Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Disengage does not mean surrendering. Vietcong disengage after Tet failed, and not until 1972 there are major action for them.

I can't see into the future, what I did is to project stuff from what had already happened. I had already said on the other thread, barking dog don't bite, Israel is doing all kind of barking here, their goal is obvious, daring Hezbollah to attack because they need US and the West to be on their side to do stuff they said they wanted to do.
You are right, but in this case disengage means giving into Israeli demands which means hezbollah has to go back beyond the litani river. Let’s say hezbollah agrees to this, then Israelis will say we you to disarm and remove all missiles, then it will be one concession after another. So hezbolksh really has no reason to deescalate. Also Israel just revealed their card the exploding pagers / mobile devices and slowly revealing all their cards which they can’t use again or will more difficult to do as their potential adversaries are now aware of these capabilities.
We are coming up on Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday. Something occurred to me. Perhaps Allah gave him a long life so Carter can see the results of his actions and leadership failures, and what he will be held to account for by Allah. The failure of the Camp David Accords that Carter brokered are becoming all too clear for everyone to see.
Please! You live in America and would know that Jimmy Carter was the last 'moral' American President. He was a true 'Christian'. I am aware of his faults but I believe his biggest fault was being 'too peaceful' and 'too fair'. Of course I am basing that on what followed him shortly--the quality of Presidency, indeed the leadership in America is in rapidly decline since the Fall of the Soviet Union. Carter wanted to duplicate Camp David in such a way that a sovereign Palestinian state would be created. He even managed to get a 10-year truce (or 20 year) from Hamas if Israel were to halt the Settlements in the West Bank. He has written a scathing book with 'Apartheid' in its title. He is widely hated by the Zionists in America who even call him a stooge of the Arabs.

because Israel wanted to do maximum damage and only 3000 exploded and they can all be attributed to one shipment
I am surprised no one here have mentioned it: Why no Pager attacks after the first day? You know, Pagers are probably not some rocket engine or rocket science to open or detect explosives in them. The Pagers are no more of a threat as far as I can tell. And exploding coffee makers or microwaves argument made above by an esteemed member? WTH? The Hezbollah fighters communicate via Pagers--not by the coffee makers!
Disengage does not mean surrendering. Vietcong disengage after Tet failed, and not until 1972 there are major action for them.

Shows how LITTTLE you know about this conflict!! The conflict is happening precisely because of Israel's actions in the West Bank over decades. What would a unilateral 'disengagment' by the Resistance achieve? And bringing up Vietnam is so cheesy! Reminds me of a certain Indonesian member here who keeps bringing up the guerilla war in Indonesia!
You are right, but in this case disengage means giving into Israeli demands which means hezbollah has to go back beyond the litani river. Let’s say hezbollah agrees to this, then Israelis will say we you to disarm and remove all missiles, then it will be one concession after another. So hezbolksh really has no reason to deescalate. Also Israel just revealed their card the exploding pagers / mobile devices and slowly revealing all their cards which they can’t use again or will more difficult to do as their potential adversaries are now aware of these capabilities.
as I said, if this is okay to you, that's fine. I am just saying if it was me I would do it differently.
Jewish terrorism and ethnic cleansing in play here. This requires the US government to immediately cut off any and all ties with Israel and put them on the sanction list:

Urgent | CNN quoting a former Israeli military official: Netanyahu is considering a plan to force Palestinians to leave the northern Gaza Strip

Shows how LITTTLE you know about this conflict!! The conflict is happening precisely because of Israel's actions in the West Bank over decades. What would a unilateral 'disengagment' by the Resistance achieve? And bringing up Vietnam is so cheesy! Reminds me of a certain Indonesian member here who keeps bringing up the guerilla war in Indonesia!
I didn't bring them up, I was replying to the other guy when he compare this and Vietnam war.

On the other hand, what do you think Hezbollah should do? Attack Israel now? That's what they want bud. If you want to fight a war, you need to fight it smart, you don't do what your enemy expect you to do.

But hey, you are right, I don't know anything about THIS conflict, I just know conflict in general. Is this a good thing or bad thing? I don't know
>> it is fair to say that Israel has more items in store for various stages of their operation. I dont think we have seen the last of how much and how far Hezbo been penetrated.
conventional wisdom suggested that there would be more, the pager things alone is too small to be a whole operation, thinking of what kind of in road you need to make to get to that point? Would you be just using that for a pager attack like that or some Walkie Talkie?

In reality? As I said, who knows? It's all about vigilant, even if this is the complete scope it would still be a good practice to make sure
On the other hand, what do you think Hezbollah should do? Attack Israel now? That's what they want bud. If you want to fight a war, you need to fight it smart, you don't do what your enemy expect you to do.

This forum is full of people who have been advocating a full fledged Hezbollah attack on Israel from Day One; I have held my opinion that the ongoing War of Attrition is the best course forward. Hezbollah is going to target deeper into Israel but they have so far not lost sight of the strategic calculations: Bleed Israel in such a way so as to not drag a reluctant America into it.
Unfortunately, until November 6, Netanyahu has the free hand to push for a regional war to try to drag the Americans in. He keeps slapping Iran and the Resistance on their faces to provoke that. There is no question in my and many Western pro Palestinian analysts mind about Netanyahu's strategy.
The IDF is shutting down Al Jazeera for only 1 (and same in Gaza) reason- to remove the journalists and equipment that will record Israel's war crimes. Israel can't censor technology though, technology will still record Israel's crimes, in multiple ways too. This action shows strong intent to commit crimes on Israel's part.
Disengage does not mean surrendering. Vietcong disengage after Tet failed, and not until 1972 there are major action for them.

I can't see into the future, what I did is to project stuff from what had already happened. I had already said on the other thread, barking dog don't bite, Israel is doing all kind of barking here, their goal is obvious, daring Hezbollah to attack because they need US and the West to be on their side to do stuff they said they wanted to do.

I agree with your assessments except for the disengagement part. Post-The Oslo Accord clearly showed Israel will not accept boundaries established through negotiations. It was at the time PLO laid down arms and were practically rolled over the next day. The Palestinians are in a do or die situation, and there is no ramp provided if it is by design or not; that's another discussion.
These are the kinds of statements that preceded a short but sharp war; a war with India is more likely then one with Taiwan, and with India’s image hurt by its and its public’s stance via a vi Gaza and the Palestinians as seen by the words of the Iranian supreme leader, this statement from China is but shouldn’t have been a surprise.

P.s. India isnt a treaty ally of the US or any western country. China could attack Indian forces in parts of “Little and South Tibet” (Ladakh and Aranachal Pradesh) on some kind of pretext.

The people in India’s northeast have been alienated and now India doesn’t even have Bangladesh as its vassal.

Just like Kashmir, India doesn’t respect the local indigenous peoples.
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