Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel wants Hezbollah to move away from the borders, so will we see a ground operation or not is the key question. I believe they will wrap up Gaza operations in couple of months, no rocket fired from Gaza since August I believe anyways, let the winters pass and then turn North
I absolutely believe Netanyahu started the war on Lebanon to take advantage of the 'unique opportunity' until the Nov. 5 elections AND also with the Fall season approaching, they clouds would impact aerial operations. As for Gaza: In the words of one Israeli: One rocket from Gaza is like 50 rockets from Gaza. Israelis are scarred from the October 7, 2023 attack and won't go back in previous numbers to live near Gaza until there is total control over Gaza. For Lebanon: Hezbollah has taken big hits but their strength was and will be if/when Israel launches a ground operation. Otherwise, aerial destruction was expected in Lebanon; Hezbollah needs to take care of the mole inside it asap.

Hezbollah already have tunnels dug deep into the limestome mountains of southern Lebanon that stretch for many kms.
Yes. Bloodbath awaits if Israel enters Lebanon, limestone or granite or not.
Its a win win for Europe.
Send your unwanted to torment your historic enemy and their historic protector. Then watch them get eliminated en masse for their michiefs.
Kind of right except Europe is the one which has been and will be receiving masses of refugees. But, yes, to the Christians: Win-win and for the Bible Thumpers / Rapture Seekers: A war in Palestine may hasten their sickly plans.
Don’t vote for Harris, to show the democrats that people of conscience take what’s happening in Palestine and Lebanon seriously.
American Muslims need to organize themselves to build their political power, with the support of non-Muslims of conscience, and potentially bear the potential pain of a Trump presidency to punish the democrat party for their hypocrisy, so the democrat party can be changed for the long term.

I am conflicted. I tend to believe Harris will be better for the Gaza war than Trump but worse on the Ukraine war. My advice is: Vote Harris if in a 'Swing State' but vote Jill Stein if in a Red or Blue State. But one thing I can say with certainty: There couldn't be any worse President than Biden for Palestinians; maybe Trump will prove even worse but then Trump is a maverick so we don't know.
Muslims should not be looking at America or their elections because both of their Leaders are already heavily skewed towards Israel
Cult beliefs

This is like you have two venomous snakes on table , and you are deciding , should I vote for Cobra or Rattle snake. The outcome is going to be same, when you will move your hand towards one , you will get bitten

While they do not admit it , beyond their 2 parties there are always other options - just that they are never advertised on their Media

America , is run by a Cult , and it is has religion invented in 1500 (Protestant) , it has changed (manipulated at will), and today it's teaching do not resemble anything like Catholic or Orthodox Christianity - they can justify death of 40,000-200,000 Palestinians
because they are a Cult

If you will put your faith towards a Cult , then you will be always disappointed

Only Look towards Allah for help and look for guidance in Hadith

What does the CULT values ?
  • Blood on streets
  • The views around morality of Cult are not inline with rest of world
  • Cult has no remorse
  • Cult has secret societies and a Public persona
  • Cult is connected to Israel
  • Satanic cult believe in Excessive pornification
  • Satanic cult also is LGBT or other none family oriented ideals

Catholics don't believe in Cult , they also value traditional family
Russian Orthodox don't believe in Cult Practices , they value family
Muslims don't believe in Cult practices , also pro family

Cult will not give Flood victim in Florida any money
Cult will announce , 7 billion dollar for Israel to buy weapon

Cult considers death of Palestinians as collateral damage , no human would imagine such death on that scale
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Muslims should not be looking at America or their elections because both of their Leaders are already heavily skewed towards Israel
Cult beliefs

This is like you have two venomous snakes on table , and you are deciding , should I vote for Cobra or Rattle snake. The outcome is going to be same

While they do not admit it , beyond their 2 parties there are always other options - just that they are never advertised on their Media

America , is run by a Cult , and it is has religion invented in 1500 (Protestant) , it has changed (manipulated at will), and today it's teaching do not resemble anything like Catholic or Orthodox Christianity - they can justify death of 40,000-200,000 Palestinians
because they are a Cult

If you will put your faith towards a Cult , then you will be always disappointed

Only Look towards Allah for help and look for guidance in Hadith

What does the CULT values ?
  • Blood on streets
  • The views around morality of Cult are not inline with rest of world
  • Cult has no remorse

Don't be afraid of petty bunker buster bomb folks or a bomb on a oil tanker , creates a Hollywood flame to scare people from distance. Oil and Petrol explosions always create nice Pyrotechnics

Look at the Sun in sky created by Allah, it is has a Trillion Nuclear explosions daily created by Allah but by his will that energy nurtures life
Plants across world bloom and it fuels life on earth

Or the Heart beat which beats without external intervention

You will be shown , illusions by the cult , which mimic work of Allah , and they will claim Devine power but we already know every thing
they do is just "an Illusion "
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Again I will repeat myself....
And again, you embrace blindness and lies.
I guess you haven't forgiven your parents at all.
Living in an authoritarian state limits one's choices - if one wants to live safe from authorities. After a few generations it becomes habit to accede to their demands. Even if then immersed in a pluralistic society, the bad old habits tend to remain - unless the lessons of history and liberating philosophy are taught and applied, I suppose.
Someone commented on social media

a) If Israel was so , super duper hooked up with intelligence
they could not figure out October 7th
(Have to admit made me laugh)

b) If they had super duper intelligence inside Iran , they could not figure out when Iran supplied Yamen with Hypersonic missile
(Have to admit I had to admire that point of view)

Israelis took that Hypersonic missile up their back , and looked shocked



a) Death of Iranian PM was it pager attack or internal fault
b) The new PM looks more like a Philosopher

Valid questions
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And again, you embrace blindness and lies.
I guess you haven't forgiven your parents at all.
Living in an authoritarian state limits one's choices - if one wants to live safe from authorities. After a few generations it becomes habit to accede to their demands. Even if then immersed in a pluralistic society, the bad old habits tend to remain - unless the lessons of history and liberating philosophy are taught and applied, I suppose.
Trying to justify genocide and war crimes
- then coming on here suggesting others are embracing lies? You my dear Solomon can’t handle the truth. Raping a nation - killing children - raping prisoners - collective
Punishing and stealing land.
Do you ever think the Jewish race will find peace? Always looking over your shoulder - changing your nationality and name. Sound familiar?
Trying to justify genocide and war crimes -
Musings, you know quite, quite well that Israel isn't the party committing such things.
You may think well of yourself for your moderation but consider this: by unjustly bad-mouthing Israel doesn't that make you a thief? For you are robbing the Jewish State of its truly good moral reputation.
So your loyalty to Pakistan's policies compels you to commit crime. This is the policy of authoritarians and dictatorships, not freedom-loving democracies.
The spirit of 1971 lives on, you see.
Dr. Trita Parsi, in less than 11 minutes, sums up well. I don't think there is one single analyst better than him when it comes to the relationship between Iran and America.
In summary, confirms: Israel wants to drag the next American President in; Trump is a maverick though, in this short video, Mr. Parsi is alluding to Harris being more likely to be more balanced--something I have been saying for months here and thus my advice for the pro Palestinians in America: Vote Harris IF you are in a Swing State.
Parsi also points out Hezbollah's very weak position. He is rightly saying Americans don't want a regional war. He is also rightly saying Biden has done more than any Americans for Israel despite Netanyahu pushing America against the American interests. And he is pointing out the fissures in the Iranian society which are part of the factors for Iran not wanting a regional war BUT could calculate that it is inevitable and starts one.
My wires are crossed between this video and others I just watched but I believe there are countries like China and Russia who would very gladly want America to remain bogged down in another Middle Eastern wars; maybe it was another analyst who said that: The communication help in the tunnels is probably with the Chinese and/or Russian help.
In short, I don't believe this conflict is over by a LONG shot and that much depends on who the next American President is. On that, my own PREDICTION is: A Trump Presidency would escalate and destroy the region to advance Israel while a Harris Presidency will be more fair.
Anyway, here is the video:


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