also as I have said some time ago, I congratulate Iranians for recreating the new Sassanid Empire, I really do. Missiles, Space and similar programs are to be commended. Some good stuff is in political system too
But even if their goal, which it is not is to liberate so called Muslim masses, then we can see that they are out of their depth. Since they ain't in the liberation of Muslim masses, then certain humiliation ain't that important. In any case , little of humiliation is better than a lot of the beatings, it is simply math.
One thing which concerns me the most about Iran, is the appearance on almost massive scale, of Islamophobs.
I guess that's the result when you do Islamic revolution but it is not very Islamic.
Of course, certain Americans would overestimate capabilities of Iran for the various reasons.
All in all The West is winning a big time, if Iran remains or doesn't is just matter of the percentage of the profit
Also as I have said some time ago, I congratulate Iranians for recreating the new Sassanid Empire, I really do. Missiles, Space and similar programs are to be commended. Some good stuff is in political system too
But even if their goal, which it is not is to liberate so called Muslim masses, then we can see that they are out of their depth. Since they ain't in the liberation of Muslim masses, then certain humiliation ain't that important.
I really think Iranians are out to 'liberate' the Palestinians at least otherwise it makes no sense to risk the very existence of your country. Iran is not just facing Israel--it has been facing the most powerful military, economic block in probably entire human history. Even countries as far as Japan and South Korea are behind Israel in indirect ways. So Iran is taking a lot of risks and I think that's because of ideological reasons. It is not a surprise: Ideologies still find some presence in the world though not much. I believe capitalism/materialism is the prevalent/prevailing ideology but that's for another debate.
Of course, certain Americans would overestimate capabilities of Iran for the various reasons.
All in all The West is winning a big time, if Iran remains or doesn't is just matter of the percentage of the profit
The war mongers in America over-estimated the Soviet threat for a long time. The Military Industrial Complex needs enemies. However, in case of Iran, it is not over-estimation. Iran genuinely pose an existential threat to Israel and so every thing has to be carefully considered. The Israeli Lobby virtually controls America.

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