General Asim Munir calls for new provinces

What business is it of the army chief to ask for new provinces? Surely that is a political matter that should be done by the govermnet?

The Pakistan Army has truly destroyed everything about Pakistan ... do these clowns not recognise when they do stuff like this - the world sees? Why do these clowns think that no one wants to invest in pakistan?? It is because of clowns like munir and their egos...

Munir is the supreme clown of all clowns ...
What business is it of the army chief to ask for new provinces? Surely that is a political matter that should be done by the govermnet?

The Pakistan Army has truly destroyed everything about Pakistan ... do these clowns not recognise when they do stuff like this - the world sees? Why do these clowns think that no one wants to invest in pakistan?? It is because of clowns like munir and their egos...

Munir is the supreme clown of all clowns ...
You are generally a pro-Army guy and using such harsh language.

Well I ageee that we need more provinces but abolishment of 18th amendment reveals their evil intentions. Basically they want to raise more money by selling national assets otherwise they would never ask the 18th amendment to be repealed.

We should go one level down and declare the divisions to the new provinces and the districts to the new division.

That is absolutely fine and doable without much consultation but by doing the devolution we can’t go many levels up and repeal the 18th amendment. The whole purpose of devolution is to transfer the power to more local level and not take their assets in the name of too many provinces.
Sir jee, while you’re at it could you also address the garbage collection issue in Johar, Karachi?
We can declare the Divisions as the new provinces.

It’s the easiest solution without too much hue and cry.

It means we will have 32 Provinces in Punjab, KPK, Balochistan and Sindh as well as 6 in AJK and G-B.

It should be least crying/most efficient option because these divisions already exists and no change in the geographical boundaries will be required

I totally and absolutely agree with you that the 32 divisions should be the 32 provinces. Each has a central town and the boundaries are already determined. 32 provinces with a total population of 250 million means an average of about 8 million each. US states have an average population of 7 million. It’s a lot more easy to govern and provide services to the people. Also, it means that development will be more evenly spread around the country rather than all the resources being eaten by a few areas.

Each of the 32 provincial capitals needs a little investment to build legislative assemblies and some government buildings. The cost will be nothing compared to the billions that are wasted.
I totally and absolutely agree with you that the 32 divisions should be the 32 provinces. Each has a central town and the boundaries are already determined. 32 provinces with a total population of 250 million means an average of about 8 million each. US states have an average population of 7 million. It’s a lot more easy to govern and provide services to the people. Also, it means that development will be more evenly spread around the country rather than all the resources being eaten by a few areas.

Each of the 32 provincial capitals needs a little investment to build legislative assemblies and some government buildings. The cost will be nothing compared to the billions that are wasted.
Exactly......let these provinces be fierce competitors in attracting investments rather than being content on handouts from nfc award .
We cannot manage 4 provinces properly and we we want more.

It will be easier, instead of 4 CMs we will have 32 CMs, with their own teams, we will face different issues as incompetent people cannot be competent but power will be devolved, local elections are a must too with Mayors directly election, CMs should also be directly elected witn their own team, Governors should be appointed by the state so we can have a balanced power.

Not sure about 32 provisional assemblies though, the bigger issue is when Pakistan was created all 4 provinces were separate so when they came together an agreement was signed to give them autonomous power and if that is taken away it could lead to instability. This is why it's best to keep 4 provinces but divide them on administrative levels, possibly each CMs, MNAs are part of 4 provisional assemblies just like right now. Pakistani think tanks need to come out with a well balanced ideas.
It will be easier, instead of 4 CMs we will have 32 CMs, with their own teams, we will face different issues as incompetent people cannot be competent but power will be devolved, local elections are a must too with Mayors directly election, CMs should also be directly elected witn their own team, Governors should be appointed by the state so we can have a balanced power.

Not sure about 32 provisional assemblies though, the bigger issue is when Pakistan was created all 4 provinces were separate so when they came together an agreement was signed to give them autonomous power and if that is taken away it could lead to instability. This is why it's best to keep 4 provinces but divide them on administrative levels, possibly each CMs, MNAs are part of 4 provisional assemblies just like right now. Pakistani think tanks need to come out with a well balanced ideas.
Musharraf was given this exact advice but chickened out eventually along with his cabal. They had the best opportunity to both clean house and create a permanent system but because his advisors themselves profited from the system he was kept busy drinking and dancing while the same chaos played out.

At the end, he kept worrying about his popularity and seat eventually losing to another competing “warlord” in the military with Benazir’s murder in collusion with her husband.
Hang on why is the army dictator advocating more provinces, it's not his job, it's the job of the parliament to decide, but wait Pakistan is a Banana republic under Asim munir.
Hang on why is the army dictator advocating more provinces, it's not his job, it's the job of the parliament to decide, but wait Pakistan is a Banana republic under Asim munir.

The political leadership has also failed, what have they done for the past 77 years. Pakistan tehreek e insaf and Pakistan awami tehreek have been calling for reforms, if they were competent they would have already done the reforms and took credit for it. The politicians/political dynasties want to keep their control of Pakistan politics otherwise they will be just another people, at the moment they control police, judges, tax people etc, when the power is devolved and institutions are independent and powerful then the people do not need to go to CMs and local MNAs for safarish.
Does this rat ever spend time in doing what the office he occupies demands? Maybe dealing with India and the extremely volatile situation developing in middle east which will soon come our way?
best option is to strengthen the local bodies and city govts, like those in USA. each city has its own police, fire and other deptts with mayor as the head and no interference from state govt. our system works the other way round, the provinces leach off off tax payers without giving them representation

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