Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Sir, Iran's #1 enemy is Israel ?. No, it's US ... right ?.

Iran could not hit US so it went after Israel just as a US proxy. Every other anti -Israel narrative is just brain washing of Iranians by Iranian regime.

Saddam Hussein also fired missiles at Israel during 1991 Gulf war. Same stupidity, cannot hit US so let's attack Israel and hope other muslim countries will join your cause.
Iran's number 1 enemy is Israel, not US. Iran recognises USA and has diplomatic and economic relations with the US. But not with Israel. Iran is committed to assisting resistance movements expel the US and Israel from the region.

Saddam hoped for Israel to retaliate so Muslim nations would stop supporting USA's invasion of Iraq (Saudi hosted US fighter jets). But this has nothing to do with Iran. Iran fired missiles at US bases in the region and at Israel.
The idea is not to make the damage bigger. The idea is to humiliate and make the Hezbollah cadre feel hopeless.

The 2nd day event AGAIN made headlines all across the Globe .

Just imagine walkie-talkie, televisions, mobile phones, solar panels everything they were using was supplied to them by Mossad. Sheer embarrassment.
The idea is not to humiliate, the idea is to beat Hezbollah, and that is achieved killing hezbollah operatives, the larger amount, the better.

The idea is come back people to the North.

The idea is someday attack Iran without fear Hezbollah.

Some corrupt tiny part of Israel state is pushing war against Hezbollah, they throw the first stone, and the rest must follow.

That's the real reason of two days attack instead one.
Iran's number 1 enemy is Israel, not US. Iran recognises USA and has diplomatic and economic relations with the US. But not with Israel. Iran is committed to assisting resistance movements expel the US and Israel from the region.

Saddam hoped for Israel to retaliate so Muslim nations would stop supporting USA's invasion of Iraq (Saudi hosted US fighter jets). But this has nothing to do with Iran. Iran fired missiles at US bases in the region and at Israel.
You are out of touch with reality. See below it's from your Supreme Leader Khamenei.


Iran has no fight with Israel more than any other muslim country. Iranians have been brain washed, but the real target is always the US.
You are out of touch with reality. See below it's from your Supreme Leader Khamenei.


Iran has no fight with Israel more than any other muslim country. Iranians have been brain washed, but the real target is always the US.
You are out of touch with reality. See below from your Supreme Leader Netanyahu.

Khamenei authorises diplomatic talks and deals with the US. Never with Israel. Iranian athletes can't even compete against Israelis.

US is not the target, it's too far away and too powerful. We just want USA out of our region, not to destroy them. But we must destroy Israel. Why is Israel fighting Hamas? Iran. Why is Israel fighting the West Bank resistance? Iran. Why is Israel fighting Yemen? Iran. Why is Israel fighting Syria? Iran. Why is Israel bombing Iraq? Iran. Why is Israel fighting Hezbollah? Iran.
Mate, if we look at the history of this region through the lens of archaeology then you will notice that some question the account of exodus from Egypt. But I am a Muslim and take Holy Quran at face value so I believe in the account of exodus from Egypt. These people are identified as "Hebrews" and "Israelites" in literature. These people were slaves of the ancient Egyptian Empire but Prophet Moses (Musa) set the free with unprecedented support of Allah Almighty and these people migrated to the promised land after death of Prophet Moses. This promised land was identified as Canaan in ancient times but the British used the term Palestine in 1917 (related information in here).

Hebrews settled in Canaan but co-existed as separate families or tribes until King Saul (Talut) united them all with guidance of Prophet Samuel (Shammil) and created a United Monarchy identified as the Kingdom of Israel in literature that continued successfully till the reign of Prophet Solomon (Suleiman) but it split during the reign of Prophet Solomon's son and successor King Rehoboam as a total of 10 tribes refused to accept his leadership and created a separate kingdom that continued to identify itself as "the Kingdom of Israel" while other tribes created a separate kingdom that identified itself as "the Kingdom of Judah" under the rule of King Rehoboam. These two separate Hebrew Kingdoms co-existed for next 200 years until Assyrian invasion.

"In the North was the powerful kingdom of Israel with Shechem, and later Samaria, as its capital, while, to the South, was the Kingdom of Judah including the city of Jerusalem." - TMAH

You are correct to point out this distinction so I shall thank you on this count.

Now let's have a look at the revalations in the Holy Quran.

Allah Almighty use the term بَنِىٓ إِسْرَٰٓءِيلَ
("Children of Israel") to refer to all Hebrews (or Israelites) in the promised land.

During the war with Assyrians, the Kingdom of Israel fell to Assyrian forces before the Kingdom of Judah (related information in here, here, here, and here). Both of these kingdoms co-existed in the promised land and were established by Hebrews (or Israelites) and Allah Almighty did not distinguish these kingdoms like human scholars as you can see in his revelations. Jewish research indicates that some residents of the Kingdom of Israel migrated to the Kingdom of Judah during war with Assyrians but the Kingdom of Judah also fell circa 587 BCE so many Hebrews (or Israelites) fled to distant lands or were forced to do so. This explains how some Hebrews (or Israelites) reached and settled in Medina as well. Those who fled from the promised land are declared lost tribes.

Allah Almighty also pointed out that Hebrews (or Israelites) repented, regrouped to rebuild their strength, and defeated the Assyrians or their successors eventually. I am not sure that this was the time of Yehud Medinata or Maccabean Revolt or the Hasmonean dynasty. However, Hebrews (or Israelites) became corrupt and arrogant again and fought a war with the Roman Empire.

Hebrews (or Israelites) lost the First Temple circa 587 BCE and the Second Temple circa 70 BCE. The Second Temple was constructed in the time of Yehud Medinata and the Romans destroyed it circa 70 CE when they destroyed the Hasmonean dynasty in the promised land.

Romans created such conditions that Hebrews (or Israelites) could not recover and rebuild like in the past.

Allah Almighty have also used the term ٱلْيَهُودُ ("the Jews") to describe Hebrews (or Israelites) who settled in other regions including Medina.

Allah Almighty knows best. Therefore, I use "the Jews" as a blanket term to describe all people who stick to faith of Hebrews (or Israelites) in modern times irrespective of their distinct past identities to keep it simple. So much have happened in time that I think that "the Jews" is acceptable point of reference for these people.

I am not trying to mislead anybody but keeping it simple for all to understand geopolitics of the promised land across time and space. Let's not waste time on semantics because it solves nothing.

There are corrections I like to make, first, the northern kingdom of Isreal and Southern Kingdom of judah did not coexist but rather were at war for nearly hundred years before Assyrians ransacked the Isreal, the northern kingdom. Secondly, the two calamity upon "Bani Israel", not Jews , as mentioned in holy Quran are by most accounts are referring to the Assayrian and babylonian invasion. Not the Romans.

These are not semantics but historical facts that 10 out of 12 tribes of Bani Isreal, Hebrew as you like to call, were pagans. You mentioned archaeology, there are temples in northern Israel , I believe around samaria where they used to worship golden calf. And these ten tribes as per their own beliefs are lost. So A) overwhelming majority of Bani Israel was NOT Jew, B) overwhelming majority of Bani Isreal aka Hebrew are missing or lost as the say. So who is occupying the Holy land ? Simple answer is those converted Jews who got no links with holy lands through ancestry. Hence their claims to land is bogus.

Hope this helps.
ABC, citing an intelligence source: Israel has been working for some time to perfect such attacks by intercepting supply chains..

You are out of touch with reality. See below from your Supreme Leader Netanyahu.

Khamenei authorises diplomatic talks and deals with the US. Never with Israel. Iranian athletes can't even compete against Israelis.

US is not the target, it's too far away and too powerful. We just want USA out of our region, not to destroy them. But we must destroy Israel. Why is Israel fighting Hamas? Iran. Why is Israel fighting the West Bank resistance? Iran. Why is Israel fighting Yemen? Iran. Why is Israel fighting Syria? Iran. Why is Israel bombing Iraq? Iran. Why is Israel fighting Hezbollah? Iran.
Sir, you love your country I respect that. But twisting the facts is wrong.

Iran's #1 enemy is US. (As Khameni said)
Israel's #1 enemy is Iran. (BECAUSE Iran regime constantly threatens to annihilate Israel)

I again repeat Iran has NO PERSONAL ISSUE with Israel more than any other Muslim nation. Name any other Muslim country which issues such threats ?
My soul and blood are a sacrifice for the Islamic Resistance and Hezbollah
His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Sunnis rush to donate blood in solidarity with Shia brothers in Lebanon

The savage acts of mass terrorism against Lebanese people only brought people together and increased their hatred of the terrorist rats
Sir, you love your country I respect that. But twisting the facts is wrong.

Iran's #1 enemy is US. (As Khameni said)
Israel's #1 enemy is Iran. (BECAUSE Iran regime constantly threatens to annihilate Israel)

I again repeat Iran has NO QUARREL with Israel more than any other Muslim nation. Name any other Muslim country which issues such threats ?
If Iran has no quarrel with Israel more than any other Muslim nation then why is Iran one of the only remaining Muslim nations that does not recognise Israel? Why does Israel only name Iran as its biggest threat (biggest three threats, in fact)?

What Muslim countries support military resistance against Israel? Give me the top 3 and then we can talk about twisting facts.
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Triggering these devices all at once, without knowing who or where they will impact, in busy public places or while people are driving, epitomizes terrorism. The lack of control and the deliberate aim to cause widespread distress mark it as a clear act of terrorism.
If Iran has no quarrel with Israel more than any other Muslim nation then why is Iran one of the only remaining Muslim nations that does not recognise Israel? Why does Israel only name Iran as its biggest threat (biggest three threats, in fact)?

What Muslim countries support military resistance against Israel? Give me the top 3 and then we can talk about twisting facts.
Let me repeat for you.

- Ayotollah regime fears US is going to overthrow it one day, like they did with Gaddafi.

- Iranian regime cannot hit US, so they attack it's friend Israel.

- Ayotollah's regularly threaten Israel with annihilation, so of course Israel like any other country will defend itself

All Muslim countries want peace, only Iranian regime is blood thirsty.

Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan and even KSA were set to normalize relation with Israel but then Iranian regime got 7-Oct done so that peace cannot be achieved.

So? What are people supposed to do now? Go back in time and change the British mandate? Let Hamas fire bomb Israel Which could very well be revenge for some attack that happened against Palestenians. And where does it end?

Well, this is where it gets complicated. I feel sorry for young Israelis who are born there and are doing nothing more than what anyone else would do - defend their country. We can't blame them for their parents' or grandparents' role in a military colonization but they must also be told the reality. Same as how German children learn of their recent past.

I don't think Israelis are going to give up the entire land to Palestinians and leave to I don't know where. Two state solution? That's India's official position.

Two state solution is a meaningless canard and will make no difference to the situation on the ground. Israel bombs and kills with impunity in Lebanon or Syria, so international boundaries mean nothing to it.

The only solution is a single Palestinian state. Israel is a military colony masquerading as a state. That leaves the question of what to do with Jews in Israel and I would advocate full citizenship for them in a Palestinian state.

There is every likelihood that Jews would then form a de facto ruling elite, given their Western connections and generations of privilege in education and wealth compared to Palestinians, so something to balance it out would be needed. Perhaps something like the Affirmative Action program in the US?
If its proven that the Taiwan government knew about Mossad tinkering with these pagers on their soil, then Iran should block oil n gas or any trade going to Taiwan from the Persian Gulf.

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