Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Let's assume that Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Turkey goes to war with Israel, there is a high possibility that their western fighters will crash strangely.

I agree, a Greek F16 crashed same day, same hour and same minute than Alexis Tsipras signing as far left president in Greece in 2015.

After the death of Solomon (PBUH), there was a conflict over his succession. The ten tribes created their own northern kingdom called Israel, went back to old ways of cow worshipping and what not, that left with only two tribes Judah and Binyameen who created the southern kingdom of Judah. Its the Judah from where the "Jews" cames from with Bani Isreal ancestry. Both Israel and Judah were at war for nearly a century before Isreal was invaded by Assyrians and taken captive, and later Judah was finished off by Babylonians. Its funny how present say jews named their country Isreal as original Israel was the enemy of their home Judah!

The point to understand is, that Isreal , the northern kindgom was not "Jewish", but just Bani Israel, as they were not practicing the Jewish faith. But because they were 10 tribes, which by Jewish accounts are still "missing", it just a matter of doing maths that 80% of Bani Israel went missing and still missing (10 out of 12 tribes).

So when you are Quoting Quran without having the understanding of difference between Jews and Bani Israel , you are not only misleading yourself but others as well. its the "missing" Bani Isreal Quan is mentioning that will be gathered before the Judgement day. Who they are , where they reside, are they Jewish (they were not when they were made captive and ejected from holy lands). Well , you dont have to look very far.
Mate, if we look at the history of this region through the lens of archaeology then you will notice that some question the account of exodus from Egypt. But I am a Muslim and take Holy Quran at face value so I believe in the account of exodus from Egypt. These people are identified as "Hebrews" and "Israelites" in literature. These people were slaves of the ancient Egyptian Empire but Prophet Moses (Musa) set them free with unprecedented support of Allah Almighty and these people migrated to the promised land after death of Prophet Moses. This promised land was identified as Canaan in ancient times but the British used the term Palestine in 1917 (related information in here).

Hebrews settled in Canaan but co-existed as separate families or tribes until King Saul (Talut) united them all with guidance of Prophet Samuel (Shammil) and created a United Monarchy identified as the Kingdom of Israel in literature that continued successfully till the reign of Prophet Solomon (Suleiman) but it split during the reign of Prophet Solomon's son and successor King Rehoboam as a total of 10 tribes refused to accept his leadership and created a separate kingdom that continued to identify itself as "the Kingdom of Israel" while other tribes created a separate kingdom that identified itself as "the Kingdom of Judah" under the rule of King Rehoboam. These two separate Hebrew Kingdoms co-existed for next 200 years until Assyrian invasion.

"In the North was the powerful kingdom of Israel with Shechem, and later Samaria, as its capital, while, to the South, was the Kingdom of Judah including the city of Jerusalem." - TMAH

You are correct to point out this distinction so I shall thank you on this count.

Now let's have a look at the revelations in the Holy Quran.

Allah Almighty use the term بَنِىٓ إِسْرَٰٓءِيلَ
("Children of Israel") to refer to all Hebrews (or Israelites) in the promised land. These are synonymous terms.

During the war with Assyrians, the Kingdom of Israel fell to Assyrian forces before the Kingdom of Judah (related information in here, here, here, and here). Both of these kingdoms co-existed in the promised land and were established by Hebrews (or Israelites) and Allah Almighty did not distinguish these kingdoms like human scholars as you can see in his revelations. Jewish research indicates that some residents of the Kingdom of Israel migrated to the Kingdom of Judah during war with Assyrians but the Kingdom of Judah also fell circa 587 BCE so many Hebrews (or Israelites) fled to distant lands or were forced to do so. This explains how some Hebrews (or Israelites) reached and settled in Medina as well. Those who fled from the promised land are declared lost tribes.

Allah Almighty also pointed out that Hebrews (or Israelites) repented, regrouped to rebuild their strength, and defeated the Assyrians or their successors eventually. I am not sure that this was the time of Yehud Medinata or Maccabean Revolt or the Hasmonean dynasty. However, Hebrews (or Israelites) became corrupt and arrogant again and fought a war with the Roman Empire.

Hebrews (or Israelites) lost the First Temple circa 587 BCE and the Second Temple circa 70 BCE. The Second Temple was constructed in the time of Yehud Medinata and the Romans destroyed it circa 70 BCE when they destroyed the Hasmonean dynasty in the promised land.

Romans created such conditions that Hebrews (or Israelites) could not recover and rebuild in the promised land like in the past.

Allah Almighty have also used the term ٱلْيَهُودُ ("the Jews") to describe Hebrews (or Israelites) who settled in Medina.

Allah Almighty knows best. Therefore, I use "the Jews" as a blanket term to describe all people who follow faith of Hebrews (or Israelites) in modern times irrespective of their distinct past identities to keep it simple. This is acceptable point of reference for these people in modern times.

I am not trying to mislead anybody but keeping it simple for all to understand geopolitics of the promised land across time and space. Let's not waste time on semantics because it solves nothing.
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why not the first day all explosions?

it seems first day explosions was so kind of unexpected from Israel part. It was not well planned.

It's what someone can expect if a tiny part of Israel state wants to trigger a war in the North and the majority of Israel state opposes, the tiny part take advantage of something like the exploding beepers to make things precipitate.

The tiny part is the corrupt part, the powerful part.
In Strategic warfare, everything is not done in a single shot. Enemy is shocked step by step for maximum chaos.

There might be more in store for the 3rd day as well, who knows.
In Strategic warfare, everything is not done in a single shot. Enemy is shocked step by step for maximum chaos.

There might be more in store for the 3rd day as well, who knows.
in this case it has no sense, all explosions same day would make the damage bigger.

the strange thing is that killed someone today, when they should already have known what can happen.

tomorrow hezbies wont be closer to a electronic device in one mile.
in this case it has no sense, all explosions same day would make the damage bigger.

the strange thing is that killed someone today, when they should already have known what can happen.

tomorrow hezbies wont be closer to a electronic device in one mile.
The idea is not to make the damage bigger. The idea is to humiliate and make the Hezbollah cadre feel hopeless.

The 2nd day event AGAIN made headlines all across the Globe .

Just imagine walkie-talkie, televisions, mobile phones, solar panels everything they were using was supplied to them by Mossad. Sheer embarrassment.
question now is how quickly can hezb restablish its comms systems, recover its command and control and get ready for what Israel may do next.

And maybe next time they won’t go for the cheapest quote ? Very embarrassing for them. Made to look like complete clowns with all this!

There is lesson for every country in this incident..
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Irrecpective of their public posturing, the power circles in Middle-East countries are actually in full celebration mode - their nemesis Iran has been thoroughly humiliated.
Arab states fought Israel when it was much weaker and they were much stronger from 1940s to 1970s. Then they were humiliated and surrendered.

Now Iran and the Resistance Axis is fighting Israel and receiving heavy blows. But I don't think Iran will surrender any time soon. Iranians/Shias will not sacrifice honour and dignity for material wealth. Martyrdom is engrained in the Shia/Iranian psyche, not chasing materialism from the West like others do.
The idea is not to make the damage bigger. The idea is to humiliate and make the Hezbollah cadre feel hopeless.

The 2nd day event AGAIN made headlines all across the Globe .

Just imagine walkie-talkie, televisions, mobile phones, solar panels everything they were using was supplied to them by Mossad. Sheer embarrassment.
Indeed. Israel's goal is to make Hezbollah/Lebanese people live in paranoia and fear.

Israel also promised to have more 'surprises' waiting for Hezbollah. An all our war is approaching. Hezbollah should take the initiative, but they are stunned and in disarray so they can't. They just have to hope to get their cards in order to be able to function offensively before Israel plays their next ace.
Arab states fought Israel when it was much weaker and they were much stronger from 1940s to 1970s. Then they were humiliated and surrendered.

Now Iran and the Resistance Axis is fighting Israel and receiving heavy blows. But I don't think Iran will surrender any time soon. Iranians/Shias will not sacrifice honour and dignity for material wealth. Martyrdom is engrained in the Shia/Iranian psyche, not chasing materialism from the West like others do.
Sir, Iran's #1 enemy is Israel ?. No, it's US ... right ?.

Iran could not hit US so it went after Israel just as a US proxy. Every other anti -Israel narrative is just brain washing of Iranians by Iranian regime.

Saddam Hussein also fired missiles at Israel during 1991 Gulf war. Same stupidity, cannot hit US so let's attack Israel and hope other muslim countries will join your cause.
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You are not far off , here in Western world, when initially Covid was spreading in China and people were dying , often you would see TV people in happy mood. They thought it was something only Chinese people are impacted with and other races will not get it

What they did not anticipate was their own Tourist bringing back the virus back home who flocked to airports to escape china

Things got real after it hit the airports and spread, and cases appeared in West

The only beneficiary from Covid have been the Big corporations over here who , already had technology constructed for Covid

All the Technology here was ready , waiting for Covid to happen so corporations could make big profits off that Tech

  • Cashier less stores
  • Paperless Free Transaction, only digital transaction allowed
  • Legislation approved for AI usage taking away human jobs
  • Forced Covid Jabs (mostly experimental drugs)
  • More robots for Labor job
  • More dependence on Delivery to home services
  • Making Nations dependent on their Drugs /Jabs from big pharma

Didn't the Hindutvatis do the same with Pakistan? They were praying for Pakistani deaths. We know what happened in the end.

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