Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Iran does not control Syria. Syria is a sovereign country. Iran has strong presence in Syria via allied groups but these are not heavily equipped and are not capable of facing Israel, not to mention, the Syrian Government would strongly oppose this. Why do you think they never respond to Israel bombing their territory?
Spot on.

Plus they have the Zionist funded ISIS to deal with!
Spot on.

Plus they have the Zionist funded ISIS to deal with!

When a nation cannot destroy militancy in their own yard, they will not pick fight with others, Syria needs to first destroy all terrorist groups, take back all their territory, build up their armed forces and only then they will concentrate on other threats. At the moment they are surviving under Russia airpower and Iranian funded groups, SAA is still there but very weak. It's also possible Russia doesn't allow them to get involved in Lebanon like 2006 time. The civil war was unfortunate but a great plan by Israeli and it's allies, they funded and trained rebels whilst the Muslim ummah screamed revolution, funding from GCC and weaponary by Mossad and co.
Religious discussions aren't allowed, I think. But since you started, shouldn't point 1 be all the advantage that is needed? I'm not a Religious person, but the promise of help from God should be sufficient to win any war, we are talking about the almighty, after all. But then the questions that arise; is God helping in Gaza, but is not powerfull enough? or did God break his promise? Or are the Palestinians actually winning, but I'm too dumb to understand it? Very confusing, but like I said I'm not a religious person, som maybe I don't understand.

And what if to Muslims fight each other? They both go to hell or to paradise?

As a non-Muslim you're asking valid questions.

1. About God's help. My post points out that even Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not win every battle he participated in. That's the law of the universe as determined by God.

2. It is clearly stated in the Quran that if Muslims fight and kill each other they both go to hell.
As a non-Muslim you're asking valid questions.

1. About God's help. My post points out that even Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not win every battle he participated in. That's the law of the universe as determined by God.

2. It is clearly stated in the Quran that if Muslims fight and kill each other they both go to hell.

Dude! Stop quoting the Quran and “hadiths”!

We are here to debate not to receive a sermon!!!
You have to understand Hezbollah is part of a tiny country called Lebanon

It's not massive, it's not got thousands of square miles of space

It's a relatively small country with only a few major cities, right next door to a equally small Israel

Israel with the U.S can identify and pin point most of what goes on in such a small area

One of the reasons we managed to screw over the U.S in Afghanistan was because the area of conflict was so big

Even if your communication chains are secured if a few of your own people are compromised you are still vulnerable. A military operation is successful not only because you are well prepared but you also have insiders coordinating with you🤬
Ok, you win. We miss you! Now, you wanna open a new thread about India, mosque demolition etc maybe, since this thread is about a different topic? Or you miss us so much that you have to mention India everywhere?
You may stick to the topic then and stop diverting yourself.

We now know India does not condemn Israel

Russia has done so

China has done so

We know where nations stand

No more diversions, stick to the topic!
Ok, I might get banned for this, but another valid question to your answer; so when the Pak army fights, let's say TTP, what then? Aren't both Muslims? So why you call your soldiers for Shaheed? Or are the TTP in that scenario considered non muslims?

off topic again from Indians !
Dude! Stop quoting the Quran and “hadiths”!

We are here to debate not to receive a sermon!!!

If Hindus are allowed to ask questions then I'm allowed to answer them. Also, don't try to separate Muslims from their religion. Belief is an essential part of war.
Ok, I might get banned for this, but another valid question to your answer; so when the Pak army fights, let's say TTP, what then? Aren't both Muslims? So why you call your soldiers for Shaheed? Or are the TTP in that scenario considered non muslims?

Who let you out??? do us all favour . Go back to the Indian subhuman forum.
Your taking on the USA not just Israel

USA gave the Jews another 9 billion just a few days ago just to carry out the war in Lebanon

Precisely why Muslims must support Russia/China. I have said this from day 1.

We are fighting Gog and Magog....a force none but Allah can destroy. They will be destroyed on the wrong side of history in the nuclear war to come and dammed for eternity.

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