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Damn. You are younger than my middle born.
Well, we were there till the mid 60s.
Damn, do you know the place in Lahore by chance where Parsis lived? Sad they don't now, would be good for the diversity, all shit throwing on each other aside
This is not about Parsis. We are a small sub group. An elite sub group. With an ancestral duty.

Which is to pass the flame and the rivayats and the ancient texts and knowledge over when our people are eady for it again.

Till then we continue to strengthen the land and people who sheltered us and took us in. And work with them in making us stronger.

We have no illusions about Muslims and what they would do to us were they in power.

How many Parsis left in Pakistan, from what was once a thriving community in Muree, Karachi, Lahore?

You dodged the question deftly, let's put to one side parsis, blood and reclaiming past glory, don't think I can compartmentalise having interacted with you😂

Tbh, I am not interested in parsis especially, I have no reason to be, only to the extent I interact with you, or you insist on attention

And...since I have interacted with you I have become a tad curious on your minority perspective and mindset, I am not sure if it's constructive or destructive for your community goals, that's the more interesting bit, you seem to be fighting the wrong battle, but you must know this! Not for me to work out anyway, all the best doc 🎩
Bottom line, numbers mean nothing with resources and technology today.

The Muslims are so backward in technology that they will always be dependent on the Christians or the Chinese. Or the Hindus in future.

Their resources will be tapped and controlled.

Their numbers will count for little as the western nations start pushing back on immigration and refugees and cultural tolerance and assimilation.

In the end Muslims will be forced to move back to Muslim lands if they want to live openly as Muslims with a Muslim way of life.

Or they will need to shed and temper it to fit in elsewhere.

This is already happening and therein lies the sheer irrelevance of your numbers.
Damn, do you know the place in Lahore by chance where Parsis lived? Sad they don't now, would be good for the diversity, all shit throwing on each other aside

No idea. My dad has passed away too. Maybe I could ask his sister.
No idea. My dad has passed away too. Maybe I could ask his sister.
Yes sure, I would love to see the place in Lahore where Parsis lived. Good to know the history of my city 👍
Yes sure, I would love to see the place in Lahore where Parsis lived. Good to know the history of my city 👍

I have two younger aunts too. Will ask them as well. We are a big clan. One of the 4 most powerful, descended from one of the 4 High Priests who came to India originally , from whom all Indian Parsi Athrvans (Magii priesthood) are descended.
I have two younger aunts too. Will ask them as well. We are a big clan. One of the 4 most powerful, descended from one of the 4 High Priests who came to India originally , from whom all Indian Parsi Athrvans (Magii priesthood) are descended.
Doc, I love reading history, will you be kind enough to suggest me some works on Zoros?
I have spent most of my 22 years of life in Lahore, never heard of Parsis here. Only about Karachi

Look into the future, you don't want the older version of you to be having a civilisational cosplay beef in cyber space. I don't think it ends happily.
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