General Asim Munir calls for new provinces

best option is to strengthen the local bodies and city govts, like those in USA. each city has its own police, fire and other deptts with mayor as the head and no interference from state govt. our system works the other way round, the provinces leach off off tax payers without giving them representation

That's great option aswell. Each MNA is representive of his constituency in the parliament, there is no need for provincial government or CMs, his cabinet etc. Keep the 4 provinces as it is with no provincial government, the billions saved can be spent on the constituencies. Each constituency can have local elections with direct mayor elections to devolve power.

Pakistan at the moment is not unitary nation but 4 provinces forming a federation. But it all depends on what the nationalists say, they will most likely never accept it, Zardari will rally the nationalists in Sindh etc
Division for the sake of better governance or to better control the population? It matters why.
there is no need for provincial government or CMs, his cabinet etc
there is a provincial/state govt in US. just need devolution of powers and revenue and empowerment of mayors.

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