Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hezbollah is not stupid and neither is the resistance

They won’t fall for the Israeli trap and go to war

They have survived before and will survive again
They do not have other option now either war or capitulation or to let enemy to bomb them as they wish.
Their own so called escalation ladder is jumped over by zionists and serves no purpose anymore, goals have shifted.
Oh , he was very professional in Syria.
Good bye M F .

You are one of the "useful idiots".

This is not the time and place and EVERY muslim should be behind Hamas/Heznbollah/Houthis as they are the only ones fighting the Zionist entity and its western backers.

As a Muslim you should be fully behind the Muslims who are battling the modern day crusaders. If you cannot fight with them then at least give your verbal support.
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You are one of the "useful idiots".

This is not the time and place and EVERY muslim should be behind Hamas/Heznbollah/Houthis as they are the only ways fighting the Zionist entity and its western backers.

As a Muslim you should be fully behind the Muslims who are battling the modern day crusaders. If you cannot fight with them then at least give your verbal support.
The guy killed plenty of Muslims, don't invent your version of islam, ok.
You are one of the "useful idiots".

This is not the time and place and EVERY muslim should be behind Hamas/Heznbollah/Houthis as they are the only ones fighting the Zionist entity and its western backers.

As a Muslim you should be fully behind the Muslims who are battling the modern day crusaders. If you cannot fight with them then at least give your verbal support.

The Syrian opposition work for the highest bidder and are just like those Arab slaves of USA. Heck they would be actively helping Israel now if in control
Strategically - Hezbollah just needs to survive the current round. Israel has been the slow boiled frog - and it does not want to be the slow boiled frog anymore - so it is escalating to try and seek direct conflict to those who have been slow boiling it using its oversized conventional military power. Israel wants to provoke Hezbollah to a conflict so that it can move the dial to Iran.

Hezbollah needs to review and potentially replace its entire IT infra to see where the leaks are - but be a lot more smart about it this time. A closed ecosystem from China seems to be the solution? The reason why the west do not like Huwaei is because there are no back doors in Huwaei that they can exploit and it is alot more difficult for Mossad and the west to penetrate the Chinese ecosystem. Hamas hot not been penetrated to the same extent and you have to ask, why?

Also - Iran needs to realise it faces a real risk of actual war and it must re-equip its airforce and air defences as soon as possible. What is has now is not good enough - they need to be able to actively protect their airspace with a better integrated ADS that combines both SAMS and Fighter jets. Static defence around SAMs are not enough - you can see that in the Ukraine-Russian war.

Israel is in trouble strategically and they know it - the world has seen the real Israel and they dont like it and they dont want anything to do with it anymore - best to not fall into their traps on their demands on their schedule but to survive and if they wish to do so - to continue to boil the Israeli frog a bit more if that is in their strategic interests ?
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HB is clearly compromised by israeli intelligence. I think HB wants to create a situation where there is no doubt of their casus beli to strike israel with powerful long range missiles. They appear timo agree to waste many of their members and take many bombing of lebanon to clearly show their justification. Or they are compromised to the extent that they can’t launch a major strike.
Strategically - Hezbollah just needs to survive the current round. Israel has been the slow boiled frog - and it does not want to be the slow boiled frog anymore - so it is escalating to try and seek direct conflict to those who have been slow boiling it using its oversized conventional military power. Israel wants to provoke Hezbollah to a conflict so that it can move the dial to Iran.

Hezbollah needs to review and potentially replace its entire IT infra to see where the leaks are - but be a lot more smart about it this time. A closed ecosystem from China seems to be the solution? The reason why the west do not like Huwaei is because there are no back doors in Huwaei that they can exploit and it is alot more difficult for Mossad and the west to penetrate the Chinese ecosystem. Hamas hot not been penetrated to the same extent and you have to ask, why?

Also - Iran needs to realise it faces a real risk of actual war and it must re-equip its airforce and air defences as soon as possible. What is has now is not good enough - they need to be able to actively protect their airspace with a better integrated ADS that combines both SAMS and Fighter jets. Static defence around SAMs are not enough - you can see that in the Ukraine-Russian war.

Israel is in trouble strategically and they know it - the world has seen the real Israel and they dont like it and they dont want anything to do with it anymore - best to not fall into their traps on their demands on their schedule but to survive and if they wish to do so - to continue to boil the Israeli frog a bit more if that is in their strategic interests ?

Iran is building one of the most sophisticated domestic SAM based air defence systems in the world. It needs around 5 years or so to complete.

As for airforce, the only game in town is China and the Chinese may not yet feel confident enough to openly arm Iran.
Iran is building one of the most sophisticated domestic SAM based air defence systems in the world. It needs around 5 years or so to complete.

As for airforce, the only game in town is China and the Chinese may not yet feel confident enough to openly arm Iran.

You need a balanced approach between SAMS and fighter jets so that either can protect the weakness of the other. A pure SAM based system makes Iran a sitting duck imho. The west has some of the best SAM systems around, but they are still investing in fighter jets. You have to ask why ? What do they know - that Iran is not understanding ?

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