Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel is committing genocide in this war imo innocent children women civilians murdered
But have to admire the way Israel had adapted to fight asymmetric war against milita hiding amongst civilians

Israel used new tech methods to find and kill the fighters and leaders of Hezbollah

You have to admire that part
Hamas end was the moment they allied with iran. Sinwar is also probably an israel agent, he was in israel prison for decades. Iran israel Sinwar are in the same camp
For a large part of its history, Israel was facing a much better armed enemy with the latest in Soviet tech. Outgunned and outmanned, they still won.

I am perfectly fine with you underestimating Israel. It's what Nasrallah and Sinwar did too. :)

You might want to read Walt and Mearsheimer's 'Israel Lobby' from 2006: He goes into not only the Israel Lobby but also brings up that Israel ALWAYS had the material advantages, as far back as the 1948 war against beduoin militaries.
BTW, it is not just 'Israel' which is fighting against: It is the combined NATO resources. Even America's resources alone are enough for Israel. It is going to take a paragraph to list the countries who directly or indirectly helping Israel and in that list even Japan/S.Korea may be included to some extent.
Finally, if you have an iota of honesty then you'd recognize why Israel is going about killing and provoking: It wants even MORE American support to the point of dragging in the Americans, taking advantage of the US elections and fluid political situation. In itself, Israel is a cowardly, inapt military capable of bombing from the air and sabotage only.
Incorrect. Israel's most emphatic victories have come in wars against states.

It is much harder to fight groups embedded into the civilian population who don't fight with uniforms and use civilians as human shields. They are more shadowy.

No other country could have pulled this off. And the funny thing is, Hezbollah were warned by Israel for 11 months. They could have backed off, but Nasrallah was full of hubris and bravado. He thought he was in control.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

A functioning state would have air defeñces in the form of fighters and integrated SAM network. Lebanon is being bombed like this as it has no way to defend itself due to lack of air defences.
Russia with just SAMs shot down all 16 Zionist missiles when they tried to attack near their base in Syria the other day. Absolutely nothing special about these Zionist scum.

Even then it would have not got as bad as this as Hezbollah is paying the price for not fighting from the start with Hamas. You are either all in or all out -a halfway house does not work.


In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, in defense of Lebanon and its people, and in response to the barbaric Israeli invasion of cities, villages and civilians, we bombarded the settlement of Metzova with a salvo of missiles.
Israel is committing genocide in this war imo innocent children women civilians murdered
But have to admire the way Israel had adapted to fight asymmetric war against milita hiding amongst civilians

Israel used new tech methods to find and kill the fighters and leaders of Hezbollah

You have to admire that part
You can’t have it both ways bro. Israel have killed up to 60,000 some estimates say many more - mainly women and children and you accept it’s genocide - then you can’t come in with - “ you have to admire them” - wholesale genocide - collective punishment - raping prisoners and blowing up hospitals isn’t anything to admire
You have no idea what you are talking about.

A functioning state would have air defeñces in the form of fighters and integrated SAM network. Lebanon is being bombed like this as it has no way to defend itself due to lack of air defences.
Russia with just SAMs shot down all 16 Zionist missiles when they tried to attack near their base in Syria the other day. Absolutely nothing special about these Zionist scum.

Even then it would have not got as bad as this as Hezbollah is paying the price for not fighting from the start with Hamas. You are either all in or all out -a halfway house does not work.

Israel's champions here should have the decency to point out that it is the Americans who everyone is afraid to take on openly. Americans indirectly just MAJORLY bled the once mighty Russia in Ukraine and what can Russia do about that?? Imagine, hundreds of thousands of casualties of your citizens and there is virtually no American casualties from that war.
In contrast, the countries and the militias of the Middle East are nothing. Israel is being used to set an 'example' for others by destroying Gaza and Lebanon. Be good, obedient vassals or else!
The question is, who on earth is forbidding Hezbollah to fight back?
If it was Nasrallah, then in a sense this time they got what they deserved.
But if it was Iran that put the brakes on, then this is a serious betrayal of our Lebanese brothers and sisters, and they should be held accountable for their actions.
Israel's champions here should have the decency to point out that it is the Americans who everyone is afraid to take on openly. Americans indirectly just MAJORLY bled the once mighty Russia in Ukraine and what can Russia do about that?? Imagine, hundreds of thousands of casualties of your citizens and there is virtually no American casualties from that war.
In contrast, the countries and the militias of the Middle East are nothing. Israel is being used to set an 'example' for others by destroying Gaza and Lebanon. Be good, obedient vassals or else!

I feel the resistance miscalculated as they should have known what the entity was capable of within weeks of the “war” against Hamas.

They are willing to kill hundreds in order to target or simply say they have targeted a resistance commander or leader. Classic genocidal behaviour.

As @Falcon29 said, Hezbollah should have joined Hamas at the end of November last year when the world knew for sure there was genocide being committed in Gaza.

Yes Hezbollah may not be defeated yet but it is not looking good for them if Nasrallah has been taken out and martyred.

If Nasrallah was there then it still boggles my mind why he was not in one of Hezbollah’s deep underground tunnel complexes that is impervious to anything but a strike with a nuclear weapon.

I still have hope that the resistance can turn this around and they seriously punish the entity for breaking every rule of war known to man.

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