Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Lets not exaggerate here.
Israel is getting away with murder in Lebanon and Palestine because neighboring MUSLIMS either dont care or in bed with Western powers.

Hindus, dont know why this is brought up at all. Indians really have no meningful power in any muslim country, except maybe UAE.

Its a seroious situation, but deafeatist talk aint helpin. Well over 50 indepdent muslim countries and huge global muslim population AND GROWING.
Lets not exaggerate here.
Israel is getting away with murder in Lebanon and Palestine because neighboring MUSLIMS either dont care or in bed with Western powers.

Hindus, dont know why this is brought up at all. Indians really have no meningful power in any muslim country, except maybe UAE.

Its a seroious situation, but deafeatist talk aint helpin. Well over 50 indepdent muslim countries and huge global muslim population AND GROWING.

Civilization go through periods of weakness or strength or they disappear

So incans, Aztecs dead and gone
Aborigines, native Americans just remnants

Muslims still control the vast majority of land they ever conquered or controlled.

In terms of population at 2 billion our population is larger then ever

Now it's VITAL that we fix the malaise in the Muslim world, get rid of the backwardness, enmity, inability to work together against common foes and for a shared benefit and identity

We have multiple states and multiple people's across the world and we need to bring those people together

What we have is stupid and worthless leaders
We have a organisation like the OIC which is useless, for no other reason the the leader makes it useless

Instead of using it as a forum to gather resources, provide finances to member states to grow.
To increase trade across the Muslim world
To have a joint military organisation that can provide support and backing to member states and fund military project's

AT the moment we are our own worst enemy and THAT is what our enemies like the Hindus or Jews are taking advantage of

At some point that will change and our enemies will truly SUFFER, but to get to that point we need to change and start making major changes to the Muslim world
“A new threat from Netanyahu to the entire Middle East”
“As we did with Nasrallah... there is no place in Iran

Not even in the entire Middle East, which Israel cannot reach!!

This Lithuanian fraud is nothing without his American overlords. If the US withdraws support for him, he will be crushed like a bug or turned into soap like his forefathers.
Scenes capture the first moments of the Israeli raids, which were followed by at least 5 explosions in the port of Hodeidah on the western coast of Yemen.

It would be interesting to know which route the supposedly Israeli planes took, which countries detected them and from how far away they fired their ordinance.
Civilization go through periods of weakness or strength or they disappear

So incans, Aztecs dead and gone
Aborigines, native Americans just remnants

Muslims still control the vast majority of land they ever conquered or controlled.

In terms of population at 2 billion our population is larger then ever

Now it's VITAL that we fix the malaise in the Muslim world, get rid of the backwardness, enmity, inability to work together against common foes and for a shared benefit and identity

We have multiple states and multiple people's across the world and we need to bring those people together

What we have is stupid and worthless leaders
We have a organisation like the OIC which is useless, for no other reason the the leader makes it useless

Instead of using it as a forum to gather resources, provide finances to member states to grow.
To increase trade across the Muslim world
To have a joint military organisation that can provide support and backing to member states and fund military project's

AT the moment we are our own worst enemy and THAT is what our enemies like the Hindus or Jews are taking advantage of

At some point that will change and our enemies will truly SUFFER, but to get to that point we need to change and start making major changes to the Muslim world
Let us start with our own house Pakistan first.

Copy the Meiji period in Japan model or Chinese model.

Promote Muslim nationalism in Pakistan.

Promote worldly education like in the academic disciplines such as the social and hard sciences.


Compare the productivity of Japan's citizens with a mere 125 million population.
While Pakistan has a population of 250 million.

LOL, so we need to correct ourselves and improve our nation.

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