HAL LCA Tejas: Updates, News & Discussions

well comparing JF17 with F/A 18 hornet just cause both have mid mountd so called LERX is like my dadas old type 1 suzuki is simmilar to mini cooper cause both were sedans with fron wheel drive ;) :P

Exactly! Now tell that to your hindutva deluded compatriot, who thinks just because the pejus has a delta wing that makes it in the same league as all other fourth gen type lol ;)
well even the so called suppar duppar J10 or SAAB JAS GRIPPEN single engine DELTA wing WITH cARNARDS JUST LIKE 4.5 gen dassault Rafale or Eurofighter typhoon too are DELTA WING with Carnards WHAT DOSE IT TELLS YOU ABOUT NEW DESIGN PHILOSOFY ??????

you cannot compare a metal frame JF17 with Russian RD93 engine Joint Chinese Fighter with LCA Tejas just cause both are light and single engine fighters cause

JF17 has to replace all Mirage III and Mirage IV and F7 And even F16 older blocks of PAF and do all kinds of homeland security and offensie roles against arch enemy india

while LCA tejas was to replace Mig21 & Mig27 fleet and for role as a light Interceptor/escort fighter to fight any enemy fighter if it ever comes inside indian air space like a goalkeeper

besides that LCA since its frist flight in jan2001 is tested & retested with & even in MK1 format has qudrapell DIGITAL FLY BY WIRE and has CARBON COMPOSITES 45% in its bodywieght and 99% in skin area with DIGITAL & high capacity DATABUS based mission compouters with unified onboard EW suits ...... things JF17 is now testing and trying to incorporate in its BLOCK III verssion only ...SO HOW CAN ANY SANE PERSON COMPARE 4TH GEN LCA WITH 17th GEN thunder ???????

Wow, really?! So that must mean the mighty USAF which doesn't operate any canard/delta aircraft must be quite backwards and primitive then?! Lol seriously, were you dropped on your head has kid?!
Exactly! Now tell that to your hindutva deluded compatriot, who thinks just because the pejus has a delta wing that makes it in the same league as all other fourth gen type lol ;)
well there is no such thing like you mentioned ... but then since long i have noticed when pakistanies start loosing argument they either start distorting names or start getting personal or abusing indian politicians or hindu gods but then they say its owr forum

but fact is MOD or for that matter IAF has much much more money and and resources and vission than most arm chair generals and jiltted internet fanbois on the social media so stop worrying about India or Indians worry whats coming for ... khair janne do sannu ki ;) :P
Wow, really?! So that must mean the mighty USAF which doesn't operate any canard/delta aircraft must be quite backwards and primitive then?! Lol seriously, were you dropped on your head has kid?!
wakey wakey PAF is not USAF and niether Pakistan got a geography like USA or enemy like India so think practically not try to convince yourself and others that your dreams are a reality ;) :P
well there is no such thing like you mentioned ... but then since long i have noticed when pakistanies start loosing argument they either start distorting names or start getting personal or abusing indian politicians or hindu gods but then they say its owr forum

but fact is MOD or for that matter IAF has much much more money and and resources and vission than most arm chair generals and jiltted internet fanbois on the social media so stop worrying about India or Indians worry whats coming for ... khair janne do sannu ki ;) :P

Right, so I call out your idiotic logic and all you can do is resort to type and comfort yourself with "but bit India has more money!"... unfortunately for you money can't buy brains.
Right, so I call out your idiotic logic and all you can do is resort to type and comfort yourself with "but bit India has more money!"... unfortunately for you money can't buy brains.
sure sure thats why every one in the world is trying to get indian head there compnies and not pakistanies ... try telling them the loss they are making ignoaring such suppa duppa brains ;) :P
wakey wakey PAF is not USAF and niether Pakistan got a geography like USA or enemy like India so think practically not try to convince yourself and others that your dreams are a reality ;) :P

What does geography have to do with design philosophy of fighter aircraft?! WTF?! Lol it was you who said canard/delta is the way forward to new fighter aircraft...wakey wakey...why doesn't the USAF operate any canard delta fighters?! Why are most fifth gen designs conventional designs and not canard/delta?! Lol
sure sure thats why every one in the world is trying to get indian head there compnies and not pakistanies ... try telling them the loss they are making ignoaring such suppa duppa brains ;) :P

Of course, now you pull out the whole "outsourcing" argument!! Lol
What does geography have to do with design philosophy of fighter aircraft?! WTF?! Lol it was you who said canard/delta is the way forward to new fighter aircraft...wakey wakey...why doesn't the USAF operate any canard delta fighters?! Why are most fifth gen designs conventional designs and not canard/delta?! Lol
well every aircraft is designed for the needs of the perticlar nation with its geography in mind

like the land/terrain and climate and altitude the fighter needs to fly from

the kind of climate where most of its missons will be done and the distance it needs to travel and chance in terrain and climate in between the missions

the ammount of mantainence needed in different climates is differnt like its diffrent in desert type arid climate than tropical hot & humid climate near sea or near equator

there is a rason why russian jets that are made or designed in TUNDRA/Siberia type climate dont perform as good in hot or humid climate of Indian sub continenet

even a jet fighter cannot take full wieght if it takes off from a air field like high up in himalyas or tibet like it takes in open grasslands of punjab or rajasthan or UP MP or for that matter somewhere in USA but when same plane tries to take off from a air field high up in alps it cannot take off with same payload or fuel like it can take off anywhere in europe

as for USA it dose not uses CARNARDS as most of its airfields have very long runways or all its aircraft acrriers have CATTAPULTS

carnards are like extra lift genraters for use in very short runnways or for essiting in short landing or take off like in western europe specially sweden where they comnverted there highways into make shift runways

carnards are for genrating vortex on leading edges to assits in estra lift and thats it ... go and do some research

waise a few years back most pakistanies thought since JF17 has DSI air intakes its invincible looks like your from same school ;) :P
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as for USA it dose not uses CARNARDS as most of its airfields have very long runways or all its aircraft acrriers have CATTAPULTS

Are you serious?! This is your argument?! WTF!! lol
Are you serious?! This is your argument?! WTF!! lol
what can i say when you chose to ignoare all the other facts and just stick to one line tells about your fixations and outlook..... well why should i change it ;) :P
what can i say when you chose to ignoare all the other facts and just stick to one line tells about your fixations and outlook..... well why should i change it ;) :P

You know absolute **** all about anything to do with aircraft design. Stick to your feel good posts about comparing economies, outsourcing, and boasting about how much money inda has. COPIUM :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You know absolute **** all about anything to do with aircraft design. Stick to your feel good posts about comparing economies, outsourcing, and boasting about how much money inda has. COPIUM :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
guess what we are not like you and we are greatfull to M A Jinnah and likes of him that we are differnet from likes of you ;) :P

having said that LCA was made with Indian cirumstances and economy and assets in mind ..... like low mantainence , short runway , adequate payload capacity and reasonablly good fuel economy and decent sortie rate with capability to perform both light interception and ligh escort role(for refuling tankers or transport fleet or AWACS) or light strike/air support

thats why LCA has fairly large wings than its size with high monted setup in a cranked leading edge to manage the drag and increase the lift and still keep bleeding of eenergy at low speed manouvering in check ... which in a conventional layout wont be possible and for that they had to compromise on high speed sudden change in altitude & fuel economy
guess what we are not like you and we are greatfull to M A Jinnah and likes of him that we are differnet from likes of you ;) :P

having said that LCA was made with Indian cirumstances and economy and assets in mind ..... like low mantainence , short runway , adequate payload capacity and reasonablly good fuel economy and decent sortie rate with capability to perform both light interception and ligh escort role(for refuling tankers or transport fleet or AWACS) or light strike/air support

thats why LCA has fairly large wings than its size with high monted setup in a cranked leading edge to manage the drag and increase the lift and still keep bleeding of eenergy at low speed manouvering in check ... which in a conventional layout wont be possible and for that they had to compromise on high speed sudden change in altitude & fuel economy

So now talking about Jinnah?! Yes, for once I agree with you...you indjuns are very different to most people.

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