Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

The Jews returned to their home after 2,000 years - and not all willingly, either. You're aware that just a year before Israel's independence that Pakistan and India started a massive exchange of populations and properties? By contrast, Jews were tossed out of Arab countries with nothing but clothes on their backs while the Palestinian Arabs who revolted against Israeli rule and departed gained little in exchange, not even citizenship from their fellows, primarily support to maintain the anti-Jewish hatred for themselves and their descendants.

The crusaders could go home. In the end their rulers valued access to their holy sites more than conquest. By contrast, Israelis are home.

USA is the true home of Native American people.

I guess you support the right of indians to conquere Manhattan and some USA big cities by the brute force. It's their right, in your world vision.

Can you tell me after some small fights in small area of Khyber/Hijaz and before 1948 when was Muslims and Jews fight head-on? It's always Christian who fight and defeat Jews and kill them in numbers. Infact in Muslim end of time prophecies It's Jesus who kill Dajjal (Jews Mesiha). It's Jews who took land in 1948.

Not many understand this.
No, the only way to defeat them is by land invasion. That's what Hamas did with Al-Aqsa flood. If Hezbollah was planning similar tactics for the last 20 years instead of playing defence they would not be in this situation. Land invasion removes Turkey, Egypt, US, anyone else from the equation because the battle will be in areas stuffed with zionists if they want to do indiscriminate bombing there, they are more than welcome.
They would have been bombarded with air superiority before they reached anywhere meaningful.
They would have been bombarded with air superiority before they reached anywhere meaningful.
the battle will be in areas stuffed with zionists if they want to do indiscriminate bombing there, they are more than welcome.
They would have been bombarded with air superiority before they reached anywhere meaningful.

Hezbollah has/had 2 trump cards:

1. Its rocket, missile and drone arsenal which it seems to not be using effectively.

2. 10s of thousands of fighters dug into the hills and forest of Southern Lebanon with ATGMs and heavy mortars.
If Hezbollah is going to use ballistic missiles then they need to send them in the dozens and at strategic economic targets.

What they are doing now with single missiles achieves nothing really.
I don't think they have. Either capabilities were degraded or there is communication/logistics issue. Or Hezbollah believes Israel has a long term agenda in Lebanon and is conserving resources.

Another thing, Shia community in Lebanon is in disarray after their areas have been heavily targeted and up to 1 million Lebanese displaced already. Some people that may have fled to Syria/Iraq could be Hezbollah members/commanders that fled their duty. It happens everywhere when such massive bombardment occurs on a country.

Israel put them in shock because they weren't in war footing/battle formation. Whereas Hamas was at all times and most certainly was on October 7, despite not being able to stop the wholesale destruction of Gaza.
They would have been bombarded with air superiority before they reached anywhere meaningful.

Hamas succeeded with limited resources and proved it is possible. The benefits of a guerilla force is they don't all have to be gathered in one place to avoid being destroyed by large scale weapons.
Israel did ground invasion of Gaza on October 27, 20 days after hostilities broke out. As they were on defensive and making arrangements for multiple fronts and US needed time to deploy tons of resources for them.

With Lebanon, they are prepared to start imminently because they were given time and flexibility to over-prepare.
Hamas succeeded with limited resources and proved it is possible. The benefits of a guerilla force is they don't all have to be gathered in one place to avoid being destroyed by large scale weapons.
The point of the flood, was to have Hamas go in from the South, Hezbollah from North, and some party form east (from Syria and West Bank ), to potentially rile up other parties in region to help with supply reinforcements while all parties pushed Israelis towards center and far south of country. US would intervene but would struggle badly in such a intervention. People of region weren't ready for a big war with high casualties.

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