Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Lastly, May Allah grant Jannah to the Syed, he might have his flaws but we are all human and not prophets. May Allah forgive his sins and grant him in the company of Hazrat Hamza, Hazrat Jaffar Tayyar and Abul Fazl Abbas amongst others. He wasn’t a coward who ran away, history will remember him kindly. May Allah bless the Muslims and give them a way and confidence to get ride of the parasite currently inflicting them.
What arrogance from the Kabul Farce! When will the Hazara relatives have to accept the supreme will and the will of the ruler of the Khorasan states ISIS to ask for forgiveness? It would be better if they were puppets who killed the Syrian people for the Iranians. And when should we stop the double standards?
Khorasan ISIS? accept their will? and ask for their forgiveness? While you driving uber taxi in the republic of Canada?

Subhaanallah bro.
Why are the US speaking for Israel? Perhaps because they're sanctioning and assisting all these operations? Would you take the US war machine on, toe to toe? Of course not. The people calling Hezbollah chickens don't realize that every country involved in this right now is playing with annihilation.
The US and Israel jointly participated in ethnic cleansing in Lebanon 40 years ago when they got an excuse. They're looking for an excuse again, but this time, they intend to finish the job. Anyone who does not see this writing on the wall is completely stupid and does not deserve to participate in this discussion.
When US invaded Afghanistan or Azerbaijan fought with Armenia, it was not Christians Vs Muslims war right ?

Now also, Muslims and Jews are not fighting. It's Iran-Israel that are fighting.

No need to get emotional about everything and see everything under lense of religion.

Read what I said.

For Muslims to defeat the Zionists they will need to unite. Just like NATO is united. An attack on one Western nation is considered an attack on all.

If they can be united
.. why can't we??
Read what I said.

For Muslims to defeat the Zionists they will need to unite. Just like NATO is united. An attack on one Western nation is considered an attack on all.

If they can be united
.. why can't we??
You’re dealing with a Hindu. His posting history reflects this. I read the trash this poster has wrote today and hope the mods ban him
When Supreme Leader ordered to attack Pezeshkian said Agha please wait!!! the US egypt and qatar are about peace deal in Gaza which was an american ibri arabi trick to buy time for zionist!!
proof and did raesi alsdo said the same thing
The situation is dead volatile and liquid. Every Muslim country, particularly in the ME, is going to feel the heat sooner or later. They're now in a Ya Nafsi Ya Nafsi mode....

No wonder from Turkey to BD everybody wants a Nuclear Deterrence Treaty with Pakistan...

A moth-eaten Pakistan is better than no Pakistan....

*Some folks wonder why having a BD flag in my "country of origin" I wholeheartedly and unconditionally support Pak
Absolutely true. After the Zionist are done with Ayatullah and Iran, they will look for the next prey. It's high time the Muslim world creates a security pact and put Pakistan as the leader to provide nuclear umbrella. Pakistan can be the USA of Islamic Nato, and Bangladesh can play the role of UK..
Read what I said.

For Muslims to defeat the Zionists they will need to unite. Just like NATO is united. An attack on one Western nation is considered an attack on all.

If they can be united
.. why can't we??
Absolutely, all the Muslim world should unite as one. What they are lacking is an inspiring leader, someone like the USA in NATO. may be Pakistan can play that role, it has the nukes, it has the population and more importantly it has the will to die for a cause . The whole Muslim world will rally behind Pakistan if it takes its rightful place as the leader of the Muslim world.
Absolutely, all the Muslim world should unite as one. What they are lacking is an inspiring leader, someone like the USA in NATO. may be Pakistan can play that role, it has the nukes, it has the population and more importantly it has the will to die for a cause . The whole Muslim world will rally behind Pakistan if it takes its rightful place as the leader of the Muslim world.
No, Wishvaguru, the moral compass of the vorld (except when it comes to gangraping vomen) should take the lead on this one. Maybe Arabs will finally do ghar vapsi!
Who said they're advocates for Muslims? Ram Lal Shabalabadingdong Gobar Singh? Ordinary Muslims from those countries have been consistently criticizing their governments for decades and we still have vile Hindutve saying fake Mujlim adwocate saaaaar like they've picked up on a trick no one has ever caught.
Your language explain your educational level.

Again, fake muslim leaders around the world expecting Iran to sacrifice herself for the being muslim country and fight against Israel.

Meanwhile, they are happy to do crocodile tears by sitting ifrom safe distance in their houses.

We are neutral because we don't want deads of either sides,. Unlike other countries who just want enjoy the show of war, and give justification to their people by saying - we are criticizing Israel.... Rest all depends on Iran, they will fight behalf of us.

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