Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Hezbollah reveals Qader-1 ballistic missile with 500kg warhead and 190km range

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190km range
500kg warhead
0.62m diameter
7.665m length
2870kg total weight

Precision guided short range ballistic missile. Not clearly a copy of any existing Iranian missile system. Perhaps a modified version of the BM-250 with reduced range and larger warhead, or a custom design.
Its not time to reveal it. It's time to unleash it
I read an article the other day on the Arab News website titled "Israel has shown ideology is no match for technology." The link is below. Mind you, I don't read Arab news in general holistically, as their focus is just on the useless real estate business; I view it as a wealth preserver and not a generator of additional revenue streams and development in the overall economy due to lack of manufacturing, Research and Development facilities., as my philosophy is that the area's economy should dictate the infrastructure. I also believe a self-evolving culture that corrects itself over its lifespan wins in the end, as the Europeans have shown before and after the Dark Ages. This article, I will say, sums up my beliefs pretty well and shines the reality we often miss.

Now, back to the article, he made the simple point that we sell ideology to the locals and recruit cheap soldiers, imposing the ideology of granting Jannah (paradise) and Martyrism and do not place much importance on human life, along with adopting copied weapons that have no utility in the current modern warfare environment and name them after long dead Islamic figures.

The author goes on to state, "Scientific superiority is the key to human victories, and the development of war machinery is a direct result of the advancement of institutions and society." I have repeatedly said when discussing Pakistan's economic issues that before you make any structural changes to the economy, you need to change the culture. I talked about on this forum how Manmohan Singh, from the early 1990s to his Premiership, implemented policies to socially mobilize upward India's bottom class, set quotas for rural children to have seats at colleges and universities, health reforms in the nation, and changing the economy through university policies focusing on IT, Software development, etc.

The Europeans came out of the Dark Ages by translating books and texts; their Churches and clergy were at the forefront of this, and the first universities were church affiliates. The Crusades had a profound impact as they opened European civilization to other civilizations that were possibly more advanced or not, and they led to social changes within European society, such that it wasn't Jesus sending down cures from Heaven; it was worldly knowledge. This is where the Europeans fought off the clergy and set a course for themselves. If you look at the volume of books that were translated from other languages to European languages, it was profound. (Look at the culture; you're at a bus stop; either someone is reading or listening to an audiobook, but the same can't be said of the Middle East or Pakistan. The Arabs have a camel roasting party and place emphasis on that, and Pakistanis on Halwa and Puri; the Indians, a good segment, are now going backward to their dancing routines and posting TikToks on that).

It's a long topic, but in the end, we didn't carry the torch we initially made; we passed it off to others, as we did at the opening of the Olympics, never to see it again.


@RescueRanger @Oscar @Waz @LeGenD

This topic is long, it would be a great thread

But what Israel did was not technological brilliance, it was likely a mixture of deep intelligence penetration and and sell outs within Lebanon

It was also a potentially foolish and emotional move😜

Ideology is important to shape technology
Now, back to the article, he made the simple point that we sell ideology to the locals and recruit cheap soldiers, imposing the ideology of granting Jannah (paradise) and Martyrism and do not place much importance on human life, along with adopting copied weapons that have no utility in the current modern warfare environment and name them after long dead Islamic figures.

Israel is one of the most religious societies by Western standards and is motivated by religious ideology, yet they manage to do science just fine. Their weapons systems are also named after their religious figures.

The problem is not religion. It is how we use religion. Let us not look for easy excuses again.

The author goes on to state, "Scientific superiority is the key to human victories, and the development of war machinery is a direct result of the advancement of institutions and society."

Absolutely nothing new in the article that hundreds of people haven't already been saying, including on this very forum and the old PDF for literally decades.
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I read an article the other day on the Arab News website titled "Israel has shown ideology is no match for technology." The link is below. Mind you, I don't read Arab news in general holistically, as their focus is just on the useless real estate business; I view it as a wealth preserver and not a generator of additional revenue streams and development in the overall economy due to lack of manufacturing, Research and Development facilities., as my philosophy is that the area's economy should dictate the infrastructure. I also believe a self-evolving culture that corrects itself over its lifespan wins in the end, as the Europeans have shown before and after the Dark Ages. This article, I will say, sums up my beliefs pretty well and shines the reality we often miss.

Now, back to the article, he made the simple point that we sell ideology to the locals and recruit cheap soldiers, imposing the ideology of granting Jannah (paradise) and Martyrism and do not place much importance on human life, along with adopting copied weapons that have no utility in the current modern warfare environment and name them after long dead Islamic figures.

The author goes on to state, "Scientific superiority is the key to human victories, and the development of war machinery is a direct result of the advancement of institutions and society." I have repeatedly said when discussing Pakistan's economic issues that before you make any structural changes to the economy, you need to change the culture. I talked about on this forum how Manmohan Singh, from the early 1990s to his Premiership, implemented policies to socially mobilize upward India's bottom class, set quotas for rural children to have seats at colleges and universities, health reforms in the nation, and changing the economy through university policies focusing on IT, Software development, etc.

The Europeans came out of the Dark Ages by translating books and texts; their Churches and clergy were at the forefront of this, and the first universities were church affiliates. The Crusades had a profound impact as they opened European civilization to other civilizations that were possibly more advanced or not, and they led to social changes within European society, such that it wasn't Jesus sending down cures from Heaven; it was worldly knowledge. This is where the Europeans fought off the clergy and set a course for themselves. If you look at the volume of books that were translated from other languages to European languages, it was profound. (Look at the culture; you're at a bus stop; either someone is reading or listening to an audiobook, but the same can't be said of the Middle East or Pakistan. The Arabs have a camel roasting party and place emphasis on that, and Pakistanis on Halwa and Puri; the Indians, a good segment, are now going backward to their dancing routines and posting TikToks on that).

It's a long topic, but in the end, we didn't carry the torch we initially made; we passed it off to others, as we did at the opening of the Olympics, never to see it again.


@RescueRanger @Oscar @Waz @LeGenD
Technology can be used to reinforce ideology like gunboat diplomacy.When a country employs gunboat diplomacy, it uses its military power to force other nations to do what it wants them to do. Israel also wins the heart and mind of many Republicans because of the rise of evangelical Christians.Most American Christians support Israel because they believe modern Israelis are the same Israelis God called the Chosen people.
This topic is long, it would be a great thread

But what Israel did was not technological brilliance, it was likely a mixture of deep intelligence penetration and and sell outs within Lebanon

It was also a potentially foolish and emotional move😜

Ideology is important to shape technology

It was technological brilliance, as they produced and deployed a weapon and took out a brigade-level amount of people in one go. Imagine if this was during the war's opening and many more devices went off; what if someone was working in an ammo depot, and it triggered a large chain reaction? It was not a foolish or emotional move but pure brilliance on Israel's part. Would you call it that if the situation were reversed?

No, ideology doesn't shape technology; culture does. England, being an Island nation, didn't conquer the known world due to Christian beliefs. Show me where the Bible states: Go and conquer the land of kangaroos. It developed a sense of culture. They were more civilized, and their mission was to teach civilization to others; they became a seafaring nation and developed advanced ships and cannons after the Ottomans, later evolving the idea economically.
Technology can be used to reinforce ideology like gunboat diplomacy.When a country employs gunboat diplomacy, it uses its military power to force other nations to do what it wants them to do. Israel also wins the heart and mind of many Republicans because of the rise of evangelical Christians.Most American Christians support Israel because they believe modern Israelis are the same Israelis God called the Chosen people.

While there is a segment of American far-right Christians who believe them as the chosen people out of Abraham's left nut, many do not. During World War II, the Americans even turned the Jewish refugees away from their ports while their Arab cousins took them in; the Americans extracted those who were beneficial to their society in science and development.

The Americans aren't homogenous in loving Israel; it's what they can extract from them. If today the Islamic World becomes advanced and offers the West technology and knowledge, they would drop Israel in a heartbeat. The West looks for its survival and who gives it the best chance.

You can remove all the Muslims from this world; there would be no collapse of society in terms of technology, science, or any learning. That is the bitter truth.
It was technological brilliance, as they produced and deployed a weapon and took out a brigade-level amount of people in one go. Imagine if this was during the war's opening and many more devices went off; what if someone was working in an ammo depot, and it triggered a large chain reaction? It was not a foolish or emotional move but pure brilliance on Israel's part. Would you call it that if the situation were reversed?

No, ideology doesn't shape technology; culture does. England, being an Island nation, didn't conquer the known world due to Christian beliefs. Show me where the Bible states: Go and conquer the land of kangaroos. It developed a sense of culture. They were more civilized, and their mission was to teach civilization to others; they became a seafaring nation and developed advanced ships and cannons after the Ottomans, later evolving the idea economically.

The technology was just using micro explosives in pagers, that's not esoteric. They did ages ago already

It was the whole operation and Information they had

They even knew when there was suspicion, Hezbollah are more than hamas, but not air tight, plenty of sell outs in Lebanon

But anyway, we digress
they used it against Tel Aviv this morning already

The casualty counts are all that matter. Nobody cares about destroyed buildings; they can be rebuilt.

What we have seen from Hezbollah since Oct 7 is announcement after announcement of missile X fired, missile Y fired, but very little in the way of how many IDF killed.

What is the kill count almost one year? I bet Israel killed more Hezbollah in one week than Hezbollah killed IDF in all of last year.

P.S. I am not being critical of Hezbollah. They are doing the best they can in a tough spot, almost all alone, against the combined military technology of the West. We all share the frustration.
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@FHN one thing to clear the "ideology" is religion.

Also, to add another perspective, after World War II.

Only 1% of Muslims have won a Nobel prize in the sciences; over 20% of Jews have won a Nobel prize in the sciences. While Jews make up only .25% of the world's population.

If you were leading the U.S., who would you keep close to? Who would give you the most edge?
The casualty counts are all that matter. Nobody cares about destroyed buildings; they can be rebuilt.

What we have seen from Hezbollah since Oct 7 is announcement after announcement of missile X fired, missile Y fired, but very little in the way of how many IDF killed.

What is the kill count almost one year? I bet Israel killed more Hezbollah in one week than Hezbollah killed IDF in all of last year.

P.S. I am not being critical of Hezbollah. They are doing the best they can in a tough spot, almost all alone, against the combined military technology of the West. We all share the frustration.
killing people does not give you strategic gains

a state with nuclear weapons and fifth generation fighter jets and unlimited supply of 2000lb bombs can kill lots of people with carpet bombing, wow you must be so proud

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