Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Pakistan is very far tbf and threatened by a genocidal Hindu nuclear power and more .... It's really middle eastern nations .... Saudis and Gulf Arabs believe they're trying to fix all that weakness through education and other initiatives for the long term so they can't do anything in the immediate term is what they say ..... Iran says it can't do this fight in the immediate term either .... Only Palestinians and Lebanese paramilitary groups are. And they are all alone in this. No one trying to break the siege or arm them or support them politically. They're being attacked instead and betrayed.

When IK was on power, and these genocidal zionist manics tried to do the same, he nipped it in the bud with diplomatic efforts along with Turkey. There might be some behind the scene efforts which we don't know. Pakistan can influence things but right now people occupying positions of power are American lapdogs.
Pakistan is very far tbf and threatened by a genocidal Hindu nuclear power and more .... It's really middle eastern nations .... Saudis and Gulf Arabs believe they're trying to fix all that weakness through education and other initiatives for the long term so they can't do anything in the immediate term is what they say ..... Iran says it can't do this fight in the immediate term either .... Only Palestinians and Lebanese paramilitary groups are. And they are all alone in this. No one trying to break the siege or arm them or support them politically. They're being attacked instead and betrayed.

We are a 260 million strong nuclear armed power that is being thrown around like a rag doll just because a few FA pass generals recruited from the rural punjab within the military establishment have always held this nation hostage because they have no vision, their only vision are buying more dha plots and whiskey, a terrible fate awaits us I am afraid, Allah SWT had made that promise crystal clear.
when Israel attacks, they kill senior leaders, destroy infrastructure, raze down buildings kill dozens of civilians in every single strike. When Hezbollah attacks, they hit an empty hut, a parked car or sometimes, they do hit drones and AVs, but these are easily replaced using the US infinite money glitch.
Only conclusion I can Make from this post is that your level of knowledge of the conflict is too simple and low, seriously. If Israel wanted to let you know the 8200 unit commander that may have been killed in a strike, or personnel lost from strikes on Ramat David base, they would not have imposed a North Korean-style censorship on media related to attacks and strikes on Israel. Even US lies when it's troops die in Iraqi bases- they claim they were contractors not soldiers. believing Israel 's lack of reporting attack results in the country is naive and dissapointing.
The current rulers in Israel are motivated by religion, the speak of killing Amalek is obligatory and to “reconquer” the land of Judea.

What most need to realize this is a religious war first and a political war second between Muslims and Jews.

You should read and listen what the Israeli elite say and publish.

Their goal is rebuild “greater Israel” which means they will annex northern Gaza and southern Lebanon up to the Litani river. Israel wants the Litani river water source. Later they will push into Jordan and retake Sinai.

That is if the religious Israeli zealot rulers remain in power.
I spend time reading carefully George Soros articles, real USA president.

I dont waste time listening corrupt dumbfuck beggars Israeli politicians, who only know to kill their own people to get USA money.

They use religion as mean to persuade subaltern dumbfucks, but the real target is get USA money.

So the real question is what USA real ruling elite (wall street bankers) wants fucking Middle East through their ugly, poor, and retarded cousins of Israel.
This new Iranian president's
1st diplomatic mistake is public, naive/ignorant and costly for Iran.
He's a reformist. He along with many in Iran still believe in the words of the Americans dont they learn anything from the minsk agreement. It's just to bite time for Israel to strike. There will be no nuclear deal agreement as long as netanyahu is in power. This president is certainly going to harm Iran interest in the middle east more than Israel or any other groups.too naive too predictable.
What is the most likely scenario for Iran militarily? Even if there's acquisition of advanced military hardware, how are they expected to fight against the superior technology of Israel/USA combined?

It's plausible they can target IDF by BMs once they enter Lebanon? But then again, no major superpower backs Iran militarily at this time.
Lebanon is just the start once they are done with hezbollah then Israel will go after assad and eventually push out Iranian proxies in the middle east. Iran has one choice left to protect herself that's going nuclear like north Korea but time is running out.
Dude it's your deep state in Iran.... Your president went out saying ridiculous stuff at New York showing Iran is trying to distance itself as possible from this war and doesn't want anything to do with it, after which they started heavily attacking Lebanon. And it's most likely Iranian pressure preventing them from responding. Due to threats to Iran if it doesn't use on its influence on Hezbollah to not respond to Israel's all out war on Lebanon...
That’s ridiculous. It was a tactical miscalculation from Hezbollah. If not, they would have attacked Israel even if Iran pressure them not to.
That’s ridiculous. It was a tactical miscalculation from Hezbollah. If not, they would have attacked Israel even if Iran pressure them not to.
No it was the inaction of Iran to the killing of Hamas leader ismail that led to all this. Israel senses weakness and strike. Simple as that and they are right. They know Iran doesn't want the smoke so they keep on provoking.
Israel has proven itself to be the top dawg in the region. Everyone just keeps talking and barking while Israelis continue to massacre hundred of civilians on a daily basis. Eventually there will be no one else left to oppose them.

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